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I rolled a warden about half a year after it was available. Up to that point, I was playing a hobbit guardian. I found warden tanking more interesting and, to be quite fair, a lot mor fun then guardian. The warden became my main character and I loved the avoidance based, AoE tanking of it. I was able to tank most raids and solo small fellowship content with relative ease. Landscape mobs were fun as I would pull three orc camps and still come out very much alive.
However, Turbine, the developer at that time, had other idea's. It started with the addition of ranged and melee DPS specs. No issue, I could still tank and be of worth to my group. Later, changes were made to our self-heals. EoB changed and only worked up to 10 mobs (before there was actually no limit), certain attacks became unavoidable and we got our threat transfers removed. Especially the latter presented a challenge; conviction (as an example) did not transfer threat to the warden anymore. But some gambits would generate more threat; EoB was our main threat generator at the time. But when things, in my opinion, realy started to go south, was when the decision was made to make DPS the main threat generator.
DPS being the primary source of generation meant that every DPS class would generate more threat then the warden tank. Hunters and champions at that time would be aggro magnets and that was exactly what happened. Luckily, that lasten for about two days until most tanking classes got their threat generators back. Save one class: warden. This happened about five to six years ago. And that was time I decided to not load the game anymore. This was such a slap in the face and the utter destruction of a once great class, I didn't want much to do with it anymore.
I came back halfway through this year and have been playing a high-elf warden on Treebeard. I still like the class, but it is even more worthless then it was when I left. On Treebeard, there is the difficulty "slider." It makes the landscape mobs more difficult and it throws in a fire-bombe every now and then (more now than then). This is an unavoidable attack that can be avoided but with high grass is difficult to spot. That means that you either need to move constantly or take is as it is. As an avoidance based tank, taking an unavoidable attack means you take it all.
I have read the above post and I kind of get the feeling that it is written from a level 140 point of view. I have noticed similar posts and all mention that in lower levels, the warden should be fine. As I am playing on Treebeard, in an environment where you can set the difficulty to resemble what it was in the old SoA days, I can say you will have a tough time. And this fire-bomb is adding a rediculous amount to it. If I stay on the normal level that it is now, it's a walk in the park. However, I think that Treebeard perfectly shows what is wrong with the warden.
As the first post mentions, the self-healing is far from sufficient. I have a few selfheals available, yet they are not enough to offset the unavoidable attacks. I do not yet have the possibility to obtain an LI just yet, so no way to enhance them other then traits. And with those, I just can't cut it. However, it does proove that the base self-heal is far sub-par. Same goes for mitigation. The fire-bomb on Treebeard does around 30% of your healthpool in damage. Which means in three hits you wake up in the rez circle. I rolled a lore-master and have a strong conviction that it has far better mitigations then my warden tank.
I managed tp get my high-elf warden to level 50 (cap on Treebeard) and through volume 1. I also ran with a group in Urugarth, and this where I noticed that threat generation was severely lacking as well. I wanted to build and fire off conviction, but then I realized it doesn't transfer threat anymore. It also wouldn't have made any difference, as I could barely get gambit off anyway; DPS was insane and I might as well have not been there. I kind of miss the threat generation thing in the first post.
I agree with the OP that base self-heals should be looked at and buffed to the point where they're viable. Warden is an avoidance based tank and the self-heals are an offset for unavoidable attacks. And give the threat transfers back. We have no gambits that generate enough threat. With it, I have seen more then my fair share of gambit builders not executing. This hampers threat generation even further and, to be fair, adds to insult. These theat transfers at least let us catch up. As last I completely agree with the OP regarding mitigations. As mentioned, it feels as if my lore-master has better mitigations then my warden tank.