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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    The legendary changes questions thread


    So being someone who has subscribed last month after a multi year hiatus (having subscribed for a decade before) over your lies about EU servers and being the kind of person you are supposed to be drawing back to the game alongside those who have been here through thick and thin and need to keep as they have kept you afloat over the decades.....

    Now you are replacing the near endless grind for imbued legendary (keep the same weapon without never having to replace it again) with a new one to suit the only payment method you envision to keep the game financially afloat, having lost the quality less repetitive system long ago back in post Moria.... (pause rant)

    A couple of direct questions any rational person would like to ask:

    You have said that scrolls and star-lits will be tradable for new grind avoiding stuff.. ok

    1. What about legendary symbols - yes or no?

    2. Are relics going? if so should we convert the to shards, or will they also be useless - yes or no?

    3. All the other legendary stuff eg damage type, tablets and rusty tools etc?

    4. Should be dismantle all the old legendries as converting anything under developed would now be useless?

    5. Will crystals of remembrance be converted or should we use them on existing legendries now to save 100 million hours of grind for something else?

    6. since you are capping the amount of these stats (ancient bananas or whatever), should we save these convertable items in the vault and only log characters after converting or keep in the vault (its like the stone conversion to commendations in pvp all over again).

    7. when you equate a conversion are the number of scrolls applied taken into account or just the xp of each legacy, so an 83 legacy that had only been levelled to 70 would lose 13 empowerment scrolls worth? for example)

    I get that you have to tweek the game and need new mechanics to fix the broken exponential power curve you build (like actual dnd when people reach level 20 the game becomes pointless and you have to start over) but given some people have spent years of their life investing in this grind some clarity would be good.

    For me its like should i return more to the game or just be another ghost in the machine.

    The more you actually tell us the better in advance so the game economy can survive.

    Oh on the subject of economy since inflation is like 10,000 per cent since release, I have heard that the new system is a gold sink, if true this is good on the one hand to curb inflation, but bad for the casual folks as they rely on buying all this tat on the ah as they have lives outside of the game to manage alongside.

    Yours Respectfully
    Last edited by Oldwiley; Sep 30 2021 at 06:43 PM.
    "Romper: You have the power to make EM less boring for yourself and everyone else. "
    "Look for your lore. But do not trust to lore, it has forsaken these lands." - Eolore prince of Lorehan

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Not sure how you can end that "respectfully" as that's the only part that is respectful but moving on, have you bothered to read the article on the new LIs

    That answers many of your questions and if it doesn't answer all of them, look on the bullroarer forum, the answers are there.
    Evernight - Walred (Champ), Walmur (RK), Walbert-2 (Cappy)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Part of the reason we have not been able to provide you with specific details on which ingredients will be able to be converted into various new Legendary Item materials and how much you will receive is that the work has not yet been done, as this part of the conversion will not release with Update 30.3. Once we are in a position to provide more information for a future update we will. In the meantime, if you feel you can benefit from using them prior to the release of Update 30.3, it is generally better to use those ingredients for their intended purpose rather than wait to see what you will get under the new system. We also wouldn't encourage people to rush to stockpile ingredients. That said, if you have stuff, keep it, there is no need to rush to get rid of it. If you find after further work is done to provide opportunity to convert some of those ingredients that you wish to get rid of them, do so then.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Part of the reason we have not been able to provide you with specific details on which ingredients will be able to be converted into various new Legendary Item materials and how much you will receive is that the work has not yet been done, as this part of the conversion will not release with Update 30.3. Once we are in a position to provide more information for a future update we will. In the meantime, if you feel you can benefit from using them prior to the release of Update 30.3, it is generally better to use those ingredients for their intended purpose rather than wait to see what you will get under the new system. We also wouldn't encourage people to rush to stockpile ingredients. That said, if you have stuff, keep it, there is no need to rush to get rid of it. If you find after further work is done to provide opportunity to convert some of those ingredients that you wish to get rid of them, do so then.
    Thank you Kindly for you response
    "Romper: You have the power to make EM less boring for yourself and everyone else. "
    "Look for your lore. But do not trust to lore, it has forsaken these lands." - Eolore prince of Lorehan

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    I understand all this is under development and subject to change, but people have the right to plan ahead. As for now, reforge option is gone from BR, so, the old system will instantly get partly unusable. So, we won't be able to use the old system in many ways, I guess the bartering for scrolls (and crystals? There's a festival on the way) will be gone along with forge-masters. The video with mass-converting level 10 LIs was a good example of it, people try every possibility just because it's not outlined what we can do and what we can't.

    If it won't be in 30.3, it leaves us no window for planning.

    + will there be motes/embers barter option for the new ingredients? There's literally nothing else to spend motes on (except figments, which I don't need, and LoE gear for Mordor).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Part of the reason we have not been able to provide you with specific details on which ingredients will be able to be converted into various new Legendary Item materials and how much you will receive is that the work has not yet been done, as this part of the conversion will not release with Update 30.3. Once we are in a position to provide more information for a future update we will. In the meantime, if you feel you can benefit from using them prior to the release of Update 30.3, it is generally better to use those ingredients for their intended purpose rather than wait to see what you will get under the new system. We also wouldn't encourage people to rush to stockpile ingredients. That said, if you have stuff, keep it, there is no need to rush to get rid of it. If you find after further work is done to provide opportunity to convert some of those ingredients that you wish to get rid of them, do so then.
    Thanks a lot for this answer.
    I beg You to inform all the questions above, especially about the use of old stuff in the new system before 30.3. I have a ton of runes or titles or attributes and also legendary weapons stored.
    Founder of the kinship "Beschützer des Lichtes" Server Belegaer Beschützer des Lichtes
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    If I understand this correctly, are they getting rid of first age, second age, ect and essentially making the first LI's you get good for 50-140 and the only thing you swap out is the traceries?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I completely disagree with releasing this update and only later figuring out what the conversions will be. That isn’t fair to the players. We need to be able to make informed decisions. By shutting down the old system first we won’t be able to make any decision at all.

    Imagine your bank saying they’ll convert your savings to some other currency but first they’ll prevent you from withdrawing before they decide what they’ll convert it to. You could end up with something useless.

    I am not against introducing the new system soon, but the old system should remain active place until all this is sorted out and documented.

    Essentially this means to continue to allow the reforging/imbuing of old LIs after update 30.3.

  9. #9
    istvana is offline Legendary forums 1st poster
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    A bit presumptious to say this is *the* legendary changes thread in lieu of the others that already exist. A bit insulting to say that any rational person would ask your questions so that anyone that doesn't is not merely wrong but irrational.

    I agree that it is ...less than ideal .... for us to have to go weeks and perhaps months doing content that gives choices of what to get as rewards without knowing if some of the rewards will be tradable but perhaps others will not be.

    Just one example - a common choice doing missions is to get three scrolls of empowerment or one star-lit crystal. Bad enough to have no idea what choice to make but what if star-lits can be traded in and scrolls cannot be. Or vice-versa.

    Or motes - for a 130 there isn't a lot to do with motes other than to get figments, scrolls or star-lits. Yet, as above, the scrolls may be valuable in a month or totally worthless. Ditto for the star-lits. Yet when the motes are capped we need to do something.

    Please SSG I am not asking for enough details to be able to precisely compute whether three scrolls are better or worse than one crystal under the conversion protocols that haven't been created yet. But can you at least say whether the various tier scrolls and crystals will or will not be tradable for new currency. Simply yes or no either in general or for each tier of scroll and crystal if that makes a difference.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I wish I knew what to do with the legacy tier upgrade scrolls and crystals etc. that I have saved up. The cash-out for them in the new system seems like it's really arbitrary so I feel like I'm stuck with throwing them on current LI's that I don't especially want to use them on and getting little in return and also risking missing out on a more beneficial conversion that will be provided at a future date.
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