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First, my background: I've been playing Captain since pre-release, it has always been my main character and the one I use for all endgame content. I played all through Rohan after which I took a lengthy break from the game. I had the good fortune to be able to be a part of the big class redesign of the Captain through the Palantir program back in the day, some of my ideas even made it into the game and are still there. I say this only in the hopes my words carry some more weight and are not dismissed out of hand. Captain has always been my true love in this game and this will not change.
That being said, it is hard to argue that Captains are not in a very good spot compared to other classes, particularly Guardians. Some balancing is definitely needed. So I have tried to be as objective as possible with my following remarks.
I cannot agree with this premise, skills like last stand have been in the game since day one and have received several nerfs along the way already. Last stand is the only truly "invulnerable" state in the game. But if last stand in the past did not make the Captain irreplaceable, then why would it now? What has made the Captain irreplaceable is the combanition of high morale, group buffs and good defensive skills, along with decent aggro generation.
The fact alone that a Captain can get roughly 200k to 300k more morale than a Guardian sets it appart.
One must also assume that since skill like LS and SotD have been in the game for so long, the current high challenge content has been designed with these skills in mind.
What I am trying to say is that there is no intrinsic difference between the Captains "invulnerability" now or 5 years ago, or even 8 years ago and that the problem with the Captain's current dominance lies elsewhere.
As a Captain I used to be able to make my entire group invulnerable for up to 20 or 30 seconds with the combination of Last Stand and In harms Way. This however did not all of a sudden make me a viable main tank, since I lacked the morale and the aggro generation to fullfil that role.
Bring the Guardian more in line with the Captain just in terms of morale and you will find that the Captain all of a sudden far more replaceable as Tank, even with all its "invulnerability".
(I also want to point out, it takes no small amount of skill and knowledge of the endgame content to use all this "invulnerability" apropriatly, a clear sign that the content was designed around such skills)
I think this is fine, quite a heavy nerf (more than 50% reduction of the buff is a heavy nerf in my book) but considering the current huge morale pools a Captain can get, I think this is ok.
So I have 2 major problems with this nerf.
1. This is a double nerf, if SotD is not self-targetable, then why reduce it's duration? Is a 20s shield (that does not prevent death) on another member of the group truly that overpowered? Guardians have shieldwall which makes one person invulnerable till the Guardian dies. Compared to that, 20s duration on SotD is trivial.
2. If this skill cannot be used on self...it is not a tanking skill. It is a healing skill as it will allow you to keep someone up while your heal over time effects to their thing. it will have some marginal use in smaller group content but for raiding it will be a waste of points in most situations. If you insist on bringing back this skill to it's originasl function, then please integrate it into the blue line, as it's original function was to help the captain keep the group alive in his role of support class, not as a main tank.
Again, a double nerf, either reduce the duration bonus or the proc reduction. Otherwise you risk overshooting your goal and making this trait useless compared to others. If your goal is to reduce the potency of certain skills without reducing the viability of the traitline they are in a measured approach is advisable.
Yes, it is a 100% uptime "debuff" with no action time cost. but it is a 100% uptime debuff with no action time cost that has been around for ages. Content has been designed with Telling mark in mind. This is not a 5% nerf to Captain damage, this is a 5% nerf to ALL damage, from every player in the group. You cannot have any idea how this will effect the current endgame content. As most fights include some kind of DPS race or DPS check these days the impact will be huge.
If you do this you need to rebalance every raid at endgame, especially on the higher tiers.
I mean, great...but if this is supposed to be some kind of compensation for the above nerfs...what you are doing is reducing the need for more than one Captain per raid. I'm not saying it removes the need for more than one Captain completely, but it does reduce it.
Why is this bad? Well this brings me to my final point.
Due to the Captains prominent role in the current Meta, a lot of players have invested time and effort into leveling and maxing out their Captains. If the changes to the class are too heavy handed there is a real risk of draining away some of the playerbase permanently. Covid has created a happy revival for this game but it will not last forever. In light of this, I do think some of the above changes are not being given the consideration they deserve. You run the risk of alianating a sizeble portion of your playerbase without actually adressing the underlying real issues.
Particularly I find the proposed changes to Shield of the Dunadain and Telling Mark over the top, as I have explained.
Overall, I find it dissapointing that it has been decided that the Captain is "too good" instead of making the determination that the Guardian is just not good enough, currently. It would seem to me that there should be room for 2 classes to be main tank in this game. Making the Captain less powerful or less "necessary" will not get more people to play the game. It will make some people go back to other classes and it will make others quit.
Bringing other classes up to the level of the Captain, with 3 viable traitlines and plenty of room for customisation and experimentation would, on the other hand, enhance the gameplay experience for alot of players and ensure a healthy playerbase.
Or at least, that's how I feel about it.
I hope you have found my feedback worthwhile and I thank you for your time.