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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Share your tracery choices

    So, the new LIs "conversion" is not as bad as I feared. You appraise the old LIs (but they remain usable and unaffected). You unequip them. Barter for your new LIs, equip them, and you have plenty of ancient scrolls to barter for your new traceries.

    Now the difficult part, at least for me. The equivalent to the old legacies are the Word of Mastery. These have more or less the usual skill buffs. Extra damage, healing, reduced cooldowns, etc. In what was probably overkill, I had 6 LIs. 3 sets of weapon and bag, for my RK. One set for Cleansing Flame (Fire DPS), one set for Solitary Thunder (Lightning DPS) and one set for Benediction of Peace (Healing). But there was a lot of overlap between the 2 DPS ones.

    So my question would be, should I have 2 sets now. One for DPS in general and one for Healing? I'd like to see what other RKs are choosing in terms of Word of Mastery traceries, as I'm a bit lost myself.

    So far, I have focused on getting Fire related ones as that is the preferred DPS build, so I have;

    Do Not Fall Cooldown
    Searing Words Damage
    Wrath of Flame Damage over time
    Writ of Fire Damage
    Combustion Damage
    Distracting Frame Cooldown & Damage
    Essence of Flame Damage

    And 5 empty Word of Mastery slots. I can't see any more Fire specific traceries. Should I slot in some Lightning related ones and that's that?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    You need cealess damage, scribe spark damage, vivid imagine damage (and maybe epic conclusion if you feel like it) too in your fire build,
    my tactics is to put all lighting damage traceries and unity traceries (self motivation cd, dnf cd) in the bag
    then put all fire damage in one runestone, and put the remaining lighting damage traceries plus bubble traceries in another runestone. Tadaaa, you only need 3 LIs instead of 4 for fire + lighting.
    Then make another pair for healing.

  3. #3
    Nathrien_Estelenlaer's Avatar
    Nathrien_Estelenlaer is offline Rohirrim Scout
    Middle-earth Fashionista
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    I'm doing mine a little differently this time. I'm not min-maxing my character like during the MM expansion, but I'm streamlining my LIs and cutting down from 6 under the old system to 4. I've got one bag that covers my builds and then three stones, one for each tree, that don't overlap with the others.

    By no means am I a hardcore endgame raider, but it's something that works very well for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks for that.
    I like that combination, in old LIs I had 1 stone for both fire & lighting, separate bags for fire & lightning and a dedicated healing set.
    It's the power traceries I struggle with as there are too many tempting ones. Looking at yours the only thing I might change is swapping out the AOE DPS one for the range one.

    **Update **
    Thanks again for this it makes it so much easier to think about with an example to look at.
    On further reflection I've decided to drop Prelude of Hope Power Restore from my healing stone and replaced it with Word of Exaltation CD & bubble potency.
    Then in the shared satchel with that now freed up slot, add Chill of Winter duration & critical vulnerability.
    Still debating about AOE damage or range in the 3rd satchel power tracery.
    Last edited by Once_of_Bree; Oct 16 2021 at 07:56 AM.
    Evernight - Walred (Champ), Walmur (RK), Walbert-2 (Cappy)

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Was there a particular reason you went for 1 bag and 3 stones instead of the alternative 1 stone and 3 bags?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nathrien_Estelenlaer View Post
    I'm doing mine a little differently this time. I'm not min-maxing my character like during the MM expansion, but I'm streamlining my LIs and cutting down from 6 under the old system to 4. I've got one bag that covers my builds and then three stones, one for each tree, that don't overlap with the others.

    By no means am I a hardcore endgame raider, but it's something that works very well for me.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Damn now that's a good question, an extra power tracery.

    I've gone with one class item, many weapons on all my alts, damn damn damn.

    The only positive to using multiple weapons rather than class items is if you have the same tracery duplicated on the multiple item, you can't just swap them you have to use an interim non-LI version and weapons are easy to get???
    Evernight - Walred (Champ), Walmur (RK), Walbert-2 (Cappy)



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