Idk how you make this mistake but every LI RK satchel has been removed from all the RKs that have checked so far. This is really bad. I was supposed to raid tonight but not sure how I can perform with half my traceries gone? Fix ASAP I beggggg
Idk how you make this mistake but every LI RK satchel has been removed from all the RKs that have checked so far. This is really bad. I was supposed to raid tonight but not sure how I can perform with half my traceries gone? Fix ASAP I beggggg
Evernight - Olaphyra/Lola/Emma
Same for my RK on Landroval. Just submitted a bug ticket.
mine are all gone too on my rk..... both my healing and dps ones.
I'll throw in a "me to!" Quickly logged in on Arkenstone to check, an my RK doesn't have a satchel. They have a database, they need to recover these quickly
logged in, imbued satchel (with gold traceries and loads of investment) was deleted and not in my bags. This system was designed so that we'd stay with our weapons correct? Or is it intended to just log in and have them deleted. Ironic though, as Mini and LM get updates in U33, guess this is the one for RK!
Yup, Arkenstone RKs are affected as well. Well, this just sucks. Are there any Devs out there to assure us they are looking into the problem?
This is a big bug. I hope they have a record of exactly what we all had because, for a fully filled out LI, that's a lot to lose.
Bumping post. Please rollback!
Rollback or fix before EU primetime plz
+Moose+ tells you, 'Do you still need me to put the smack down on this foe??'
Hopefully they are just not visible due to a bug and not actually gone from the character records. One will be a quick pack and the other a serious headache. But I do recall the first situation on Bullroarer a few time and I don't believe we had to recreate our LIs.
Arkenstone is being shutdown, so I'm guessing they have an emergency fix for the satchels.
“You are valuable because you exist. Not because of what you do or what you have done, but simply because you are.” –Max Lucado
What? Y'all expected LOTRO to actually CHECK the update before throwing it at us? When have they Ever released an update without bugs, bugs that would have been spotted Immediately by anyone actually Testing the code?
"Life is a pretty boring game, but at least it has good graphics"
Owner -
Given how quickly things went down I am guessing it was the second case where they actually disappeared.So rollback and scramble to find what code caused it while PR team figures if more goodies are thrown our way due to the timing.
Launching anniversary with a new quest pack was quite ambitious. Hope they take the time to get it right and have some thick skin for what will transpire on the forums and social media for the next little while.
Make Moors Great Again - Crickhollow
Ishlan, Sahlin
too many creeps and freeps to list all
Can they just do a rollback to an earlier point without losing the rest of the update?
Why did they have to touch the satchels in the first place?
Will we get at least a SUFFICIENT compensation IF they can't get the satchels back. And I don't mean 10k of scripts for trouble, but anything meaningful for those, like me, who play multiple RK's.
Is it known what the status is of the RK's that weren't checked. A bit of Schrödinger's cat question, but still a valid one to ask
Oh wow, this is a pretty bad bug!Good thing I did not log on yet, because my runekeeper is where I was going to go first!
I have two satchels on him, one for dps, one for healing.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.
Relax - they touched the satchels because bugs happen not because they wanted to trash them. Many years of experience with these things assures me the satchels will return unharmed.
Typically speaking, a rollback is an "all or nothing" type thing. But they may be able to devise a fix without the need for a rollback, so we'll see. They have been pretty creative with bugs in the past, so I am confident they will fix it. Worst case, they will re-open the worlds and fix it with a patch tomorrow.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.
Weatherstock Wayfarer
I can finally use a quote from one of my favourite forum treads.
"Take that lorebreaker! Behold the wrath of Tolkien!"![]()
Roaming Gladden since 2013
Well, you can have the RKs for free, but they won't have satchels and you can't play them because the servers can't open...
I hunt. I kill.
Warden by destiny, Hunter in the heart.