Well it's nice they're raising some caps - usually it's the other way around though I can't image how you would ever get 100k embers unless they plan to make them ridiculously easy to obtain.
No mention on how you're supposed to obtain figments with this update (other than the existing pay to open lootboxes).
Current intance Gear still disenchanted into Embers as long as it is endgame gear?
You are saying, that can only disenchant Adventure gear into Embers in the note and I hope you just forgot to tell us that we can still disenchant engame instance loot (violet, teal and gold) into Embers as long as it is the current endgame gear...
This is probably worst change we've ever had.
The truly awful lag we have has pushed many people so close to quitting and now with this I expect its going to be a step too far..
I just hope that embers will be pretty easy to obtain. Like, just from running an instance, and a bosschest gives like 1000 embers or something. That way it will not change much, except that you don't have to destroy gear for it.
So the question is, what are these changes trying to solve?
Cause besides the cap being too small. The ember, mote, figments mechanic seemed to work decently well.
They need to sell more keys apparently. I guess they are expecting folks to buy a ton of keys to feed their cosmetics addiction.
“And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring passed out of all knowledge.” ? J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
I just hope that embers will be pretty easy to obtain. Like, just from running an instance, and a bosschest gives like 1000 embers or something. That way it will not change much, except that you don't have to destroy gear for it.
something like this would be great. but they should've included in the post that there would be ingame ways to obtain embers through instances if thats the case
something like this would be great. but they should've included in the post that there would be ingame ways to obtain embers through instances if thats the case
Definitly can agree with you there, but I don't see them doing it store only tbh. If they do that, that is probably the end of my endgame gearing days.
BTW, why not have the 115 and 120 gear be bartered for the current currencies, and only the last level cap instances give gear that can be exchanged for motes?
Well, I've been putting off Gundabad purchase till more content is around, and my next annual VIP payment is March.
Thank you for making it easy to decide - not paying either, so long lotro
They need to sell more keys apparently. I guess they are expecting folks to buy a ton of keys to feed their cosmetics addiction.
I'm one of those people that would be considered a cosmetics/decoration addict. I also used to gear decently, raid with my kin... But I've been slowly putting myself thru a sort of rehab xD even dropped my VIP. I feel lighter hahaha, like a weight off my shoulders honestly.
SSG really need to give more information as to how to get embers. If its just gonna be weekly quests like atm and lootboxes, its a horiffic idea. They should really tell us now of their ideas so ppl dont just start getting annoyed about this. Atm on paper this is a horiffic idea.
I just read about the changes, not much interested in motes and embers. These caps will be pretty high, and it would be great for exchange to figments but that will no longer exist. Figment's cap is just doubled. Why? Why punish collectors with still low numbers, especially with the exchange gone? I now will only have 20k with the figment's vendors coming along instead of 30k. It's not like they rain from the sky. So, please let us continue to get them with motes and embers.
What am I supposed to do with my motes and embers now? I guess waste them on something I don't really want/need just to get something for the currency.
Weeklies, Festivals, Lootboxes and disenchanting lootbox gear/items.
Gear that's bad/useless/outdated (a huge chunk of LOTRO loot by design) will no longer contribute in any small way towards Embers/Motes accrual.
The caps are getting raised substantially, which probably means that the barter prices for items will be raised substantially.
This is just.. pretty clearly done with the goal of pushing people further towards Black Steel Keys.
I'm just tired, man. I enjoy this game largely due to the people I know, and the world/lore being something that feels like an MMO home. That's all getting harder and harder to enjoy with the horrific instance server lag, painful customer service, unfinished group instances and clear design changes intended to further push people towards store for character progression.
I've played FFXIV off and on since ARR (2.0), but always come back to LOTRO as my 'home' game. Getting harder and harder to justify that.
This is just.. pretty clearly done with the goal of pushing people further towards Black Steel Keys.
I'm just tired, man. I enjoy this game largely due to the people I know, and the world/lore being something that feels like an MMO home. That's all getting harder and harder to enjoy with the horrific instance server lag, painful customer service, unfinished group instances and clear design changes intended to further push people towards store for character progression.
I've played FFXIV off and on since ARR (2.0), but always come back to LOTRO as my 'home' game. Getting harder and harder to justify that.
This was my conclusion as well, instead of admitting they need us to front them some money until they finish last years expansion we already funded it reads as though we were meant to not notice this is another change for the worse. Lots of lines. The cap for a currency you all hate raised! Raised is good! More numbers.
The caps are getting raised substantially, which probably means that the barter prices for items will be raised substantially.
This is my fear. Letting people have 100k embers sounds great... until gear starts costing 20, 30, 40, 50k embers a piece, while the supply of embers drops.
Less sure about the point of removing the barter for figments. Well, I can see that they're removing motes to figments because people can use their piles of obsolete stuff to earn figments rather than "engaging" with the game by running festivals until your eyes bleed. But allowing embers to figments should stay. Since embers are largely coming from lootboxes, that would encourage people to spend cash money to get their cosmetics.