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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Error with the map of Car Bronach and Gundabad

    As you can see in this image of the map just below the compass there is a marking line used in development this is the same on the full Gundabad map apart from it is red and even can be seen on the map housing items.

    This could be fixed along with adding the zone text for Elderslade,The Pit of Stonejaws and Welkin-lofts

    Also another map error is on the stable masters map Ost Guruth is in its correct place in Lone-lands instead it is floating above near the North Downs and Wildwood isnt included on the Bree map portion
    Last edited by Skohgar; Dec 20 2021 at 05:49 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    That faint grayish blue line is not an error, that is an artifact, LOTRO maps often have artifacts, especially in areas covered by the map but inaccessible to players. This "error" has no impact on the conduct of the game, and really, get over it.
    Ujest - 140 Lore-master, Opun Tia – 107 Warden, Tummi - 105 Captain, Veneur - 75 Hunter, Cneasai - 66 Minstrel, plus alts and mules
    Officer, Pipeweed and Ale, Arkenstone (formerly – Friends of Frodo, Vilya)

    and Star Citizen…

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Im talking about the green line below the artifact which is used in map development and its not like im mad im just pointing bugs out so they can be easily fixed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    What green line? are you talking about the faint line under and just to the left of the compass? If so, that is the same line/shape I was talking about.
    Ujest - 140 Lore-master, Opun Tia – 107 Warden, Tummi - 105 Captain, Veneur - 75 Hunter, Cneasai - 66 Minstrel, plus alts and mules
    Officer, Pipeweed and Ale, Arkenstone (formerly – Friends of Frodo, Vilya)

    and Star Citizen…

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandolf_TheOld View Post
    That faint grayish blue line is not an error, that is an artifact, LOTRO maps often have artifacts, especially in areas covered by the map but inaccessible to players. This "error" has no impact on the conduct of the game, and really, get over it.
    Its clearly an error cause the two Lines they are talking about look completely out of place and not like an artifact at all, the stains and such you see on maps edge always look normal like old map drawings, but the Line pointed out here does not fit.
    Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
    other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.

    Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Skohgar View Post
    Im talking about the green line below the artifact which is used in map development and its not like im mad im just pointing bugs out so they can be easily fixed
    Then submit a bug report.
    Ujest - 140 Lore-master, Opun Tia – 107 Warden, Tummi - 105 Captain, Veneur - 75 Hunter, Cneasai - 66 Minstrel, plus alts and mules
    Officer, Pipeweed and Ale, Arkenstone (formerly – Friends of Frodo, Vilya)

    and Star Citizen…

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Pontin_Finnberry View Post
    Its clearly an error cause the two Lines they are talking about look completely out of place and not like an artifact at all, the stains and such you see on maps edge always look normal like old map drawings, but the Line pointed out here does not fit.
    It is not like there is a game impact with this issue, not like the displacement of location related to coordinates in Deepscrave, which are/were a game play issue.

    Since the line, maybe a road, appears to lead to additional map area, maybe it is for the raid that should be coming next year? It has been known for many years, that often times, maps show or indicate an area, but it is blocked off and in a later expansion/update the way is opened up. For example, Vales of Andiun to Lothlorien, Dale Lands to Erid Mithrin, and many more.
    Ujest - 140 Lore-master, Opun Tia – 107 Warden, Tummi - 105 Captain, Veneur - 75 Hunter, Cneasai - 66 Minstrel, plus alts and mules
    Officer, Pipeweed and Ale, Arkenstone (formerly – Friends of Frodo, Vilya)

    and Star Citizen…

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    That 'glitch' is markup from when the map was being originally generated. On the terrain version of the map, the line was red, as seen in TerrainMap below, circled in yellow. These markup lines are usually used to denote rivers but can also be used to trace any terrain feature the devs want to highlight. I've also seen other colors used on the really rough version of map tiles. Usually these marks get painted over when the actual terrain is generated, but sometimes when they are far enough out of the bounds that players can reach, the devs don't bother. In this case, a small area got left unpainted in the valley on the backside of a mountain ridge. I'm not sure why the line shows up in blue on the parchment map of Car Bronach, probably part of the process involved in converting the generated terrain map to an art map, but it is definitely the same line. It's just a glitch, there are lots of them. Mordor has many. They aren't really worth noting.


    FWIW, if there is any part of a parchment map where you would like to see the underlying terrain, just open the map in MoorMap, then left click on the location in question and select 'Show in TerrainMap' and TerrainMap will open centered on the location clicked with a flashing ping at the location (just click on the ping to make it disappear). This can make understanding the parchment maps easier - note, you have to have both MoorMap and TerrainMap installed to use this functionality.

    And ouch. This exercise has made me realized that I missed a tile in Car Bronach (that little grey square in the top left of the screenshot)! Grrrrrrrrr. Not sure how that got past the QA goblins but somebody is in for a whipping...

    EDIT: You can fix the missing tile by editing Grid.lua in the TerrainMap folder and adding the following line at the end:

    In retrospect, it would seem that the line is not a glitch. It is a river. As I noted earlier, red lines on the markup are usually used to indicate rivers. The reason it shows up bluish-green on the map is that it is indicating water - note the greenish tint to the water near the Angmarim camp. It's just a river, granted it's in an odd location and seems to terminate abruptly, but still, just a river. No glitch, no bug, a total non-issue.
    Last edited by Garan; Dec 22 2021 at 12:49 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Garan View Post
    That 'glitch' is markup from when the map was being originally generated. On the terrain version of the map, the line was red, as seen in TerrainMap below, circled in yellow. These markup lines are usually used to denote rivers but can also be used to trace any terrain feature the devs want to highlight. I've also seen other colors used on the really rough version of map tiles. Usually these marks get painted over when the actual terrain is generated, but sometimes when they are far enough out of the bounds that players can reach, the devs don't bother. In this case, a small area got left unpainted in the valley on the backside of a mountain ridge. I'm not sure why the line shows up in blue on the parchment map of Car Bronach, probably part of the process involved in converting the generated terrain map to an art map, but it is definitely the same line. It's just a glitch, there are lots of them. Mordor has many. They aren't really worth noting.


    FWIW, if there is any part of a parchment map where you would like to see the underlying terrain, just open the map in MoorMap, then left click on the location in question and select 'Show in TerrainMap' and TerrainMap will open centered on the location clicked with a flashing ping at the location (just click on the ping to make it disappear). This can make understanding the parchment maps easier - note, you have to have both MoorMap and TerrainMap installed to use this functionality.

    And ouch. This exercise has made me realized that I missed a tile in Car Bronach (that little grey square in the top left of the screenshot)! Grrrrrrrrr. Not sure how that got past the QA goblins but somebody is in for a whipping...

    EDIT: You can fix the missing tile by editing Grid.lua in the TerrainMap folder and adding the following line at the end:

    In retrospect, it would seem that the line is not a glitch. It is a river. As I noted earlier, red lines on the markup are usually used to indicate rivers. The reason it shows up bluish-green on the map is that it is indicating water - note the greenish tint to the water near the Angmarim camp. It's just a river, granted it's in an odd location and seems to terminate abruptly, but still, just a river. No glitch, no bug, a total non-issue.
    Yeh they usually dont leave the dev lines as obvious as this one though and as the map doesnt have its connection texts applied to it it would be nice if they could do a mini patch to make it inline with the rest of the maps maybe when they add the extra quests but yeh i agree this isnt much of an issue just some left overs from development.
    Garan since you make the Terrain map mod(which I love to scroll through to see the terrain) I would like to ask why Mordor Besieged and Azanulbizar arnt included?
    Is it just because they arnt apart of the main map or because you class them as the same as war of three peaks and other small copied lands like the helms deep variants

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Skohgar View Post
    Yeh they usually dont leave the dev lines as obvious as this one though and as the map doesnt have its connection texts applied to it it would be nice if they could do a mini patch to make it inline with the rest of the maps maybe when they add the extra quests but yeh i agree this isnt much of an issue just some left overs from development.
    Garan since you make the Terrain map mod(which I love to scroll through to see the terrain) I would like to ask why Mordor Besieged and Azanulbizar arnt included?
    Is it just because they arnt apart of the main map or because you class them as the same as war of three peaks and other small copied lands like the helms deep variants
    Good question, but I don't want to derail this thread so I will post the response in the TerrainMap thread.



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