Hi there so how is the server holding up? Lots of activities and raids old and new and active PvP?
I am in the waiting game to transfer there and hope it will be the right decision.
If you love discussing politics in WC, raiding with salty grown ups or edgy kids and shuffling in the Ettenmoors then Arkenstone is the server for you.
If you love discussing politics in WC, raiding with salty grown ups or edgy kids and shuffling in the Ettenmoors then Arkenstone is the server for you.
umm umm heard there was lots of nice people too....
WOW! I don't like Arkenstone, but I wouldn't equate the people there with, well, having anything to do or even being closely related to the person you named.
"I never feed trolls and I don't read spam" - Weird Al Yankovic
The nice folks on Arky don't participate in world chat antics - they keep to their kinship chats. And raid with people they know, not pugs. So if you transfer there, you may need to spend some time finding a kinship that suits your play and social style. Hope you find a good home!
WOW! I don't like Arkenstone, but I wouldn't equate the people there with, well, having anything to do or even being closely related to the person you named.
completely missed the point while attempting to deny history