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Thread: Login issues?

  1. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Let me know what kind of issues you are still experiencing, and what server you are on.
    Crickhollow: Was running Elderslade missions and got d/c'ed in a loading screen. Now I can not get into the game; Launcher loads (I did get the "teleport already updated screen a few times), I log on to Crick, get to the character selection screen, "Enter Middle Earth" and nothing...that is to say, a load screen with an inactive progress bar. The ring is animated, but I have to force quit. On my third try, perhaps that's the charm.

  2. #27
    istvana is offline Legendary forums 1st poster
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    Have other people also found the forums very slow especially today? If so it may be relevant information. If not it is just a coincidence and can be ignored.

  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by istvana View Post
    Have other people also found the forums very slow especially today? If so it may be relevant information. If not it is just a coincidence and can be ignored.
    Sorry, forgot to include that. Yes, very slow loading since yesterday.

  4. #29
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    Nov 2009
    Landroval. Having trouble with launcher, loading a character and then staying logged in. Yesterday and today. Tonight I haven't been able to stay in the game at all without getting booted.

    Yesterday, the launcher would hang while loading, and then when it finally connected, it would show all the worlds as closed. After a minute or so, all the worlds would suddenly show open again.

    Today, launcher seemed ok, but once in game everything froze after about 10 minutes followed by a "lost connection to server" message. When I tried to get back in, the servers all showed closed again, but then came back up after a minute or so. I was able to reach the character screen, but then the loading bar got stuck and the character never finished loading. It sat there for about 5 minutes and then lost connection again.

    Running 64 bit, windows 10.

  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by clogg2009 View Post
    I keep getting this error... connection to the server has been lost. i tried different servers Treebeard and Arkenstone, multiple characters, when mapping, going thru doors, on landscape. everything freezes and the game goes down with the same error message connection to the server has been lost. sometimes not even able to relog into that same toon after a game restart.
    This has been since the last 2-3 days. have not had this issue before that.
    please restart or fix whatever needs to be fixed.
    I has been odd today. Servertime 1250 i logged into treebeard, signed onto lvl 33 mini, after about 2 minutes i got the lockup/frozen screen and a server lost connection black screen. started up game again treebeard at 1256 signed into mini, never got signed in, got the lockup/frozen ring screen never even able to log into the mini server lost connection black screen. repeat again at 1:05pm same results. then at 1:10pm logged back into treebeard, signed in to Lvl 50 LM, no problem, ran helgrod all 4 wings, ran rift, no problems. about 3 hours of game time, in and out of instances/housing/bree, Etc. no issues.

    Its odd that im having issues on mid level 30 toons in regular landscape but not the lvl 50 toon. note that friday i did crash on my lvl 130 hunter on ark.
    Hope this helps.
    Brewstyr -- Arkenstone
    Larz -- Treebeard

  6. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by istvana View Post
    Have other people also found the forums very slow especially today? If so it may be relevant information. If not it is just a coincidence and can be ignored.
    Yes very much so. even having to reload/refresh the page to get this dialog box to open so i can make a reply post.
    Brewstyr -- Arkenstone
    Larz -- Treebeard

  7. #32
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    Jan 2007
    Crickhollow server.
    Losing connection and freezing in place.
    Has resulted in disconnect once.

    Edit/Update: Changed logon options by turning 32-bit legacy server OFF. 64-bit and regular 32-bit are ON
    Logon was much smoother but same character froze and timed out/disconneted at same location as previous freeze.
    Location: Erebor, Tumnu-Dum Dwelling Halls, 14.4N 135.7W

    Edit/Update: Same character is stuck in the same location and will not load. Game eventually times out and disconnects. Other characters on same server do not appear to have problems, so far.
    Last edited by Dunford; Oct 03 2021 at 08:59 PM.

  8. #33
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    Nov 2007
    What gives you the idea that the issues were resolved? I've been experiencing this the past week or more. Worst of all today, multiple freezing in place/crashing/can't log back in, can log back in but crashing on load screen.
    There may come a time for valor without renown, for those without swords may surely still die upon them.

  9. #34
    Join Date
    May 2013
    As of 04:25 EDT (0825 UTC) Oct 3, 2021, login issues are still occurring on Brandywine.
    Sometimes the loading will freeze during various stages in the launcher, pre-login / server choice.
    Sometimes the game itself will get stuck on Loading a character in with no bar progress. Eventually this will result in the black screen with the message, "The connexion to the server has been lost!"
    If lucky enough to get in-game, it's just a matter of time before a freeze and disconnect occur.


    Edit (Oct 3 04:28 EDT):
    To add this observed behavior:
    One character left Falathlorn homesteads for Bree to craft (before the original post). While riding from South Bree to the crafting hall, the character froze and eventually lost server connection.
    Multiple attempts to load this character again resulted in a hung loading screen.
    However, 3 other characters who were still in Falathlorn homesteads were able to load and carry out various actions within the homestead.
    As of 04:58 EDT, all attempts to reload the character in Bree result in game hanging on character load and eventually a lost connection.

    Edit (Oct 4 08:11 EDT):
    The same character leaving Falathlorn homesteads to Bree South, then riding north to the crafting hall, froze in exactly the same spot as yesterday: Right after passing under the arch just south of the crafting hall. (Not sure if a pattern of 2 is a pattern when debugging... perhaps will find out later if this persists)
    Last edited by AllanonHauke; Oct 04 2021 at 09:14 AM.

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by AllanonHauke View Post
    As of 04:25 EDT (0825 UTC) Oct 3, 2021, login issues are still occurring on Brandywine.
    Sometimes the loading will freeze during various stages in the launcher, pre-login / server choice.
    Sometimes the game itself will get stuck on Loading a character in with no bar progress. Eventually this will result in the black screen with the message, "The connexion to the server has been lost!"
    If lucky enough to get in-game, it's just a matter of time before a freeze and disconnect occur.


    To add this observed behavior:
    One character left Falathlorn homesteads for Bree to craft (before the original post). While riding from South Bree to the crafting hall, the character froze and eventually lost server connection.
    Multiple attempts to load this character again resulted in a hung loading screen.
    However, 3 other characters who were still in Falathlorn homesteads were able to load and carry out various actions within the homestead.
    As of 04:58 EDT, all attempts to reload the character in Bree result in game hanging on character load and eventually a lost connection.

    Getting the exact same problems described here in detail on Shadowfax for at least 3 days now, but for me it seems to start happening right after 8AM Eastern time. Also had it happen in Anor once or twice on Friday afternoon.

  11. #36
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    Jan 2007
    This has been happening to me since 2:00 PM Eastern on Brandywine.
    At first I was trying to do missions then would hang on the load screen for the mission. Lost connection message.
    Now it is happening on landscape. I logged in and it shows that Brandywine is down, has been showing that for 3 minutes.
    Right after I typed that it shows Brandywine up, but am still losing connection while trying to load the character into the landscape.
    I have had these issues since Friday morning around 6 AM Eastern.
    Alfwine - Guardian / Historian, Yaswe - Hunter / Woodsman,
    Amrodion - Champion / Armorer, Hilordo Brockhuse - Minstrel / Yeoman,
    Curuvanwe - Loremaster / Tinker - Baranduin
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  12. #37
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    it is completely unplayable on my crossover/mac. yesterday the game was fine. i don't know what you did when you added those agreements but you made the game completely unplayable for me. while i can log in on my laptop, the latency is so horrific, it is not worth the frustration of quitting the game every 3 minutes and trying to log back to perform a single action. if there is no improvement, i will not renew my crossover this year and simply stop playing.

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    No problem this weekend with log in, connection, etc.

  14. #39
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    Sep 2013
    I'm getting stuck on the loading screen on Evernight. Loading bar never progresses, the ring just keeps blinking. Happens with all characters 95% of the time, although once or twice i was actually able to connect and play a little. Also, I'm occasionally getting Sauron's eye on the launcher, and its randomly asserting that all the worlds are down. The forums are also extremely slow.

  15. #40
    istvana is offline Legendary forums 1st poster
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    "The forums are also extremely slow."

    So is a response from SSG. The greatest compliment I can pay to their recent efforts to be more responsive is that this actually has surprised me.

  16. #41
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Let me know what kind of issues you are still experiencing, and what server you are on.
    Random server drops when using any kind of transportation (hunter ports, swift travel mounts, entering/leaving instances).
    Login issues not finding the server on so cannot log in
    Log in OK but cannot connect to server when trying to log into my server (Ark)

    I was not having any issues when I was away last week, was on a local cable broadband. Once I got back home, issues started. I'm on (you guessed it) Verizon FIOS.
    No other online service issues.

    Before knowing about it may be a FIOS issue, I ensured drivers were up to date, all updated were loaded, flushed DNS resolver cashe (the usual)

    edit: I also have an issue where I couldn't log in, getting the message my password was incorrect, over and over. I typed my pw in notepad and copy pasted it in and got the same error.

    edit 2: Everything seems to be working correctly now. Little game stuttering here and there but nothing too bad.
    Last edited by DebbieBrown; Oct 05 2021 at 12:58 AM.
    What can men do against such reckless hate?

    Troll slayer of Meneldor.

  17. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Any news? The shutdowns are incessant, and I am frequently blocked at accessing the login server. Day four.

  18. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Same here, i have 4 toons stuck on infinite loading screens when trying to map or travel. been 8 hours still cant get in, creeps and freeps on 2 different servers. this happen yesterday aswell for half the day. i am fios aswell if that matters. This needs to be addressed and resolved people are paying for items and services's {vip etc..}that cant be accessed.

  19. #44
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    Still having intermittent issues on Gladden. Tried both 32 and 64 bit. Get a good hour of game play in but then I get D/Ced moving to housing or random instances, and then can't be back in for a good 10 minutes. Day 4 of issues...

  20. #45
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    On Landy yesterday, froze in place and lost connection 4 times. After the last time I couldn't get on the server at all. The last place I was, was trying to enter the Bree Craft Hall.
    Decided to try Crick. It was a little laggy, but I was able to play with no freezing or connection loss.

  21. #46
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    Has anyone seen anything from SSG showing they are aware of this or working on it?

    I've created a ticket and also a bug report. I figure tickets will at least create an event on key performance indicators that might get some attention. I'm sympathetic to needing time to address something, not so sympathetic to leaving everyone in the dark.

  22. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terebinth View Post
    Has anyone seen anything from SSG showing they are aware of this or working on it?

    I've created a ticket and also a bug report. I figure tickets will at least create an event on key performance indicators that might get some attention. I'm sympathetic to needing time to address something, not so sympathetic to leaving everyone in the dark.
    Cordovan did respond in this thread, indicating that they are aware of the issue and believe it may be tied to Verizon/FIOS infrastructure.


  23. #48
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    Apr 2021
    We're still looking at this, but can't seem to find anything that looks wrong on our end. We're escalating conversations further up the chain with our providers.

  24. #49
    istvana is offline Legendary forums 1st poster
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    Thank you for the update.

    "We're escalating conversations further up the chain with our providers."

    I am delighted to see this.

  25. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Been having the same problem since Friday. Also on Verizon FIOS. Oddly enough, my wife also plays - going through the same router - and hasn't had any issues (knock on wood).

    I did find a forum thread going back to 2015 that suggested it is a port issue. I followed the advice and seemed to have found my solution. If you open Documents\The Lord of the Rings Online\UserPreferences.ini (or UserPreferences64.ini for the 64-bit client) and go the the [Net] section, there is a setting called UserSpecifiedPort. This is set to 0 by default, which causes the game to use any port between 9000 and 9013.

    Whenever I have a lockup issue - usually when swift traveling or going through a door - I exit the game, change this setting to specify a number between 9000 and 9013, and reenter the game. While there might be an initial glitch - like the game reporting the server is down or it not being able to establish a connection - I am invariably able to get into the game again even on the same character.

    When playing the game, we are always switching from one server in their farm to another. A given "server"- like Brandywine or Landroval - is actually a bank of physical machines. When you go from one area to another - such as when you swift travel or go through doors or even cross a boundary like from Breeland to the North Downs - you are actually being switched over to a different physical server, whichever one is handling that region of the game currently. This is where they are currently having a problem with maintaining our connections.
    Felandrond - 130 LM, Freawald - 130 Hunter, Felbeorn- 130 Beorning, Felandaborn - 120 Minstrel, Felandadan - 130 Warden, Thrimlidor - 130 Champion, Freadwulf - 130 Captain


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