Please Put the relic master back in game / Golden token of the Riddermark
I have stacks of relics and no way to get rid of them just like the Li's because there is no Relic Master to break them down. Yet before they were taken out I was able to convert them to heritage runes. Along with the Old Li's many returning Players are up set about having to just dump all the extreas. Seems there could have been away to convert them to something useful. Would be nice if our old Lis (First Agers) that we worked so hard to level up that many are keeping could be turned in to a house item for the walls.
Last edited by lockecd; Jul 27 2022 at 02:53 PM.
Reason: Change Title
Landroval Yewlin level 140 hunter (7/11/2022), Gwenyan 115, Yewdalin 103. And Many Others
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