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Normally I don't play yellow hunter (I mean, who would?) because of its lack of viability in group content. But lately, I've been thinking about changes that could be made to the line to make it at least somewhat appealing to play in a raid/group setting. I'm no expert on yellow line, but would like to try and start a conversation on how to fix the trait line. For starters:
1)Rain of thorns. I personally would like to see its cooldown reduced to 45 seconds (so down to 30 seconds with the set bonus) and bring its focus cost down a little, at least in line with rain/hail of arrows.
2)Piercing Trap. With the Master Trapper trait, piercing trap returns morale to anyone that hits its target. As of now though, that morale return is less than a thousand points, which is inconsequential compared to the total morale players currently have. Even lower morale dps are sitting at 200k, with tanks ranging 500k-900k. Adjusting piercing trap to return even 1% of morale on hit instead of a flat amount of morale would make a huge difference in its utility.
3)Deadly decoy. Would benefit from being ranged ground-targeted like most of your other traps are after traiting the Advanced placement skill. Also needs a slightly larger taunt range.
4)Lingering wound. Even if you don't change the focus cost or the initial hit damage, it desperately needs higher bleed damage, and a longer bleed duration. Barbed arrow currently has a better bleed (up to lingering wound tier 3), a shorter cooldown, a longer duration, and a stronger initial hit. So lingering wound needs to be brought at least in line with Barbed Arrow.
5)Explosive Arrow. Being ground-targeted actually feels like a detriment to this skill. Would prefer to see it direct target, and maybe drop a burning puddle on the ground similar to sticky gourd on LM, or possibly a stun to mobs it hits? The time it takes to use it, the focus cost, and the current damage output makes explosive arrow not worth using atm. I can understand not buffing its damage, since yellow isn't the damage-centric tree for hunters, but then it should at least have more utility.
6)Purge poison. Tripling its cooldown for yellow seems excessive, even if you are expanding it to hit up to 6 targets (your fellow). And with the huge diminishing return on resistance rating (plus the 50% cap) the added poison resistance rating feels pretty worthless. Again, I'd like added utility there. Maybe in yellow line have a 30 second cooldown on purge poison with an added resistance percentage, similar to a Captain's Muster Courage? Even a flat 10% poison resistance would be useful for a raid setting.
Yellow hunter doesnt need to be amazing damage like Red Hunter, but there's no reason it shouldn't be viable for a raid.