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  1. #226
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorey View Post
    Dear Laurelin Community

    After almost 10 years working on the Laurelin Archives the time has come for me to step down from my admin role.

    Looking after the community was a great privilege and an honour for me, so I want to thank you all because you are truly amazing.

    I have asked permission to keep up my work with the news features and the new Art Gallery so that should go ahead as I had planned, I am looking forward to see more of your amazing art.

    If you have any questions about that, please feel free to get in touch with me on the Archives.

    Best of luck to the remaining team and godspeed

    Thanks again, it's been one amazing ride and I enjoyed every minute of it.

    Yours truly now and for always

    You have always been so inspiring with your beautiful art and entertaining articles on LA. I'm glad you will still be around the community, and my friends and I are honored to be getting to know you better.
    Owner - Laurelin RP Group Discord server - https://discord.me/laurelinrp

  2. #227
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Laurelin Archives is Expanding!
    [Reporter Applications have been opened]

    Do you believe that you have what it takes to regularly publish top-quality News Articles (https://laurelinarchives.org/news), then please contact us through our contact form https://laurelinarchives.org/contact ! (Choose the ''Reporter Application category)

    What do we need?

    Tell us a little about yourself; We want to get to know you first but, we understand the need for privacy so be as vague or detailed as you would like to be!

    Your motivation; Why do you want to become one of our site's Reporters?

    Show us past or current examples of your writing; Preferably something in line with current LotRO in-character events and stories, in a News Paper setting, or anything else you think should be a recurring publishing theme. Note that the News Articles are meant to be IC applicable (like an IC news paper).

    You may link us to a Google Document to share your stories if you find this easier, or otherwise type them out in the application email.

    Optional; Additional information of your choosing!
    Last edited by Khalis_Laurelin; Aug 07 2020 at 03:07 PM.

  3. #228
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Khalis_Laurelin View Post
    As with the community it serves the Archives itself goes through changes. One thing which has remained constant in all that time has been the quiet figure known as Calenon.

    Calenon is the character name of the man who created the Laurelin Archives over a decade ago in support of the RP community. He has remained the administrator of the site since this beginning. The time has now come for Calenon to step down and I would like to thank him for all his hard work and dedication but more importantly for his vision which was the Laurelin Archives.
    I feel honoured for having had the chance to get to know such a fantastic man as Calenon, and wish him all the best in life.

  4. #229
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Khalis_Laurelin View Post

    Calenon is the character name of the man who created the Laurelin Archives over a decade ago in support of the RP community. He has remained the administrator of the site since this beginning. The time has now come for Calenon to step down and I would like to thank him for all his hard work and dedication but more importantly for his vision which was the Laurelin Archives.

    I know more than one person contributed to the upkeep of the archives, but I know the Laurelin RP community would be nothing like it is now without this site. Thank you, Calenon, and I don't think we can really thank you enough. Many, many people have used the archives to expand their creativity, develop their writing and artistic skills, gain sparks of inspiration for stories that they and others will always treasure, and meet friends they will cherish for life.

    I'm beyond grateful you created the site when you did. It means more than you know, to so many of us.

    All my thanks, and best wishes.

  5. #230
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Nennai View Post
    I know more than one person contributed to the upkeep of the archives, but I know the Laurelin RP community would be nothing like it is now without this site. Thank you, Calenon, and I don't think we can really thank you enough. Many, many people have used the archives to expand their creativity, develop their writing and artistic skills, gain sparks of inspiration for stories that they and others will always treasure, and meet friends they will cherish for life.

    I'm beyond grateful you created the site when you did. It means more than you know, to so many of us.

    All my thanks, and best wishes.
    Agreed wholeheartedly. I don't have much to add since the post above said what I was going to say as well hehe Thank you to both old and new members of the Archives team, for all the work put into it, past, present and future!

  6. #231
    Join Date
    May 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorey View Post
    Dear Laurelin Community

    After almost 10 years working on the Laurelin Archives the time has come for me to step down from my admin role.

    Looking after the community was a great privilege and an honour for me, so I want to thank you all because you are truly amazing.

    I have asked permission to keep up my work with the news features and the new Art Gallery so that should go ahead as I had planned, I am looking forward to see more of your amazing art.

    If you have any questions about that, please feel free to get in touch with me on the Archives.

    Best of luck to the remaining team and godspeed

    Thanks again, it's been one amazing ride and I enjoyed every minute of it.

    Yours truly now and for always

    Dear Amorey,

    Thank you for all the time you have spent making the Laurelin Archives what it has become alongside the other Moderators. You have been a delight and I very much enjoyed working alongside you.
    And, while you may be away from the team, I will still only be a message away! You will most certainly be missed but you will be my friend still, always.

    - D.

  7. #232
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by miriadel View Post
    thank YOU, for all the time and effort you spent with the team keeping the Archives up and running for all these years, and for all the players who make use of it. So again, thank you! Godspeed Amorey, may your road always be sunny and your hobbit burrow always be full of pies

    *big hugs*
    Thank You kindly Miriadel, it has been an honour to serve the Community, and thank you for all your beautiful screenshots *hug*

    Quote Originally Posted by Aearlinn View Post
    I am so sorry to see you go, Amorey.

    You have done a wonderful job for the community over many years... and I have really enjoyed your posts and reports and creativity. You have been a real asset to we role players. As Miriadel says, may your road ahead be a sunny one, and may you find happiness and adventures where you travel. *Hugs*
    You and I have been friends for so many years now. You were there to support me and stand by me in difficult times. You have my friendship, and I will forever grateful to the Archives because we met there.

    Onwards we ride, sister of Rohan <3 *hugs*

    Quote Originally Posted by TheGeekGirl View Post
    You have always been so inspiring with your beautiful art and entertaining articles on LA. I'm glad you will still be around the community, and my friends and I are honored to be getting to know you better.
    You and yours friends welcomed me with open arms and a fair heart. Thank You, I am glad we all enjoy spending time together and make amazing stories *hug*

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeruthuil View Post
    Dear Amorey,

    Thank you for all the time you have spent making the Laurelin Archives what it has become alongside the other Moderators. You have been a delight and I very much enjoyed working alongside you.
    And, while you may be away from the team, I will still only be a message away! You will most certainly be missed but you will be my friend still, always.

    - D.
    Thank you for this Aeruthuil, it means a lot to me :*)

    I already explained to you my feelings and motives, and I know you and I are friends.

    I supported you to take over and I know I am leaving the Archives in the best hands.

    I am always near, just a message away, if you need.

    Amorey - Bard of the Shire

  8. #233
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Nennai View Post
    I know more than one person contributed to the upkeep of the archives, but I know the Laurelin RP community would be nothing like it is now without this site. Thank you, Calenon, and I don't think we can really thank you enough. Many, many people have used the archives to expand their creativity, develop their writing and artistic skills, gain sparks of inspiration for stories that they and others will always treasure, and meet friends they will cherish for life.

    I'm beyond grateful you created the site when you did. It means more than you know, to so many of us.

    All my thanks, and best wishes.
    Perfectly said!
    Owner - Laurelin RP Group Discord server - https://discord.me/laurelinrp

  9. #234
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Laurelin Archives Team are pleased to announce that Gaeded has rejoined the team, we look forward to working with her again!

    Welcome back Gaeded

    Remember that the team are still after more reporters for the site from the free-peoples as well click here for more information.

  10. #235
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Archives has now had several keen journalists join our team to bring the Laurelin Community news from around Middle Earth. We would like to thank them for their support and time to the attention of the Free People.

    The first news article has been produced by Galhdi, and is entitled - Gazetteer of Middle-earth, Chapter 1: Introduction

    In this introductory chapter of her Gazetteer of Middle-earth, Galhdi explains her reasons for compiling this work, to provide a guide for the traveler that as yet no one else has gathered into a single volume. She sets out her plans for documenting one small part of Middle-earth in detail on each page of the tome.
    In the earliest Ages of Middle-earth, many of Durin's Folk built great roads spanning mountains and valleys, forests and cities, and in all the years since, many more have traveled those roads, either for mercantile endeavors, or for reasons less salutatory, related to war or its aftermath.

    To read more click on the link here
    Last edited by Khalis_Laurelin; Oct 02 2020 at 09:49 AM.

  11. #236
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    News has reached the Laurelin Archives from the Shire, namely in the guise of reporter Runderic Burrows!

    The Stonecrop Herald: Issue 1
    News from around the Shire and soon all the world.

    Hullo! This is your neighbour Runderic Burrows and I am here to bring you the latest news from the Shire and beyond! This is the start of the new month and it’s already been a little than two weeks that the Farmer’s Faire has ended. Did you enjoy it? I sure did. I travelled all over the Shire to see how did it go and the goods that our farmers produced. They were all tasty! Especially the new variety of pears from the South Farthing, it’s not only the pipeweed there, it’s also the pears, do try them! Now, let’s see what happened during and after the faire. . . . . . . .

    To read more click on the link here

  12. #237
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    News has reached the Laurelin Archives from the west, a tale of truth or fiction only you the reader can decide.

    Legend — The Last Prince

    “I'm terribly worried about her…” The hobbit muttered as he huddled near the fire under the eaves of the Old Forest. “You see, she’d been going on about ‘The Last Prince,’ one of
    Mr. Butterbur’s tales. It’s one of his better ones...but I’d say the tale isn’t quite the truth of it.”

    Bob had reason to doubt the old barman. His daughter, Lalia, had been told by the tavern-keep that the Last Prince’s barrow lay somewhere between the Northern Barrow and the Dead Spire, by a large stone. The Barrow-downs are littered with large stones, though, pointing upwards like jagged teeth out of green gums, and soon both Lalia and her father, who went after her, lost themselves in the hills.

    To read more click on the link here

  13. #238
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Merry Christmas to All those in the Laurelin Community, roleplayers and all. Here is to a better 2021 for everyone

    Thankyou to all the contributors on the Laurelin Archives over the past 12 months, the site is busier than ever and it has been a pleasure to have witnessed some of the amazing work that has been displayed there. Thanks also to the reporting team we now have working with us to keep all the users intrigued with their reports from across Laurelin, it is great having them part of our broader team now

    I would also like to add a personal thankyou to those who have supported the Admin Team at the heart of the site, the past 12 mths has proven the hardest period for the team, and I have been with them over a decade now.

    One our reporters, Gaeded of the Black Steel Kinship has put together a Christmas editorial below, thank-you.

    The Turn of the New Year

    It's New Years Eve in Bree-land! This calls for a party at the Prancing Pony, to celebrate the ending of the past year and the start of the new one. A young woman sits and reflects as revelers party around her, on the past, present and future.

    Dark, stormy grey clouds lingered above the town of Bree, which lay nestled amongst the rolling hills of the land that surrounded it, the Bree-fields, with its farmsteads and woodland outcrops. As the sun began to rise over the horizon, a large drop of rain fell onto the cobblestones of the largest town in this part of the world. A guardsman cursed some as more heavy raindrops began to fall from the sky, muttering his annoyance of having to do the night-shift. A shadowy figure hiding in a small crevice between two houses pulled up their hood and swiftly slipped through the streets, disappearing into a shared house in the middle of Beggar’s Alley. Several huddled beggars turned their heads when the hooded figure went past, not wanted to be noticed by that type of person. . . . . . . . .

    To read more click on the link here
    Last edited by Khalis_Laurelin; Dec 29 2020 at 06:43 AM.

  14. #239
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    For all on the Laurelin Archives.

    Come the New Year we will do what did previously and set all kinships to dormant to prompt kin leader to review their kinship pages and reset their kin status. This will help new players in seeking out Active Kinships on the site.

    If anyone has any questions on this or the Archives in general we can be reached through the site itself or on the Community Discord Channel for Laurelin -
    The Gateway - where the team are represented.

  15. #240
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Happy New year to everyone out there in the Laurelin Community, not just roleplayers!

    With a new year comes changes as always, and the Archives is no exception in our effort to provide the community with a better platform to support their roleplay. To that end the team has taken more people from the roleplay community into its ranks as seen below.

    Administrative Manager and Developer
    - Aeruthuil

    Lead Moderator
    - Khalis

    - Haeneth
    - Tingruviel

    - Blodflaed
    - Haeneth
    - Runderic

    The site appreciates the two new Moderators stepping up to take on their new roles with the team, and hope to build upon the success of the Archives which has far outgrown anything the founder Calenon could ever dream of. The site owes a debt of thanks to the player behind Calenon for having the vision that is now the Laurelin Archives.

    Should anyone ever need to reach the team we can be reached through the site email here. Or we can be contacted through one of the many community discord channels known as The Gateway here where we will be glad to help you.

    Take care and stay safe everyone
    Last edited by Khalis_Laurelin; Apr 06 2021 at 04:46 PM.

  16. #241
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The Laurelin Archives Team is glad to welcome Tingruviel who has volunteered to work alongside me in the Lead Moderator role on the site to spread the workload.

    Administrative Manager and Developer
    - Aeruthuil

    Lead Moderator/Adminstrators
    - Khalis
    - Tingruviel

    - Haeneth

    - Blodflaed
    - Haeneth
    - Runderic

    Should anyone ever need to reach the team we can be reached through the site email here. Or we can be contacted through one of the community discord channels known as The Gateway here where we will be glad to help you.

    Take care and stay safe everyone
    Last edited by Khalis_Laurelin; May 04 2021 at 09:22 AM.

  17. #242
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Name or character name: Einen (i will have more just not right now)

    Age: late 40's

    Location: USA; EST timezone.

    Playstyle: Solo for when I can't find groups, but prefer to be in groups of similar level people. Eventually when I reach endgame.

    MMO games you’ve played: SWG, SWTOR, Conan.

    Why kinships should be interested in you. In other words, why choose you and not another player. What do you offer kinships?: I am mature adult who still likes to joke and have fun. I work well with others for a common goal or just to have a good time. I am loyal and keep my word when given. Due to past MMO games i am familiar with group roles for a common goal in instances and heroics. i may be old but i still like to have fun and enjoy life. Playing MMO games online is a way i can relax and destress from working in a high stress job all day long. that means sometimes i am full of piss and viniger and looking to have fun. and full of energy and sometimes i just need to laugh and bring my spirits higher. life can get you down but friends can help bring you up. its not how hard you can hit in life. its how hard you can get hit and still get back up.

    What kind of kinship you are looking for. (This one is very important for recruiters): I am looking for a long lasting kinship not a fly by night . i am in it for the long term. and would like the same in return. to me age has nothing to do with being mature. it means you know when to be serouis and when its time to be silly. A kinship that will help it's members is a must.


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