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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Welkin Lofts Instance: The Secret Ritual

    Has anyone else had trouble getting this quest to bestow? I did the quest listed directly before it, but then it ended, and there were no more rings or prompts to go to the next stage. According to the wiki Horin is supposed to start it, but he and his horn disappeared immediately after I finished a quest where I was asked to scout some enemy camp. Apparently there's more to that chain as well, but I have no idea how to access it.

    I'm looking at the wiki now and it looks like I have several chains that just abruptly stopped. I did the quests listed directly before them but was not offered the next one in the chain and I have no idea why.

    I'm having a really hard time in the Welkin Lofts. I keep running out of quests and having to check the wiki. Then I wander around looking for the spot on the map where the next scout is before I can continue. For some reason I'm not finding the quests like I'm apparently supposed to. I've talked to all 4 of the scouts at this point, but both Horin and Kyrstig's chain's are unfinished. Kyrstig has no ring and I can't find Horin after his horn disappeared from my bag.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Posting about my problem always makes it magically get fixed! (I swear)

    I rode around looking for other versions and of Horin and Krystig and found a Horin right near the camp where he'd disappeared. It's possible I missed seeing him because he was hidden behind my inventory bags (which I had open as I was turning in the quest) or maybe it was a glitch and he's there now. He offered me the Secret Ritual instance and hopefully that means I'm back on track again. The next series of quests he offered me was listed on the wiki under Krystig, and that was making me think I'd missed a chain with her too, but I think the quests are just under the wrong category.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by CloudCastle View Post
    The next series of quests he offered me was listed on the wiki under Krystig, and that was making me think I'd missed a chain with her too, but I think the quests are just under the wrong category.
    Because Horin moves around and it's possible you might not have picked up the quests from him during that window, there are a couple cases where I made sure the quests he gave are also available from someone who doesn't move around, for safety.




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