My favorite part of the update is the new Ithilgalad crafting recipes for crafting components.
My favorite part of the update is the new Ithilgalad crafting recipes for crafting components.
I am looking forward to taking a break from break-taking.
I am looking forward to being the right level to find something to look forward to.
Finishing Wildwood, turning my Festival tokens from last year, an doing the Festival.
Landroval Yewlin level 140 hunter (7/11/2022), Gwenyan 115, Yewdalin 103. And Many Others
Thoughts of Blessings for Each of You. Ask God to help you.
Signup Date 3/31/2009
The new rank of the Virtues! ;-)
I'm looking forward to finding a good place to role-play.
That the Community stays.
All the epic dwarf story/strongholds ) BARUK KHAZAD, KHAZAD AI MENU O7
kicking the balrogs tushie all over the place
more housing!
the quest line seems cool
the balrog fight
was looking forward to the housing change. Festival is my second.
the return the the dimrill dale looks cool
trigger essences
I'm still exploring the Shire. Ya never know when another wall will pop up... maybee rite on top of your lunch.
Exploring the parts of middle earths history
Reaching the right level first.
Let's think........... hmmm...... it's to far