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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Most beloved original characters?

    Which original LOTRO character(s) do you love the most?
    Keep in mind, they should be original characters, so no Sam and Legolas lol
    I've compiled a list of my own here https://www.gamersdecide.com/article...est-characters (it has both Sara Oakheart AND Mordirith, I simply had to do that)...
    I'd like to see your addition(s) and do include bad guys as well!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Matijacleptoman View Post
    Which original LOTRO character(s) do you love the most?
    Keep in mind, they should be original characters, so no Sam and Legolas lol
    I've compiled a list of my own here https://www.gamersdecide.com/article...est-characters (it has both Sara Oakheart AND Mordirith, I simply had to do that)...
    I'd like to see your addition(s) and do include bad guys as well!
    Bill the Pony. I still have to do his quest on all new toons.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Bill was in the LOTR books- a wonderful pony devoted to Sam and vice versa Love that quest too


    I'd say that for LOTRO original characters, there are a few strong candidates from Amarthiel / Narmelleth to Laerdan and others. Loved the OP's list.

    But I'd have to say, even more than them, we can't really have Mordirith without Vóin and Magoldir.

    SPOILERS abound:

    Magoldir would be my fourth runner-up before Laerdan + Narmelleth / Amarthiel and Mordirith / Gothmog. Golodir and Lorniel and Corunir are also up there on my list. So also are Calenglad's chivalric love for Evendim, Annuminas, and Gwindeth. I even liked what they did with Avair / Gun Ainn / Mercy with Isengard.

    But Magoldir not only had the original sword Orthadel that becomes Dunachar, Avenger of the West; his pity for Urudani Stonemaiden and how he ultimately came to his demise at her fiery hands... but how that led to other things the Enemy didn't intend. Pretty amazing story; I also liked the Thandrim fellow who helps take-down Ugrukhor.

    Vóin is the most amazing character ever written in LOTRO, in my humble opinion. Frankly, he's up there close to Sam and Frodo but in a different way (i.e. not quite in a cosmos or world-saving way but still...). This is the Zhelruka Dwarf who was so devoted to his friend Earnur that he voluntarily traveled all the way from Ered Mithrin to work as a slave in Minas Morgul just to try to save his good friend, and when he couldn't in the short-term, it was his actions that helped Macilnis escape, who brought Dunachar ultimately to Golodir's hands to wield in Carn Dum against the very specter, Mordirith, who had taken the noble King of Gondor away from the world from untold tortures in Bar Nirnaeth at the hands of the Witch-King and Agath-Kali (probably Gortheron and Ivar and company also). I mean, wow. This is one of the true unsung heroes of LOTRO who did the most and whose actions helped in a little, meaningful way to tip the scales in the Battle of Pelennor Fields against Gothmog through Golodir's own valiant sacrifice due to the Dunachar / Orthadel connection, sending Gothmog / Mordirith cowering away from Aragorn, and ultimately also, by chance, leading to the redemption of Isildur himself and the fulfillment of his oath to go to Rivendell via the recovery of his ashes. This one storyline at the crown of the Black Book of Mordor basically rewrote Volumes I through IV in one of the most awe-inspiring ways I've ever seen in this game.

    The moment that stands out to me the most is the description of Vóin triumphantly marching so stridently out of Minas Morgul, with fate protecting him, knowing the battle was already won long before the Enemy would know it too late, defying death itself and then... when his wife bids him farewell as he vanishes into myth and legend in search of Thafar-gathol, lost to Middle-earth forever. The Amarthiel redemption was very powerful, but this was up there too, if not even more so. It even tied the whole Trials of the Dwarves situation up with the redemption of the line of Elendil through that single character. I can forgive the lore issues about wraiths after the Ring was destroyed compared to the pathos of how that story ended and how, wraiths after Rings aside, it just pulled most of LOTRO's narrative together mostly seamlessly from the Amarthiel and Golodir business in Volume I to Tarandil in Mordor Besieged with the Oath of Erech in Volume 3 to the battle with Gothmog in Volume IV... Bravo to the Devs! Bravo!


    P.S. I hope we find Vóin's bones in Gundabad or something. I'd very much like to learn what ultimately happened to him, even if he did (probably) end-up as poor Balin did in Moria... A very good gesture would be if the Dev's had us find whatever remains of Vóin and bring them to the Silent Street to inter not far from his friend, King Earnur of Gondor, accorded a royal honor for his heroic deeds in life.
    Last edited by Phantion; Aug 11 2021 at 01:17 AM.
    Landroval player; I am Phantion on the forums only and do not have a corresponding character in-game with that name on any server. Cheers! :)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Spoiler below!!!!!!!!!!

    My Favorite is Forlong. It broke my heart as he lay dying as he told Aragorn to tell Vanyalos that he loved her, and Aragorn relplied that she knew that a thousand times over.
    "Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children when you wanted to."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Many nice Characters in lotro, so hard to say, but I do like Karazgar as a villain good written character. I also, liked learning about the dwarf Voin.

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidmeetHal View Post
    Spoiler below!!!!!!!!!!

    My Favorite is Forlong. It broke my heart as he lay dying as he told Aragorn to tell Vanyalos that he loved her, and Aragorn relplied that she knew that a thousand times over.
    Forlong is good but hes not an original character to LOTRO, as he is in the book, though guess he could kinda be as the writing devs expanded upon him more into the story.
    Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
    other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.

    Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Pontin_Finnberry View Post
    Many nice Characters in lotro, so hard to say, but I do like Karazgar as a villain good written character. I also, liked learning about the dwarf Voin.

    Forlong is good but hes not an original character to LOTRO, as he is in the book, though guess he could kinda be as the writing devs expanded upon him more into the story.
    Forlong is in the book? Wow, I totally missed that one!

    Well, then I have to say that my favorite is that crazy goblin in Mordor, the one that calls one of the Rangers "Grumpy". makes me laugh everytime.
    "Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children when you wanted to."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Jajax will always be a favorite for me. Most NPCs are in their own little world and just ask the player for help, but Jajax has a whole relationship arc with the player, growing from mistrust to comrades to genuine friends- and his *spoiler*

    gruff yet tearful departure from the story suggests he became very fond of the player indeed by the time he left. That kind of friendship/relationship building is extremely rare within LotRO. Bingo comes close, but a lot of people hate Bingo for his silliness.

  8. #8
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    Oct 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by Halphast View Post
    Jajax will always be a favorite for me. Most NPCs are in their own little world and just ask the player for help, but Jajax has a whole relationship arc with the player, growing from mistrust to comrades to genuine friends- and his *spoiler*

    gruff yet tearful departure from the story suggests he became very fond of the player indeed by the time he left. That kind of friendship/relationship building is extremely rare within LotRO. Bingo comes close, but a lot of people hate Bingo for his silliness.

    Jajax rocks, I like him.
    "Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children when you wanted to."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    1/Bingo Bophin
    2/ Jajarr

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Matijacleptoman View Post
    Which original LOTRO character(s) do you love the most?
    Keep in mind, they should be original characters, so no Sam and Legolas lol
    I've compiled a list of my own here https://www.gamersdecide.com/article...est-characters (it has both Sara Oakheart AND Mordirith, I simply had to do that)...
    I'd like to see your addition(s) and do include bad guys as well!
    My favourite character by far is Gothmog, because his storyline really had me crying by the end of the black book.
    There's some good in this world, and it is worth fighting for.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Words cannot express my disappointment that we didn't get to see him standing on the ruins of Barad-dur and proclaiming himself the new Dark Lord.

    Also, I want a riding avanc. A live one this time.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    It's just a small story arc, but quite sad. She tries so hard.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Matijacleptoman View Post
    Which original LOTRO character(s) do you love the most?
    Keep in mind, they should be original characters, so no Sam and Legolas lol
    I've compiled a list of my own here https://www.gamersdecide.com/article...est-characters (it has both Sara Oakheart AND Mordirith, I simply had to do that)...
    I'd like to see your addition(s) and do include bad guys as well!
    Allow me to revive this very worthy thread!

    Jajax! My favorite ever. I want to see what happened to him and his brother in a future story. Now that Sauron's hold over the East has collapsed, there is likely civil war there. The mind control gems still exist though, don't they? Hmm...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Hard to pinpoint, Narmeleth was certainly memorable, but I think we spent too little time with her after the goth-phase. Shame really, I think she could have added a different energy to the story as a recurring character. Mordirith was pretty cool. Maybe a little lacklustre in the final confrontation, but certainly the #1 original villain of this game. The Iron Garrison members Bosi, Brogur, Broin and Bori have always been compelling to follow. And then there are the rangers Candaith, Calenglad and Golodir. I liked Igash, despite his limited role. He was more imposing than most other villains I've encountered in this game. The voice, look and presence stood out. That's about it from the top of my head. To pick just one though, hard to say..

    Nearly forgot Draigoch, now he's cool, he put all other dragons in the game to shame. I take it, he, along with Smaug are referenced in one of the final Gundbad instances where they mention 9 great dragons?
    "...None of us would join the Grey Company if we felt its errand was not important enough to brave those risks. For my part, I will not give in to fear of the unknown. We all have our role to play, and I hope only that when I have played mine, the world will have been better for my having been in it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    As a fan of pirates, Jajax is definitely up there and I expect to see him again once we venture east.

    I liked Sigileth of the Hidden Guard (Mirkwood epic) and was disappointed that she died off screen so many years ago. So imagine my delight and surprise when SPOILER she reappeared just as Galadriel was ready to tear down Dol Guldur. One of the best unexpected moments in the game for me personally! Hopefully we'll get to join her to track down Corudan at some point.

    Lothrandir is my favorite of the Grey Company. I legitimately worried for his safety in Isengard though in hindsight he's probably the Dunedain best-suited for surviving the experience having spent so much time in icy Forochel.

    There are a lot of great characters from the Rohan zones with such distinctive and well-thought out Thanes. Frithild is my favorite of the bunch as one of Eowyn's inspirations and I really hated how she went to such a transparently treasonous usurper Ordlac. Thrymm Redbeard is a fun one as well and has gotten more fun over the years.

    Viznak is a fun storyline too. Could've been really corny but it's just delightful.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I think my top two are:

    1. My man Lothrandir. Part of it (there might've been more but I forgot) is how I like Forochel, he likes Forochel- also, dude legitimately has something he enjoys about where he is! It's nice to see one of the members of those unsung heroes the Rangers actually enjoying something. And then there's the fact that he's the one who goes through Isengard.

    2. That random Swan Knight that decides to team up with you to 2v1 a Nazgul in West Gondor (Rovalang, I think) who's all "This is gonna suck, but a job's a job"- buddy may be spooked, but he's still ready to throw down with a literal Nazgul.



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