Originally Posted by
- Burglar rotation feels clunky and is too slow for an assassin type of melee class --> this is due to Burglar's "Fast skill" removal in U23.5 (more below)
- Burglar lost a lot of its DPS potential with the LI revamp due to 1. Removal or nerfs of "Critical Multipliers", 2. Nerfs of "Positional Damage Multipliers", 3. Broken traits, mainly "Critical Multipliers" and 4. not having any form of compensation for these nerfs
--> as a result, DPS Burglars can't really compete with most other DPS classes in 3Man/6Man or Raid content and are not really a viable DPS choice anymore
--> DPS Burglar isn't filling any niche right now. The class is very dependant on having "Positional Damage" but even when you have 100% uptime on positional damage, the DPS is still not enough. So there really never is a reason to take a Burglar over any other class.
- Yellow Burglar isn't a good support class on its own. Yellow Burglar only ever functions as an addition to Support Loremasters but they can never (fully) replace one.
--> the only reason Yellow Burglar is viable for raid content is because you can't bring more than 1 Support Loremaster, that already says a lot
--> this on top of the DPS non-viability of Red/Blue spec really hinders Burglars in 3man/6man content as a viable class
- Burglar loses a lot of value when there already is another one in the group, meaning when there is a yellow burglar in the raid (which is always the case), the red/blue DPS burglar will be less valuable for the group than other DPS classes (more below)
General issues and bugs:
- huge delays on certain abilities: "Trickster", "All In", "Trick: Dust in the eyes", "Startling Twist", "Gambler's Advantage" and probably more (see Feedback on rotation and missing "Fast Skills")
- Offhand Critical and Devastating Hits do not grant Critical Responses, this counts for Autoattacks AND skills that use Offhand Hits
- Critical Hits with "Double-Edged Strike" and "Gambler's Advantage" only consume Critical Responses but do not grant them
- "Gambler's Advantage" DoT effect tiers are scaling depending on what amount Tier 1 damage was and not looking at each tier on their own
- "Gambler's Advantage" DoT can only be applied once per Target, even when there are multiple Burgs
- "Cunning Attack" DoT sometimes not applying when a previous "Cunning Attack" DoT is running out at the same time
- "Purge Corruption" Critical/Devastating Hit Damage not scaled properly and not benefitting from any Critical Magnitude effects
- "Stealthed Surprise Strike Positional Damage" Tracery applies for all "Positional Surprise Strikes" and does not require Stealth or Feint Attack (though this is a good thing)
- the following abilities can miss and BPE (such as most physical attacks) but also be resisted (such as most tactial attacks), so they have to deal with both negatives instead of just 1: "Exploit Opening", "Cashout", "Trick: Counter Defence", "Trick: Enrage" and "Trick: Disable". This is because they're classified as "Melee skills" while also having the "Resistance type: Physical" and it is very unusual for most skills.
Line-specific issues and bugs:
Red Line:
- "Coup de Grace" not benefitting from Positional Damage
Blue Line:
- "Gambler's Strike" not benefitting from Positional Damage
- "Gambler's Surprise Strike" applies the old, non-scaled version of the Red Gamble DoT (Green/Blue Gambles are fine)
- "Cashout" damage when consuming Red Gamble is almost 0
- "All In" +Finesse buff not scaled properly
- Landing a Killing Blow during All In will not count if you're part of a raid group (due to new landscape raid changes)
- Gambles can only be applied once per Target, even when there are multiple Burgs
- Other Burgs can consume/overwrite somebody else's Gambles
- Gambles of a lower Tier are overwriting higher Tier Gambles
Yellow Line:
- Clever Retort essentially useless because it hasn't been scaled in years
- "Confound the Fools" passive is granting more things that aren't written in the tooltip
Traits that are not Working as Intended / are broken:
Red Line:
- "Critical Magnitude" passive
- "Agile Hands"
- "Strike from Shadows" Rank 6
Yellow Line:
- "Complicated Terms"
- "A Trick for all tastes" - breaking "Clever Retort" DoT Damage when traited
Traits that are heavily outdated or are effectively useless (with small explanation as to why):
Blue Line:
- "Reveal Weakness" passive in blue line - almost no effect
- "Overwhelming Odds" - Fellowship maneuvres are a thing from the past
- "Leaf Walker" - +Stealth Level is a thing from the past
- "Swift and Subtle" - 5 points for +50% healing on an already small heal are wasted trait points
Red Line:
- "Reveal Weakness" passive in red line - almost no effect
- "Footpad" - +Stealth Level is a thing from the past
- "Hidden Dagger" - 5 points for +25% Stealth Damage only for the first attack from stealth are wasted trait points
- "Coup De Grace" - to weak for a capstone ability, mostly due to heavy nerfs in the past
Yellow Line:
- "Reveal Weakness" passive in yellow line - almost no effect
- "Trick: Counter Defense" - has no place besides the other 3 Tricks
- "Clever Retort" - ability hasn't been scaled in years
- "Self Adulation" - 5 points for +25% healing on an ability that hasn't been scaled in years are wasted trait points
- "Opportunist" - damage hasn't been scaled in years
1. Bring back Fast Skills for Burglar. This already would fix a lot of issues that the Burglar rotation has and it will make the rotation much smoother.
2. Some multipliers such as Critical Magnitude and Positional Damage aren't working properly for all skills. Burglar is losing quite a lot of damage because of these bugs.
3. Certain traits and passives are incredibly outdated and should see a rework (not just number changes).
4. Burglars are missing out on lots of Critical Responses because certain critical/devastating hits and certain abilities will never grant Critical Responses.
5. Bringing more than one burglar per group can have a lot of downsides ("Reveal Weakness", "Gambler's Advantage" DoT and Gambles not stacking from multiple players), making it even less viable to bring a DPS Burglar into raids.
Anything I missed? What are your thoughts?