Hi there, just thought i would put out a few points of feedback that might make Brawler DPS more competitive (Not going to go into details about huge changes but just a few simple ones that would improve the state of The Maelstrom.
1.Change the Devastate Magnitude legacies in red "Light and Devastate Damage" and "Devastate Damage Increase" to critical Magnitude > This would ramp up the DPS considerably, due to only seeing large hits on Devastates (Because of the 50% from these traits combined)
2.Change "Like a stinging Nettle" to a further reduction on Fulgurant Strike > Having a parry reflect damage is ultimately useless in a DPS spec.
3.Make the Redline Captrait replace Get serious instead of being a standalone skill > Big issue with brawler is having so many Buffing skills, would help taking one out to allow for more DPS windows. This idea could also be used by merging all the innate strengths onto one sort of skill strength and consequently increasing the cooldown.
4.Add critical damage/critical chance weapon traceries for Fist of the Valar, Strike Towards the Sky and First Strike > these are the main source of damage (due to other skills being so lack luster in the current state - this would help improve the damage (or simply directly buffing these skills : Overhead Smash, Helm-Crusher and Flying Upheaval)
Honestly, these are a few things I can think of to solely increase the Damage output of the role, obviously there are other ideas that would be more game-play changing but even just the devestate magnitude change would bump brawler into a better space.
Random things I thought were abit useless but arent as big a deal as the above ^
Finesse from balanced finishers
Out of combat runspeed (please just turn this into a 15% speed boost for the brawler)
Latent light in general seems very un necessary and if you didnt have so many points not worth traiting
The physichal mitigation debuff on Agressive Posture- especially considering it can be cheesed AND most group content hard hits come from Tactical sourced effects anyway
Hopefully this feedback is of some use and maybe more can be found by replies to this thread
EDIT: Increasing buff range would make brawler far better in either spec too )