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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Not seeing the 99pt expansions in the store

    Lifetime account, but never purchased the expansions Mordor, War of the Three Peaks and Minas Morgul. They are not listed in my account information and I don't see them in the Lotro Store in-game. The only one available is Fate of Gundabad for 2995 LP. Anybody tried to purchase these yet?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by MadMax389 View Post
    Lifetime account, but never purchased the expansions Mordor, War of the Three Peaks and Minas Morgul. They are not listed in my account information and I don't see them in the Lotro Store in-game. The only one available is Fate of Gundabad for 2995 LP. Anybody tried to purchase these yet?
    They gave these away for free for the anniversary. Check your bags for all the extras. New accounts since then will need to buy them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Thanks wisp. I forgot about the anniversary items. I'm keeping my son's account alive while he raises three kids and has no time to play anymore. I log in about once a month and got all the anniversary goodies, but I don't recall applying the expansions. There is no evidence of them anywhere. No worries though. By the time he is able to play again, he'll have a ton of LP to spend

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Some misunderstanding going on here.

    Those packs were given for free for logins during anniversary, but that's not what's going on here. OP has a LIFETIME ACCOUNT. That means permanent VIP. VIP accounts now have access to all content except for Fate of Gundabad (and Before the Shadow). Overhaul of F2P & VIP content access which was initiated since the anniversary.

    The goodies did not apply the expansions, they were just giving the perks that come from purchasing the collector's edition. The expansions themselves were automatically bestowed, although you have them because you're VIP - not because you logged in on x day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Thank Tobias, you are correct. I was confused by the fact that those expacs are listed in my own account information since I purchased them at the time. For my son's account, I guess there is no other way to tell those expacs are available other than they don't show up for purchase in the store (or going to the zone and see if the quests are available).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I have a F2P account, created some years ago, that I haven't gotten any other content on than what comes with F2P and I'm not seeing the 99LP deals, either. I see the quest packs that are included in the free deal, but not the others for 99 LP.

    On my Premium account, for which I did get the Anniversary freebies and this latest one, I'm also not seeing 99 LP expansion quest packs in the store. Were those quest packs in the anniversary giveaway? If so, I'm not seeing them listed on my content history, unless they're not called what's listed on the SSG site under "these are available for 99 LP".

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    During anniversary, they gave away collector's editions of Mordor/MM/3 Peaks. So that's why you're not seeing the standard editions on sale, you already have them. But new players that missed the anniversary now have the opportunity to pick up the standard editions for cheap.

    Here's a reminder list of all you got from the anniversary.




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