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On paper things look pretty decent honestly. The biggest things blue would possibly be missing is group utility and better agro. Currently champ needs to use dps to keep agro were as most other viable tank specs currently have a way to chain taunts. Guard has 4, captian traited grave wound etc.
In order for blue champ to get into the highest ranks I think riposte needs an overhaul and a taunt added to it. Also horn of champs needs to be a threat copy. OR maybe the trait the lets merciful strike be used at any %hp would also make merc strike a taunt? All I know is that the way things are currently setup on demand agro is the way to go. The idea of building and keeping agro with dps is an old school great thing from old days of MMOs. In todays model though if a couple classes have perma taunt they all need it...
As far as group utility not sure really. They dont necessarily need it but guard and captain have their own in a way.
Yea totally agree, Riposte should have a taunt associated with it and horn should be a real taunt.
I would have said merciful strike should give a self heal but after the buffs I don't think that's necessary anymore.
While group utility is great, if they gave us the ability to do more damage in blue line then I don't think it's necessary. If blue champ could bring in more DPS while tanking I think it would be more in line with the class and would remove the need for a group utility buff like break ranks that guards have.
Servers: Treebeard | Arkenstone | Landroval
Classes: Hunter | Champion | Loremaster | Warden | Beorning | Guardian | Captain | Burglar
Creeps: Warleader | Reaver