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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    "Permanently free -- VIP only"

    In discussions with other LOTRO players, the general consensus is that this is still a "rental", not "ownership" of the expacs mentioned. In other words, once one's sub expires, the choices are: either buy the content, re-sub, or do without.

    I would humbly suggest that the word "free" not be used for any part of the VIP package, since it's not a "free" package. "X is permanently included in" or "X is a permanent perk of" the VIP package, would be clearer. "Permanently free", in just about any context besides MMO monetization, means you get to keep something in perpetuity, regardless of whether you pay or not.

    Yes, I'm aware that Anniversary will grant Collector's Editions of the same expacs, but only to those who log in during a particular timeframe. There will be a non-zero number of players who do not log in, and thus for whom "rental versus ownership" of the expacs will be a source of potential confusion and/or consternation.

    P.S. The word used in the German version of the announcement is kostenlos. While not a native speaker, my understanding is that German has more nuanced ways than English, of expressing "free", and that kostenlos means that a thing, considered in itself, is given free of charge. gratis would, in contrast, be used for something included without additional charge, as part of a paid offering. Is the translation accurate, or can a native speaker clarify?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I've already had people ask about it. I was about to make this same post in hopes of getting some clarification. I told them that since the 2-week service jug is included in that list, that it will probably only be available to people who stay VIP. But that phrase they use makes it sound like that they keep it forever, no matter what happens to their account.

    I can't think of a good, brief way to say it. Perhaps "made available for free while you are VIP" might be more appropriate?

  3. #3
    maartena's Avatar
    maartena is offline The Wise
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    Language is always an issue. The way dates are worded with the word "through" is often misunderstood as well.

    This all said, I am pretty sure the expansion packs will remain available for purchase for those who no longer want to be VIP. But its a perfect addition to those who are VIP and choose to remain so, but have not yet purchased those expansion packs.
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Makes me glad I'm retired and not a manager any more. So many times I had an employee tell me "but you said this word on this date meaning this!"
    "Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children when you wanted to."

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by egarthur View Post
    In discussions with other LOTRO players, the general consensus is that this is still a "rental", not "ownership" of the expacs mentioned. In other words, once one's sub expires, the choices are: either buy the content, re-sub, or do without.

    I would humbly suggest that the word "free" not be used for any part of the VIP package, since it's not a "free" package. "X is permanently included in" or "X is a permanent perk of" the VIP package, would be clearer. "Permanently free", in just about any context besides MMO monetization, means you get to keep something in perpetuity, regardless of whether you pay or not.

    Yes, I'm aware that Anniversary will grant Collector's Editions of the same expacs, but only to those who log in during a particular timeframe. There will be a non-zero number of players who do not log in, and thus for whom "rental versus ownership" of the expacs will be a source of potential confusion and/or consternation.

    P.S. The word used in the German version of the announcement is kostenlos. While not a native speaker, my understanding is that German has more nuanced ways than English, of expressing "free", and that kostenlos means that a thing, considered in itself, is given free of charge. gratis would, in contrast, be used for something included without additional charge, as part of a paid offering. Is the translation accurate, or can a native speaker clarify?
    It is free of charge for access if you have a VIP subscription. This is the same model used by games such as ESO, sept LOTRO has become more generous than ESO by leaps now. For just downloading the game, what they are offering for F2P now is pretty massive considering how much sheer content there is between 1 and 95, not to mention all the Deeds that yield Lotro Points which in turn you can use on the store for many account unlocks such as storage and cosmetic slots, etc. It is very generous for people who basically contribute nothing financially (but do socially) to the game.
    "I swear to God, if this thing turns into a zombie attack, I am quitting." - Jack Carter

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Yes it says that VIPs get the standard editions of the expansions added to their accounts, which as you said means they are free as long as subscribed... However! Underneath that is this:

    Account-Wide Gifts:

    Chestnut Corgi Pet
    Steed of Starlight (This skill also auto-grants the Starlight Caparison, Head-piece, accessory, leg-guards, and saddle.
    Collector’s Edition – Mordor Expansion
    Collector’s Edition – Minas Morgul Expansion
    Collector’s Edition – War of Three Peaks

    That does not include the tag "VIP only". How it worked in the past is that people only get the giftings IF they login during the festival times. Like when they had the expansion pack special where they gave away all the side quests basically for free (99 coins).

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by warriorpoetex View Post
    It is free of charge for access if you have a VIP subscription.
    You're tying yourself up in semantic knots, my friend, trying to rationalize the term "permanently free". I usualy prefer more salt on my pretzels. But the litmus test of "is X free?" is whether X can be consumed/enjoyed/used/accessed without paying anything, and clearly the allegedly "free" thing here is not; one must have an active subscription to access the content, and that's a paid item.

    I had a much longer post ready as the remainder of my response, complete with references to FTC guidance and 16 CFR Part 251, regarding things offered for "free". But, I stepped back and looked at the bigger picture. The Patch Notes say "access to". The "become a VIP" page says "access to". So I think the one announcement which says "permanently free" is the odd man out, and I'll reserve judgement, for now. Hopefully it's just one marketing person that got carried away, and maybe they've learned their lesson.

    There is one thing I'd like to address, though:
    This is the same model used by games such as ESO
    Thanks for the tip! I looked up ESO's "membership benefits" page (https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-gb/esoplus) and the only thing described there as being free are "crowns", which I assume is some sort of currency. No content is described as being given "free". They talk about getting "access" to content, but "free" is not the word they use for that benefit.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    I will update the copy to be more clear, this is what it means: Now Permanently Added to our VIP Subscription:

    So, with your VIP subscription you will not need to pick up these expansions. If your subscription lapses, you will not get this benefit until you subscribe again.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Using Microsoft Edge the headline links for Articles under The Game is no longer working. Not so many links to be seen on the yet to be so active launcher either. There's so much detail to absorb with the patch, class changes, new area and anniversary all at once.

    If you log on an LM or Mini first it'll be like sensory overload without these links.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    I will update the copy to be more clear, this is what it means: Now Permanently Added to our VIP Subscription:

    So, with your VIP subscription you will not need to pick up these expansions. If your subscription lapses, you will not get this benefit until you subscribe again.
    But without a sub, just logging in during the anniversary gets you the better versions? So not an issue for active players?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by DoRonRon View Post
    But without a sub, just logging in during the anniversary gets you the better versions? So not an issue for active players?
    And as someone who recently laid down the cash for all of this.... big whoop de doo. VIP benefit improvement? NOT.



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