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  1. #1
    Scenario's Avatar
    Scenario is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Game Asset Housing Decoration Suggestions

    Hello all!

    We have many years worth of awesome art in LOTRO, and no shortage of assets that would make great housing items. But not all of them are! Please feel free to use this thread to make suggestions on game assets that you'd like to see become housing decorations at some point.

    When you make a suggestion, please include a description of the asset, a /loc for where that asset can be seen in game, and if you are able - a screenshot of it.

    This is not meant to guarantee that anything suggested here will make it into the game as a housing decoration, but it will definitely let us know the kinds of things you all are interested in seeing.

    [Please keep discussion in this thread focused on specific game assets.]
    Last edited by Scenario; Nov 09 2021 at 06:11 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    I'm always ready for this kind of stuff !

    Here you go :

    https://en.dcodumilieu.fr/needs-housing/ (with locs and pictures)

    D&Co du Milieu
    D&Co du Milieu (English - French): Housing Magazine & database.
    LesBalladesDeYao: A big unexplored world.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Although it probably doesn't fit into exactly what you requested, something I always thought would be incredibly cool is:

    If one your characters logs out in housing, when another of your other characters enters housing, they will see them posed as they were on logout. Could be the most recently logged out character who is visible (being able to see more of your characters together would be even cooler, of course, but undoubtedly harder).

    Along similar lines, but (maybe) more doable: let LMs create housing decorations of their pets that do some kind of idle animation (these aren't trophies but living animals!).

    Captain heralds/archers and maybe skirmish soldiers are a bit less interesting but would be the same deal.

    Variations on a theme: perhaps certain NPCs could visit you at home. It could be randomly chosen from a set of characters of different types (Shire hobbits, Rangers, various elfs or even fat, stinky dorfs for people who are into that sort of thing...) There could be a modest cooldown so you can receive a visitor a couple times per day or something.

    Or maybe a lawn party item that when activated causes half a dozen hobbits show up briefly to eat you out of house and home...

    The current housing guards just stand there; having them path around like an NPC would could be cool.
    Dagoreth (Warden) and Belechannas (Lore-master) of Arkenstone

    < No Dorfs >
    Fighting the Dorf menace to Middle Earth since 2008

  4. #4
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    as a first idea: the signs of the Inns, f.e. the sign of the ... badger in Archet
    Founder of the kinship "Beschützer des Lichtes" Server Belegaer Beschützer des Lichtes
    Founder of the german newspaper for Lotro and Tolkien Funkenflug

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    There's a lot more out there but i always liked these two Portraits, Solder and a Ranger I believe seen in a few locations but this is them together at r1 lx2016 ly744 cInside ox-81.87 oy-11.07 oz-31.36 h180.0.

    Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
    other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.

    Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Adding to Yao's list:

    From Torech Ungol

    Tom Bombadil's house windows (or really, any window with some sun beams)

    Mirkwood's candles & skulls, the ones along the roads near Dol Guldur - I know I have pics but can't find any now.
    Edit: here (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ep-RthXW...jpg&name=large)

    Also, if at some point in the future we get control over a body of water with our houses, i'd love to see some of the white elven boats (not just the big swan ones, but the simpler versions)
    Last edited by Laurelinarien; Nov 09 2021 at 04:53 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    I posted a thread with pics and (Old)Locs back in 2019. Nothing ever came of it unfortunately.

    Here's the thread: Thread: Housing Item Suggestions for Devs - With /loc Locations!

    I'll quote what I posted in there:

    Here's the first batch of suggestions from Noodly and I. We've been porting around from place to place as we remember the little things we've seen we thought would make good housing items.

    Google Photos Album: 53 Housing Item Suggestions with LOCs


    Bingo Boffin Sink LOC: r1 lx1976 ly1104 cInside ox23.43 oy-55.21 oz-147.07 h90.0
    Bingo Boffin Male Hobbit Painting LOC: r1 lx1976 ly1104 cInside ox23.10 oy-54.19 oz-146.66 h90.0
    Bingo Boffin Female Hobbit Painting LOC: r1 lx1976 ly1104 cInside ox13.50 oy-54.77 oz-147.07 h270.0
    Bingo Boffin Hobbit Hill Painting LOC: r1 lx1976 ly1104 cInside ox12.91 oy-58.86 oz-146.51 h270.0
    Bingo Boffin L-Bar LOC: r1 lx1976 ly1104 cInside ox11.67 oy-76.10 oz-148.08 h338.9
    Bingo Boffin Food Shelf LOC: r1 lx1976 ly1104 cInside ox-3.63 oy-85.71 oz-148.63 h185.6
    Bingo Boffin Beer Stein Painting LOC: r1 lx1976 ly1104 cInside ox37.97 oy-77.95 oz-148.25 h88.6
    Bingo Boffin Tapestry LOC: r1 lx1976 ly1104 cInside ox36.72 oy-80.32 oz-148.58 h180.0
    Bingo Boffin Teapot LOC: r1 lx1976 ly1104 cInside ox37.88 oy-70.43 oz-148.58 h97.0
    The Bird and Baby Inn Sign LOC: r1 lx714 ly910 ox48.57 oy126.71 oz400.52 h286.9
    The Bird and Baby Inn Sunflower Painting LOC: r1 lx712 ly904 cInside ox103.72 oy-55.57 oz-25.59 h91.4
    The Inn League Mantle Set of Dwarven Figures LOC: r1 lx712 ly904 cInside ox47.50 oy-61.21 oz-25.38 h265.8
    The Inn League Stein Banner LOC: r1 lx712 ly904 cInside ox52.56 oy-51.81 oz-25.54 h357.2
    Mathom House Oval Braided Rug LOC: r1 lx2000 ly520 cInside ox0.28 oy-12.42 oz-151.34 h180.0
    Mathom House Mammoth Toy LOC: r1 lx2000 ly520 cInside ox-8.42 oy-10.01 oz-151.35 h119.5
    Mathom House Slug In A Cage and Snowman (Two Separate Items) LOC: r1 lx2000 ly520 cInside ox-12.28 oy-9.49 oz-151.35 h181.4
    Mathom House Realistic Pumpkins LOC: r1 lx2000 ly520 cInside ox-16.10 oy-6.18 oz-151.08 h274.2
    Mathom House All Shields and Weapons Wall Items LOC: r1 lx2000 ly520 cInside ox-9.17 oy-3.90 oz-145.42
    Mathom House Basement Cobwebs LOC: r1 lx2000 ly520 cInside ox-3.91 oy-5.37 oz-156.16 h275.6
    Dinadab Apothecary 2 Candles With Light Source LOC: r3 lx2016 ly2000 cInside ox-2.17 oy3.96 oz-199.87 h184.2
    Dinadab Apothecary Small Gondorian Apothecary Shelf LOC: r3 lx2016 ly2000 cInside ox-0.30 oy-5.95 oz-199.86 h182.8
    Dinadab Apothecary Large Gondorian Apothecary Jar Shelf LOC: r3 lx2016 ly2000 cInside ox2.92 oy-0.09 oz-199.87 h87.2
    Dinadab Apothecary Blue Rug LOC: r3 lx2016 ly2000 cInside ox-0.71 oy-1.80 oz-199.87
    Dinadab Apothecary Bottles and Cauldron LOC: r3 lx2016 ly2000 cInside ox-0.72 oy2.12 oz-199.86 h1.4
    Dinadab Gladion's Home Wall Torch LOC: r3 lx2016 ly2032 cInside ox0.48 oy1.27 oz-199.87
    Dinadab Gladion's Home Old Forest Painting LOC: r3 lx2016 ly2032 cInside ox-10.56 oy-1.06 oz-199.20 h268.6
    Morlad Malthellam's Home Aged Gondor Tree and Stars Tapestry LOC: r3 lx2032 ly1768 cInside ox-1.64 oy16.67 oz-31.16 h268.6
    Morlad Barrels Bags and Crates LOC: r3 lx794 ly677 ox45.28 oy109.54 oz407.48 h343.1
    Barad Guldur Sideways Skull Banner LOC: r2 lx2016 ly1968 i37 cInside ox-1.21 oy7.67 oz-424.86 h12.7
    Barad Guldur Skull Banner LOC: r2 lx2016 ly1968 i37 cInside ox6.54 oy25.82 oz-424.95 h39.4
    Barad Guldur Skull Candle Stand Light Source LOC: r2 lx2016 ly1968 i37 cInside ox-17.21 oy32.32 oz-274.95 h167.3
    Barad Guldur Cushioned Bench LOC: r2 lx2016 ly1968 i37 cInside ox16.17 oy12.17 oz-229.90 h180.0
    Erebor The Jewelstead Table With Food LOC: r2 lx1984 ly1728 cInside ox9.54 oy-6.13 oz-45.99 h88.6
    Erebor The Jewelstead Crystal Wall Sconce as well as Tapestries (3 Separate Items in this pic) LOC: r2 lx1984 ly1728 cInside ox11.09 oy7.11 oz-45.68 h1.4
    Erebor The Jewelstead Case of Crystals LOC: r2 lx1984 ly1728 cInside ox-1.15 oy26.00 oz-45.94 h270.0
    Erebor Outside The Jewelstead Cart of Gems LOC: r2 lx96 ly1379 ox17.71 oy71.30 oz260.00 h219.4
    Erebor Nori's Home Wall Mirror LOC: r2 lx1984 ly1712 cInside ox-17.61 oy-14.59 oz-46.92 h275.6
    Erebor Nori's Home Throw Pillows LOC: r2 lx1984 ly1712 cInside ox4.96 oy-0.42 oz-46.91 h97.0
    Erebor Nori's Home Oil Lamp LOC: r2 lx1984 ly1712 cInside ox-13.38 oy-14.81 oz-46.92 h180.0
    Erebor Nori's Home Pile of Books LOC: r2 lx1984 ly1712 cInside ox23.35 oy-1.17 oz-46.75 h71.7
    Bar Thorenion Brown Gondorian Cushioned Bench LOC: r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-50.97 oy24.84 oz-489.84 h1.4
    Bar Thorenion Hobbit Cloak Rack Gondorian LOC: r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-58.26 oy19.06 oz-489.84 h180.0
    Bar Thorenion Horse Bar Table LOC: r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-138.44 oy67.60 oz-489.84 h358.6
    Bar Thorenion Dish of Apples and Pears LOC: r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-146.21 oy75.62 oz-488.83 h323.4
    Bar Thorenion Hanging Meats LOC: r4 lx2016 ly1360 cInside ox-160.05 oy82.41 oz-489.83 h270.0
    Lake-town The Master's Manor Line of Books LOC: r2 lx1984 ly1936 cInside ox-13.51 oy1.85 oz-391.89 h355.8
    Lake-town Barbershop Potted Tree LOC: r2 lx1984 ly1984 cInside ox44.26 oy-31.79 oz-22.44 h178.6
    Lake-town Barbershop Shelf With Jars along with Mop and Bucket (Two Separate items) LOC: r2 lx1984 ly1984 cInside ox47.29 oy-29.14 oz-22.44 h358.6
    Bree Scholar's Hall Shield Maiden Tapestry LOC: r1 lx1976 ly1048 cInside ox38.26 oy-7.39 oz-215.95 h177.2
    Bree Scholar's Hall Horse Tapestry LOC: r1 lx1976 ly1048 cInside ox15.10 oy3.79 oz-207.31 h271.4
    Thikil-gundu Crystal Table Lamp LOC: r2 lx114 ly1485 i2 ox53.77 oy116.85 oz200.53 h258.8
    Thikil-gundu Book and Scroll Bookcase LOC: r2 lx115 ly1483 i2 ox66.51 oy66.09 oz200.03 h268.6
    Thikil-gundu Large and Small Door Mechanisms (Two Separate Items) LOC: r2 lx98 ly1474 i2 ox47.48 oy40.28 oz200.03 h268.6

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    I would like to suggest for every region's animal/enemy/whatever to have a low chance to drop their own item to trade with their local taxidermist NPC. Just like the guy in Bree.

    It is truly immersive and love that NPcs in Bree town with their own Shop that lies there with its decoration of animals inside. I always want to find reasons to go there and i really want to have similar apartments everywhere in Middle Earth and not just NPCs stading in the middle of nowhere. I feel like Taxidermists are the only NPCs that are actualy care about your travels throught middle earth and thats why they seem unique.
    REMOVE Rohan Kingstead Homestead from the open world map it ruins the immersion and a shame for the ART.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I would love to have the colourful mosaic we see in Stali's workshop in Erebor. At r2 lx2000 ly1600 cInside ox-2.75 oy7.27 oz-50.95 h282.7.


    would also be tremendous if there could be a few more in the same style.
    Last edited by Aeroniel; Nov 10 2021 at 12:38 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Another would be for an enormous yard, this gate that leads into Town of Combe would be nice to have a gate, this found at r1 lx971 ly948 ox60.59 oy91.68 oz408.17 h357.2.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Ty for asking.

    1. I would like to have some small furniture that represent each class. Like some trophy obtained in some class quest. I would very happily put my champs item in my yard.

    2. It would be also very nice if you will have time to make some little lake where we could feed our fish or just to fish. I think it would suit very well as reward for some fishing deed.

    3. Also I would really like to have some item like tree stump with axe, and some chopped wood around.

  12. #12
    Scenario's Avatar
    Scenario is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
    Join Date
    May 2018
    I appreciate the ideas folks have here, but please keep the suggestions in this thread to specific game assets. Thank you!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    I would very much love to be able to sit on furniture.

    Yeah, I know that if you position yourself juuust right, you can do /sit emote and you'll sit down on a chair. But that's a lot of trial and error and really ruins the immersion when you're RPing.

    There's a lot of housing decorations you can interact with, please consider letting us right-click a chair so we'll sit in it. Other MMOs like WoW and GW2 already have it, why not LotRO?
    Just remember... if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Tales of Azanulbizar teleport book, please!

    Akrâz-zahar shouldn't be the only place with a vivid account of the battle. Any dwarf who takes pride in his or her people's history should have one!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Horses on Rohan hitching posts - can they have some movement please! Tails flicking off the horse flies, a shake of the head, a stomp of the hoof. Right now they look like statues

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Comfy couches are the thing I find most glaringly absent. As a result, my main living spaces in both my houses are empty. I just can't warm up to hard benches.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Gondorian Fireplaces! (furniture or wall hook)

    Shield w/ arms (wall hook)

    Glossy Flooring- (These from Hall of the King and Last Homely House)

    Flower Garland (wall hook)

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Lyndelby Farm! Love the variety of crops in this field - would love a huge yard item that portrays this kind of vegetable field to really enhance my farm-themed Rohan house! At r2 lx810 ly1513 ox50.41 oy34.07 oz759.79 h305.2.

    Last edited by Fargasia; Nov 10 2021 at 12:13 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    The little cemetery in Wistmead - the whole fenced in area with the headstones inside and the bushes around the fence.

    I would love that in the yard of my Halloween house

    The big table with treats on it from Wistmead would be fun too

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    Blinded by Ceilings in Hobbit Houses!

    I love decorating hobbit houses EXCEPT for the glaring white ceilings. And especially in kin houses, where there is a LOT of ceiling in the main room.

    Can we paint the ceilings to reduce contrast with walls and floor? So they harmonize with the rest of the decor we work hard to create?

    Here are some examples of houses where the white ceiling is a very jarring element:




  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Fargasia View Post
    Lyndelby Farm! Love the variety of crops in this field - would love a huge yard item that portrays this kind of vegetable field to really enhance my farm-themed Rohan house! At r2 lx810 ly1513 ox50.41 oy34.07 oz759.79 h305.2.

    This as a usable crafting location for farming at your house would be glorious.
    Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Here's some I'd like to see.

    Tanned Hide: [EN-RP] Laurelin server 35 at r1 lx2000 ly744 cInside ox10.41 oy-5.02 oz-22.68 h97.0. Game timestamp 455246873.660.
    Tool rack: [EN-RP] Laurelin server 22 at r1 lx2016 ly744 cInside ox-85.22 oy-29.82 oz-32.40 h7.0. Game timestamp 455247574.307.
    Mirror: [EN-RP] Laurelin server 24 at r1 lx957 ly933 ox119.57 oy113.37 oz395.21 h52.0. Game timestamp 455246707.311.
    Merchant Banners: [EN-RP] Laurelin server 24 at r1 lx958 ly933 ox127.58 oy111.53 oz395.20 h50.6. Game timestamp 455246822.099.
    Bree Crafting Workbench: [EN-RP] Laurelin server 16 at r1 lx2000 ly728 cInside ox21.26 oy65.23 oz-13.70 h78.8. Game timestamp 455246470.415.
    Crucible and mold: [EN-RP] Laurelin server 16 at r1 lx2000 ly728 cInside ox-1.57 oy67.50 oz-14.18 h263.0. Game timestamp 455246532.998.
    Clothes rack: [EN-RP] Laurelin server 65 at r4 lx2000 ly1872 cInside ox17.38 oy2.62 oz-197.95 h143.4. Game timestamp 455250747.629.
    Wash basin: [EN-RP] Laurelin server 65 at r4 lx2000 ly1624 cInside ox-13.33 oy49.68 oz-31.11 h101.3. Game timestamp 455253615.415.
    Water tub: [EN-RP] Laurelin server 65 at r4 lx1984 ly1784 cInside ox35.71 oy84.52 oz-272.89 h223.6. Game timestamp 455252143.138.
    Wood room partition: [EN-RP] Laurelin server 63 at r1 lx2000 ly736 cInside ox-17.40 oy1.86 oz-11.41 h160.3. Game timestamp 455247961.414.
    Wash tub and clothesline: [EN-RP] Laurelin server 65 at r4 lx2000 ly1504 cInside ox-27.19 oy74.71 oz-199.76 h181.4. Game timestamp 455249852.206.
    Interior Well: [EN-RP] Laurelin server 65 at r4 lx1984 ly1784 cInside ox-25.22 oy76.25 oz-274.92 h275.6. Game timestamp 455252092.433.
    Merchant signs: armorer- [EN-RP] Laurelin server 22 at r1 lx955 ly943 ox60.59 oy152.76 oz411.46 h210.9. Game timestamp 455246975.076.
    Tailor shop- [EN-RP] Laurelin server 22 at r1 lx2016 ly744 cInside ox-94.62 oy-15.13 oz-32.51 h291.1. Game timestamp 455247037.142.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    You are on [EN-RP] Laurelin server 68 at r1 lx1342 ly774 ox137.83 oy130.74 oz388.15 h326.3. Game timestamp 455261473.937.

    ----A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything----


  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Fargasia View Post
    Horses on Rohan hitching posts - can they have some movement please! Tails flicking off the horse flies, a shake of the head, a stomp of the hoof. Right now they look like statues
    Yes please!! All of the "idle" movements and some walking around if possible.
    C O S M E T I C * L O T R O

    a blog about Middle-earth outfits

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    out with the dwarves, in with the elves! gives us this swan furniture set, wallpaper included! This is from Tham Giliath in Lin Giliath, Meluinen (pretty please) location: r1 lx1992 ly1200 cInside ox10.89 oy36.83 oz-71.98 h43.6. Game timestamp 455276515.296.

    and the Last Homely House wallpaper! (also pretty please) location: r1 lx2008 ly1960 cInside ox-67.48 oy25.91 oz-115.43 h320.6. Game timestamp 455276185.809.

    Last edited by miriadel; Nov 10 2021 at 08:19 AM.


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