Can some of the authors will be so kind to update the mouse plugins? I think they did a great job creating them & i am thankful for their effort. I don't know enough about codding to create the plugins myself, otherwise i will do & share them with the community. There are 3 Plugins for mouses icons created:
2 of them have a fixed icons that looks like a huge circle around the main icon (very handy for visual impaired & i highly recomend it) but that is not what i want to use. I wish to be able to use other normal size custom objects for LOTRO mouse icon, more inspired on my favorite LOTRO races (example for elf: birds, butterflies, flowers, leafs). The only 1 that allows the player personal customization on color & shape have not being updated in years. When i installed it & attempted to load it to my characters, it will not be recognized by the game. Is not usable anymore.
Last edited by YamydeAragon; Oct 07 2021 at 12:00 PM.