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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Increased difficulty VS Std server play experience

    I finally completed my experiment.
    I jumped on to Treebeard the day it opened and started up a Hobbit Burglar.
    I had great fun progressing him up to about L55 then decided to try the experiment.
    I created a new character on Crickhollow, a Stout Axe Burglar.
    I progressed him up to 60 and when I stepped onto the shore in Mirkwood I decided I would go back to Treebeard and compare the experience of finishing the Epic book.
    I had just completed Vol. II. Book 8 on the Stout Axe the night before and hopped back to Treebeard and the Hobbit.
    I intended to do the final Book 5 thru Book 8 quests on the Hobbit and compare the experience.

    There is a vast experience difference in one respect.
    The Skirmish chapters in particular.

    Otherwise, yes, the Stout-Axe is one-shotting almost everything and the Hobbit sometimes needed 2-shots, but generally speaking it was similar.
    The Stout-Axe makes a great Burglar...must be all the might or something.

    The Skirmishes are another story.
    The Eye-Of-Sauron is active in these "instances" unlike all the other instances, where the "difficulty" effects are negated.
    On the Stout-Axe, I hadn't started any Skirmishes so I had to go thru the Training experience. I did it just enough to get out (got the Herbalist to 10 on all skills/training).
    I breezed thru the 3 Epic Skirmishes even though I hadn't done them in years.

    On the Hobbit, I had a much more advanced soldier.
    So, I was thinking that the Epic Skirmishes would be similar due to the advanced state of my soldier.

    I retreated at least 6 times. I quit keeping track. I was very surprised. I was not expecting the difficulty changes. It's not only the EoS, but fights in-general are tougher.
    You have to pay attention. That is what I want from Treebeard...some challenge. But it was "disturbing", to be on such a well-equipped and polished Burglar only to be made aware that I was not Super-Hobbit.
    After the skirmishes things reverted back to normal and I was sad when I got to the end and discovered I was done...no Mirkwood for Treebeard yet.
    If I were to go back and replay the Skirmishes, I have no doubt I would fare better now that I know to be more careful. I was so accustomed to breezing thru all of the content with the Stout-Axe that I just wasn't prepared for the difference.

    The other purpose of the experiment was to experience the new Legendary System on a fresh character with no old-style Legendary to deconstruct.
    Generally speaking, it went well. I was able to max out my Legendaries while just playing the game...mostly I just focused on the Epic, but I did a lot of the side-quests also.
    I have to say that the New system is a much better experience than the old one for a new character. I remember slaving away, trying to get a First-Age Weapon and build it up...that was a lot of work I didn't really care for. With the new system...you don't need to "work" to get them advanced... it does seem to just happen as you advance thru the quests.

    Like I told you...What I said...Steal your face right off your head.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020

    I've been playing on Deadly (0). It's jarring to move in and out of epic/book instances where the difficulty level is set to normal. "...but the challenge might be great!" Um, actually, that's when my toon becomes a god for a little while. And that's not even counting the Inspiration buff! Playing one of my characters on a "regular" server makes me laugh a bit now, with pre-LI crafted gear or with LIs, I overkill pretty much everything in one shot and am nearly impossible to defeat except via some "You are dead now because you didn't interrupt this"-type mechanic. Skirmishes are a pain, no easy Marks for me on Treebeard or Shadowfax, and the Skirmishes that are required for some of the epic/book quests are much more challenging than any other solo activities and not always in a good way.

    I still hate the explosions, they just don't feel right plus they have almost no impact on the play of some characters and are borderline crippling to others. Deadly (0) has otherwise been great, I've really been enjoying it. The new LI system is far superior to the old for someone like me who hadn't yet invested much time or other resources in the old system, although I wish there were more straight Ancient Script rewards instead of random traceries or other things – give us AS, we can then barter for what we want instead of crossing our fingers and hoping for something useful when we open a reward box.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Tralfazz View Post

    I've been playing on Deadly (0). It's jarring to move in and out of epic/book instances where the difficulty level is set to normal. "...but the challenge might be great!" Um, actually, that's when my toon becomes a god for a little while. And that's not even counting the Inspiration buff! Playing one of my characters on a "regular" server makes me laugh a bit now, with pre-LI crafted gear or with LIs, I overkill pretty much everything in one shot and am nearly impossible to defeat except via some "You are dead now because you didn't interrupt this"-type mechanic. Skirmishes are a pain, no easy Marks for me on Treebeard or Shadowfax, and the Skirmishes that are required for some of the epic/book quests are much more challenging than any other solo activities and not always in a good way.

    I still hate the explosions, they just don't feel right plus they have almost no impact on the play of some characters and are borderline crippling to others. Deadly (0) has otherwise been great, I've really been enjoying it. The new LI system is far superior to the old for someone like me who hadn't yet invested much time or other resources in the old system, although I wish there were more straight Ancient Script rewards instead of random traceries or other things – give us AS, we can then barter for what we want instead of crossing our fingers and hoping for something useful when we open a reward box.
    I agree about Deadly (0)...I tried Deadly (+1) for a short while...a very short while...and decided I didn't want to be that aggravated. I don't play this game because I have fantastic eye-hand coordination... that's much too twitchy for me.

    And about the Skirmishes...yes, they now become much more difficult than previously... I hated Defense of the 21st Hall.

    Like I told you...What I said...Steal your face right off your head.



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