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  1. #1
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    Brawler news article


    Hopefully all the info in this video is rubbish.

    Excited for any new classes added to lotro, but not some unarmed fist throwing character.

    Ranger, another light class or any of the player ideas mentioned over the year would of been better.

    At least arm the brawler class if it has to be implemented, can still have lots of quick shots and strikes. Something like the warden but can build Fev/mettle like a champ.

  2. #2
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    The video is referencing things that were leaked right here on the forums. It seems that brawler is in fact going to be a class that specializes in hand-to-hand combat, with the skills suggesting a dps role and a tank role (RIP guardians). Someone also leaked the brawler's main weapon type, which is apparently gauntlets (a new weapon type). I can only hope that they will still work on balancing the tank classes, but I fear I may be overly optimistic here.
    Mydiel 140 LM
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  3. #3
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    On the bright side, if they figured how to make gauntlets into weapons, maybe they will be able to do the same with Guardian shields...
    What can men do against such reckless hate?

    Troll slayer of Meneldor.

  4. #4
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    If this is accurate, it's just one more step along the path of turning LOTRO into a generic fantasy MMO.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by DebbieBrown View Post
    On the bright side, if they figured how to make gauntlets into weapons, maybe they will be able to do the same with Guardian shields...
    We have shield spikes and shield attacks already. Shield-swipe and bash is one of my favorite combos in the game.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by cbfan14 View Post
    The video is referencing things that were leaked right here on the forums. It seems that brawler is in fact going to be a class that specializes in hand-to-hand combat, with the skills suggesting a dps role and a tank role (RIP guardians). Someone also leaked the brawler's main weapon type, which is apparently gauntlets (a new weapon type). I can only hope that they will still work on balancing the tank classes, but I fear I may be overly optimistic here.
    I do want to confirm that this information on the skills has been on the forums and a few other places for a couple weeks at least (this thread for example - https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...e-eye-of-tanks). The original source of the "infographic" is what is unknown to me as I was sent it without a direct source and seen in a couple Discord servers with no signature or anyone claiming it their own work. In the referenced video, I missed the weapon confirmation (although one of the skills mentioned gauntlets which gave that hint), but here is a source for that - https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...82#post8062682.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by cbfan14 View Post
    The video is referencing things that were leaked right here on the forums. It seems that brawler is in fact going to be a class that specializes in hand-to-hand combat, with the skills suggesting a dps role and a tank role (RIP guardians). Someone also leaked the brawler's main weapon type, which is apparently gauntlets (a new weapon type). I can only hope that they will still work on balancing the tank classes, but I fear I may be overly optimistic here.
    I would actually be mad if this is the case. Can you image someone fighting a Troll with his bare hands? Even against an orc with a weapon would just be ridiculous. What the hell are they thinking? Lord of the Rings is not some Asian mmo where realism doesn't matter. I was worried when I heard the name of the class, but I didn't think they'd actually go through with this. Can someone remind a dev what IP they're working with? Please tell me the class doesn't use just his gauntlets.... I can hear the Rocky music playing already...
    "The leaves were long, the grass was green, The hemlock-umbels tall and fair, And in the glade a light was seen Of stars in shadow shimmering.
    Tinuviel was dancing there To music of a pipe unseen, And light of stars was in her hair, And in her raiment glimmering. [...]" ~ J.R.R. Tolkien

  8. #8
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    While I am not a lore nut, punching a balrog to death feels intuitively worse than the rune keeper class. The game needs better balancing of current classes rather than adding extra extra classes which have no business being in middle earth. I get that new classes are good revenue generators, but I bet adding something like a dedicated crafting class would generate far more sales for far less dev effort and would probably sit better with most players.. Seriously, is a boxer class the absolute best the dev team could come up with? Did someone just throw it out as an idea and you all just nodded and went with it?

  9. #9
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    I think it sounds great, and I can't wait to play it.

    I wish Guardian could be updated first, but I was hoping for a new class soon anyway, and I enjoy unarmed combat in RPGs.

  10. #10
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    Frankly, it's both interesting but simultaneously "uhhh...kkkk?".

    The gauntlet itself I can buy, aesthetically that looks like it'll be interesting especially if they add some extra mechanics for its LI, but I'm seriously hoping it has an off-handed weapon at least, like its main-hand is thr gauntlet but in its other hand it has a weapon and its skills are a mix of close quarters and knife wielding cause as much as I want new classes added into the game (one of the few guaranteed ways to generate hype these days) I cannot for the life of me imagine a gauntlet user in middle-earth ????

    But. Assuming they can make it work, and its fun, then it doesn't feel too out of place, (rks kinda crossed the border already for me there) then I guess it'd be a fun class. Though the whole its an Asian MMO thing sounds a bit racist, it honestly wouldn't have been my first thought for a new class but then again we have LMs, RKs, and hunters able to go toe to toe with monsters twice or three times their size who by their sheer weight alone should kill us, so its not the most unrealistic thing, only if done right.

  11. #11
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    I'm pretty sure that gauntlets will be a two-handed weapon, similar to rocks of Rune Keeper. I also believe that the clas is inspired by Tulkas no doubt.

    As for "have no place in Middle Earth", while I agree that a DnD monk-like warrior is hardly appropriate here, unarmed combat is a part of any combat/warfare in any culture, West or East alike, especially when it comes to non-formation fighting. But in reality unarmed combat is only an addition to weapon combat, they work together. A pure DnD Monk has never existed in real live, bare hands is the last resort, not the main style.

    As for Tolkien himself, he was rarely concerned with complex execution of combat, his style and stories are more of Beowulf, where battles and feats are recounted, but the details of their execution are mostly elided.

    So, overall I'm sort of against the class-style in general, but I can live with it if a good lore reason is introduced. Like, there is only one Beorning, only one High elf, only one Stout axe lore wise in the story, as well as the only one hero who helps the company and so on, by the way. People tend to forget about it.

  12. #12
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    We will have a lot more to say about the brawler in the future, and that should help provide context into how the class fits into the world organically. While this is all leaked info from datamining, it is nice to see some of the mechanics start to get out there. HOWEVER: Please note that ALL OF THIS is very very much a work in progress, so virtually all numbers, text, and mechanics are in some stage of not-ready.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    We will have a lot more to say about the brawler in the future, and that should help provide context into how the class fits into the world organically.
    I think most people understand that the data found now may or may not be the final setup of the Brawler, and that many things can change....

    But what we should be allowed to know is this: How does the class indeed fit within the lore, what is is based on, etc..... perhaps however this is more a MadeOfLions question.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arabani View Post
    I'm pretty sure that gauntlets will be a two-handed weapon, similar to rocks of Rune Keeper.
    You are aware that a gauntlet is a type of glove, are you?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by maartena View Post
    But what we should be allowed to know is this: How does the class indeed fit within the lore...
    Easily, as it turns out.

    "When the council was over, Helm stood up and laid his great hand on Freca's shoulder, saying: "The king does not permit brawls in his house, but men are freer outside..." - Appendix A, _The Return of the King_

    "With that he smote Freca such a blow with his fist that he fell back stunned, and died soon after." - Appendix A, _The Return of the King_

    And that's without getting into the wrestling tricks that Pippin discusses with Bergil before the Siege of Minas Tirith!


  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    Easily, as it turns out.

    "When the council was over, Helm stood up and laid his great hand on Freca's shoulder, saying: "The king does not permit brawls in his house, but men are freer outside..." - Appendix A, _The Return of the King_

    "With that he smote Freca such a blow with his fist that he fell back stunned, and died soon after." - Appendix A, _The Return of the King_

    And that's without getting into the wrestling tricks that Pippin discusses with Bergil before the Siege of Minas Tirith!

    The lore part was a pretty fair guess a while ago and I like MoL's explanation

    I stuggle to see where the class will fit in terms of a gap needing filling. I don't see a "Fists of Fury" style class being heavy armour, so we are now looking at a light armoured tank prospect, or if its Medium then we have a medium armour tank/dps which seems to tread on some exisitng toes.
    Mithithil Ithryndi

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Cool! Now that we will have Pandaren monks (looking like mutant ninja turtles) coming can we have flying mounts, underwater zones, and motorcycles?

    I actually look forward to the new class mechanics and hope it is not as bad as warden (RIP killed by lag) was.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    Easily, as it turns out.

    "When the council was over, Helm stood up and laid his great hand on Freca's shoulder, saying: "The king does not permit brawls in his house, but men are freer outside..." - Appendix A, _The Return of the King_

    "With that he smote Freca such a blow with his fist that he fell back stunned, and died soon after." - Appendix A, _The Return of the King_

    And that's without getting into the wrestling tricks that Pippin discusses with Bergil before the Siege of Minas Tirith!

    It was always going to be Helm, of course. Classes generally aren't based on the high powers (plus Tulkas probably isn't covered by the license ).

    Though it is probably worth noting that the Hammerhand's brawling ways did not mean always going to battle with the Dunlending armies empty-handed, thus a Brawler tank makes little sense logically or thematically.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Starstorm01 View Post

    Hopefully all the info in this video is rubbish.

    Excited for any new classes added to lotro, but not some unarmed fist throwing character.

    Ranger, another light class or any of the player ideas mentioned over the year would of been better.

    At least arm the brawler class if it has to be implemented, can still have lots of quick shots and strikes. Something like the warden but can build Fev/mettle like a champ.
    Install their other game /dungeons and dragons/ and check monk class. Or just check class video on youtube. Expect copy/paste.
    You welcome.

  20. #20
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    I think during the producer's Stream some months ago, it was hinted that the inspiration was taken from 'A certain Vala.' I highly suspect that this is Tulkas. We also have Helm Hammerhand. Surely there are others in Middle Earth who express physical strength with their fists and who could snap off an orc's arm or leg or even 'gently' remove the head with a simple twist. As graphical as it may be.

    I still recall how in a certain movie, a certain dwarf headbutts dozens of orcs ( Surely not a serious thing to ponder about, but who is to say that it cannot be done? ).

    Beorn was only one and his following kin were rather few and far in between, yet we have probably thousands of Beorning players running around Middle Earth and throwing Honey for healing purposes.

    This is just a video game and I cannot understand why some reactions are so negative, as if the end of the world will be brought upon us, when the lore is not 101% followed, if we ever see a bunch of folks punching at some bears and orcs ( someone mentioned balrogs, but there are no other named balrogs in LotR, so everything we encounter is purely fictional and game-related anyways ).

    If people are so upset about combat and class inconsistencies, should we also remove Females from the game? As apart of those few named in the books, women in Tolkien's works 'typically' stood safely in shelters while their men and teenage boys fought. Yet we have women left and right swinging swords and throwing lightnings at Shelob and who knows what other Ancient Evils in Middle Earth. If policing the lore is so important, surely those who practice it refrain from doing Raids in the game, dungeons, Epic Story? As there are no 'unnamed' heroes, ever written by mister Tolkien, who fight a balrog in a place called Rift, or face Shelob apart from Frodo and Sam, or overtake Dol Guldur with a bunch of bears, dwarves and minsterls?

    I would definitely not be playing the class, as it is not a combat style I find interesting in the slightest, but I see no harm to anyone's life or wellbeing if its added to the game. So this gloom and doom talk is beyond me and feels awfully nitpicky.
    Last edited by DiannaHimi; Apr 06 2021 at 02:45 PM.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    Easily, as it turns out.

    "When the council was over, Helm stood up and laid his great hand on Freca's shoulder, saying: "The king does not permit brawls in his house, but men are freer outside..." - Appendix A, _The Return of the King_

    "With that he smote Freca such a blow with his fist that he fell back stunned, and died soon after." - Appendix A, _The Return of the King_

    And that's without getting into the wrestling tricks that Pippin discusses with Bergil before the Siege of Minas Tirith!

    Oh come on man. Tell me who was boxing at the battle of the black gate.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeRaginAsian View Post
    It was always going to be Helm, of course. Classes generally aren't based on the high powers (plus Tulkas probably isn't covered by the license ).

    Though it is probably worth noting that the Hammerhand's brawling ways did not mean always going to battle with the Dunlending armies empty-handed, thus a Brawler tank makes little sense logically or thematically.
    Besides, there'd be a bit of a difference between fighting Dunlendings (most of whom didn't wear armour as they couldn't afford it) and, say, heavily-armed Uruks. Or Trolls. The Dunlendings were an unprepossessing bunch (shorter than the Rohirrim) and so you might imagine Helm would have found them very punchable, but that doesn't make the prospect of randos running around all over Middle-earth punching everything any less mad. Not to mention that absolutely nobody ever went around punching people from horseback. There wouldn't be much room in a shield-wall for some nutter who only wanted to punch people, either...

    Also, if it comes to fighting fire-drakes then I don't know about gauntlets, a pair of oven mitts might be more the thing

  23. #23
    istvana is offline Legendary forums 1st poster
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    Oh come on man. Tell me who was boxing at the battle of the black gate.))

    Aragorn was multi-boxing like you wouldn't believe - its the only way to explain why the hordes of enemies didn't win even after Sauron went bye-bye.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Radhruin_EU View Post
    Besides, there'd be a bit of a difference between fighting Dunlendings (most of whom didn't wear armour as they couldn't afford it) and, say, heavily-armed Uruks. Or Trolls. The Dunlendings were an unprepossessing bunch (shorter than the Rohirrim) and so you might imagine Helm would have found them very punchable, but that doesn't make the prospect of randos running around all over Middle-earth punching everything any less mad. Not to mention that absolutely nobody ever went around punching people from horseback. There wouldn't be much room in a shield-wall for some nutter who only wanted to punch people, either...

    Also, if it comes to fighting fire-drakes then I don't know about gauntlets, a pair of oven mitts might be more the thing
    That's funny about the oven mitts. They should play the music from Mike Tysons Punch Out with the punching synth noises during battle sequences.

  25. Apr 06 2021, 04:19 PM

  26. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by SingularityNow View Post
    Oh come on man. Tell me who was boxing at the battle of the black gate.
    Legolas punched the bejeezus out of a Rohan Grima-Ally right before Theodan was woken from his haze. With his bare hand I might add.

    The Black-Arrow Uruk and Aragorn both punched each other a few times during their duel after Boromir's last stand.

    Gauntlets can have serrated blades, spikes, etc. attached to them easily to increase lethality.

    If an Eleven rope can be enchanted enough to burn Gollum's neck, a gauntlet can easily be enchanted enough to burn opponents.

    If a tiny little Hobbit knife can pierce the skin of a Troll, a gauntlet with claws on it can slash a Troll up just the same.

    There are plenty of ways this can be rationalized.

    Quote Originally Posted by Radhruin_EU View Post
    There wouldn't be much room in a shield-wall for some nutter who only wanted to punch people, either...

    That's some pretty poor logic right there. There isn't much room for an Archer, a Bannerman, a Runner, a Little Drummer Boy, or a Horse-Rider in the Shield Wall either, but those are still brought into battle. A warriors' utility isn't all of a sudden null if they don't "fit in a shield wall" Lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Radhruin_EU View Post
    Also, if it comes to fighting fire-drakes then I don't know about gauntlets, a pair of oven mitts might be more the thing

    I mean, a fist fighter would be pretty stupid to try fighting a fire-drake outside of the range of its arms. If the fist-fighter can somehow mount that drake and start slashing the frick out of the fire-drake's neck with his bear-claw guantlets, some damage could be done.
    Last edited by mcflyvii; Apr 06 2021 at 04:42 PM.


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