So at least Supreme down, not sure on higher tiers as we found this out on Legendary Forgotten Servers today. Thank you again for this kind update without posting it.
So at least Supreme down, not sure on higher tiers as we found this out on Legendary Forgotten Servers today. Thank you again for this kind update without posting it.
Feels like a general Nerf to Power Regeneration in general. IDK why this wasnt in the post though.
From release notes:
"Some player-level based stat progressions were tweaked a bit to smooth out values below level 105."
The food tooltip says item level, but that's misleading. Food items spawn an effect with player level = item level.
Player level stats on lower levels go down with about ~50%. For some graphs see
I'm looking at my cook's recipes and it seems like they nerfed food by around 50% straight across the board.
Surely this is a mistake. The wiki still has the item's values listed as they were before the patch.
Edit: I just looked at the level 68 food, it's taken an even bigger hit. Not even viable for combat.
Last edited by Imatia_Narene; Jul 20 2022 at 10:46 PM.
Now we know what they are taking away next. I doubt this was a mistake. Long term health of the food items and they are too readily available and lose their value when just anyone can level a cook and make them.
I would guess food will go on sale in the store very soon. Rep tomes this week. Food items next week.
What about the stat foods? What about hope tokens? Have they been nerfed too?
There was a time when things like this were funny. Now it is sad how SSG is taking an epic game like LOTRO and turning it into a low end something. I once joked that eventually they will bring back dread and charge us Mithril coins to remove the dread or limit us on the number of deaths we are allowed each play session without buying more lives. I won't be surprised if that hits the stores any day now.
I could be very wrong here but the lore behind this game hooked many of us. The lore kept us here for many years. SSG has now strayed from the lore and they are making microtransactions every where we look. Add to that the lag issues, the log in issues, the current end game content, the lack of communication from SSG and there are fewer reasons every day to stay. What bothers me may not bother others but eventually with the current rate of changes and nerfs, everyone will lose here.
Last edited by Neinda; Jul 20 2022 at 11:08 PM.
How despicable to nerf food but even worse to not even mention it. Do you really hate us that much?
Do you mean these that you can buy from the game store for real cash? With the percentages? No,,, of course they didn't change those.
I don't know about it going on sale, the server I play on only myself and a few other cooks actually put food on the auction. I see people having to buy more because they will be dying more with out the benefits of in-combat regeneration that it provides....
Or maybe this food nerf will solve the lag issues. All those different kinds of foods giving benefits probably slowed the servers down.
You want a deficit ssg ? because that's how you make a deficit ...
Closing off every avenue of player perseverance and endeavor and sweat .
You have devalued everything Everyone has played and strived for here ... " Everyone weather they believe it or not .
Sad thing is you have devalued the game .
Bean counters 10 Players 0 ...
Last edited by Rylnconn; Jul 21 2022 at 12:45 AM.
If this is the case, that SSG's cutting off crafted food and other free available items to sell more in the store, than it's something really concernig to me... Why the not engame players?
Founder of the kinship "Beschützer des Lichtes" Server Belegaer Beschützer des Lichtes
Founder of the german newspaper for Lotro and Tolkien Funkenflug
It appears there were quite a few things that weren't disclosed in the patch notes. I believe it was intentional and they were hoping they wouldn't be discovered so quickly. They are trying to monetize everything and are hoping we won't notice. I wonder if they'd notice if we all left.
Last edited by Temelnosce; Jul 21 2022 at 06:46 AM.
Basically, what happened is this:
Previously, the progression for most player level stats completely skipped the standard progression between level 1-105. In the new situation they've added the lvl 75 standard point, which brings everything more inline with the standard progression, but not completely.
The effect on low level regen stats, might be an oversight. I've warned on BR that this change in lower levels should be tested in instances and raids. Perhaps nobody did.
Problem is that skill power cost doesn't scale by standard progression.
Last edited by Giseldah; Jul 21 2022 at 05:52 AM.
Possibly. Note that these are player level stats only, so based on character level. Item level based, like on items and also virtues, were not changed (not on lower levels), because they are already following the standard progression.
Player level based stats are used for all effects. These can spawn from active skill use, from character or consumable, or passive from trait trees or racial traits.
I mean we all complain about lack of difficulty pre-105 instance content. And landscape content across all levels. So things were nerfed a bit ... is it that big a deal? Are you all worried you are not going to be able to clear content because of food?
And the paranoid speculation that this is going to lead to increased store monetization is humorous. I've made more than my fair share of criticisms of SSG's decisions in the past 6 months, just read my post history. But some of this comes across here as blind rage, with the bitterness seeping through.
Aldowine (Captain), Aldosi (Guardian), Aldoik (Champion), Aldocome (Burglar), Aldobeorn (Bear), Aldomur (RK) - Arkenstone
Kin Leader, Athelas & Tonic -
People have been complaining about the game being a "faceroll", especially in the sub level 105 areas.... They probably should have made it a lot clearer in the patch notes, but if this change helps to make the game slightly more challenging on the lower levels I am all for it. After all, we don't get difficulty NPC's on the non-legendary servers.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.
Agree with this tbh, the game is too easy across the board pre-level cap. It does seem though that some pretty significant changes were made to stats, it is frustrating that nothing was mentioned in the patch notes to explain the change. It's not just food, stats across the board seem to have been adjusted.
Servers: Treebeard | Arkenstone | Landroval
Classes: Hunter | Champion | Loremaster | Warden | Beorning | Guardian | Captain | Burglar
Creeps: Warleader | Reaver
I don't lol I like facerolling on my army of alts on landscape (and sometimes things still eat my face in landscape on my hunter. On level shadowwargs get too close and if there's more than 2 I'm dead unless I get a few lucky crits) (though I agree instanced content is too easy, though I feel that can be fixed by buffing instances rather than nerfing characters)
But it's why I want the difficulty sliders on all servers so players can pick and choose how they play so broad changes aren't as necessary.
This food nerf is unreal. It's making my characters run around in instances like an anemic wuss instead of a middle earth hero.
<< Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
Ceolford of Dale, Dorolin, Tordag, Garberend Bellheather, Colfinn Belegorn, Garmo Butterbuckles, Calensarn Nimlos, Langtiriel, Bergteir
What is the point of even having in-combat power and morale food buffs then?
On my level 50 characters a one on one fight with level 50 bosses now means that more than likely it will run completely out of power let alone morale before the fight is finished now. Before I could use a power pot and a morale pot and make it through...Not the case now. I guess you could buy the 200% regen dale men's crams. Are those too strong?
It's seriously the most cheesy and lame nerf for us that play low level characters. Might as well just go ahead and eat barrow-brie before entering a boss fight to get it over with.