200 centiliters of water each day. That way, you can make it both there and back again.
200 centiliters of water each day. That way, you can make it both there and back again.
Definitely NOT "200 Musicians" in a Band... That would cause a serious traffic jam at the Pony! =(
"One thing drives out another." [Barliman Butterbur]
Miss Lotro Wiki says we need to receive exactly 200 /laugh emotes to complete a hidden deed and get /juggle. I cannot say for sure, maybe she's laughing at me.
Barlimans best \o/
200 alts spread across all the worlds.
1/200th of the one ring
200 bottles of beer on the wall,
200 bottles of beer . . .
Someone needs exactly 200 of festival horses (goats, elks, etc.) I only have about 70 for now.
200 y/o as a milesone in our life. It sucks to think that when we reach the 90's, we'll have to stop playing the game, once... maybe we'll be dead :-)
200 loot box keys (Black steel keys)!
Umm, ...LP's, Mithril, in-game Gold, Keys (pleeze?), ...maybe Lottery tickets?
I'll tell you what! If you can give us 200 more years of Scavenger Hunts, Anniversaries, Awesome LOTRO, which is why we are all HERE (regardless of complainers), then I will be thoroughly Satisfied.
.../Lights-off-Fireworks.... \0/ .../cheer!
"What does someone need exactly 200 of?"
Years old as a Dwarf to start adventuring on your own... otherwise you are considered to be still too young!
200? maybe 2000... LP - ok
but 200..? maybe... days of Anniversary Event