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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Shadowfax is supposed to be faster leveling than the other servers???

    How do you level any quicker than any other server??? Take advantage of the "benefits" of this server?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by John0745 View Post
    How do you level any quicker than any other server??? Take advantage of the "benefits" of this server?
    If a Player is VIP and joins the Server you will get Extra XP Gain which if a Player has other items which increase XP Gain will make this process go even faster. Shadowfax is also about the Landscape Difficulty Settings which allows a Player to play against harder Content on the Landscape of their choice (this does NOT apply to Instances). This also has some deeds tied to them so reading up and understanding how such works is good to do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    From the article describing Shadowfax and Treebeard:

    "Speed through Middle-earth on the Shadowfax server:

    Get +50% XP, Legendary Item XP, and Mount XP along with +20% Virtue XP!
    Unlocks more quickly than normal, about every two months."



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