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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    General Feedback about Burglar and all known issues/bugs of the class in U33.1.1

    - Burglar rotation feels clunky and is too slow for an assassin type of melee class --> this is due to Burglar's "Fast skill" removal in U23.5 (more below)
    - Burglar lost a lot of its DPS potential with the LI revamp due to 1. Removal or nerfs of "Critical Multipliers", 2. Nerfs of "Positional Damage Multipliers", 3. Broken traits, mainly "Critical Multipliers" and 4. not having any form of compensation for these nerfs
    --> as a result, DPS Burglars can't really compete with most other DPS classes in 3Man/6Man or Raid content and are not really a viable DPS choice anymore
    --> DPS Burglar isn't filling any niche right now. The class is very dependant on having "Positional Damage" but even when you have 100% uptime on positional damage, the DPS is still not enough. So there really never is a reason to take a Burglar over any other class.

    - Yellow Burglar isn't a good support class on its own. Yellow Burglar only ever functions as an addition to Support Loremasters but they can never (fully) replace one.
    --> the only reason Yellow Burglar is viable for raid content is because you can't bring more than 1 Support Loremaster, that already says a lot
    --> this on top of the DPS non-viability of Red/Blue spec really hinders Burglars in 3man/6man content as a viable class

    - Burglar loses a lot of value when there already is another one in the group, meaning when there is a yellow burglar in the raid (which is always the case), the red/blue DPS burglar will be less valuable for the group than other DPS classes (more below)

    General issues and bugs:
    - huge delays on certain abilities: "Trickster", "All In", "Trick: Dust in the eyes", "Startling Twist", "Gambler's Advantage" and probably more (see Feedback on rotation and missing "Fast Skills")
    - Offhand Critical and Devastating Hits do not grant Critical Responses, this counts for Autoattacks AND skills that use Offhand Hits
    - Critical Hits with "Double-Edged Strike" and "Gambler's Advantage" only consume Critical Responses but do not grant them
    - "Gambler's Advantage" DoT effect tiers are scaling depending on what amount Tier 1 damage was and not looking at each tier on their own
    - "Gambler's Advantage" DoT can only be applied once per Target, even when there are multiple Burgs
    - "Cunning Attack" DoT sometimes not applying when a previous "Cunning Attack" DoT is running out at the same time
    - "Purge Corruption" Critical/Devastating Hit Damage not scaled properly and not benefitting from any Critical Magnitude effects
    - "Stealthed Surprise Strike Positional Damage" Tracery applies for all "Positional Surprise Strikes" and does not require Stealth or Feint Attack (though this is a good thing)
    - the following abilities can miss and BPE (such as most physical attacks) but also be resisted (such as most tactial attacks), so they have to deal with both negatives instead of just 1: "Exploit Opening", "Cashout", "Trick: Counter Defence", "Trick: Enrage" and "Trick: Disable". This is because they're classified as "Melee skills" while also having the "Resistance type: Physical" and it is very unusual for most skills.

    Line-specific issues and bugs:
    Red Line:
    - "Coup de Grace" not benefitting from Positional Damage

    Blue Line:
    - "Gambler's Strike" not benefitting from Positional Damage
    - "Gambler's Surprise Strike" applies the old, non-scaled version of the Red Gamble DoT (Green/Blue Gambles are fine)
    - "Cashout" damage when consuming Red Gamble is almost 0
    - "All In" +Finesse buff not scaled properly
    - Landing a Killing Blow during All In will not count if you're part of a raid group (due to new landscape raid changes)
    - Gambles can only be applied once per Target, even when there are multiple Burgs
    - Other Burgs can consume/overwrite somebody else's Gambles
    - Gambles of a lower Tier are overwriting higher Tier Gambles

    Yellow Line:
    - Clever Retort essentially useless because it hasn't been scaled in years
    - "Confound the Fools" passive is granting more things that aren't written in the tooltip

    Traits that are not Working as Intended / are broken:
    Red Line:
    - "Critical Magnitude" passive
    - "Agile Hands"
    - "Strike from Shadows" Rank 6

    Yellow Line:
    - "Complicated Terms"
    - "A Trick for all tastes" - breaking "Clever Retort" DoT Damage when traited

    Traits that are heavily outdated or are effectively useless (with small explanation as to why):
    Blue Line:
    - "Reveal Weakness" passive in blue line - almost no effect
    - "Overwhelming Odds" - Fellowship maneuvres are a thing from the past
    - "Leaf Walker" - +Stealth Level is a thing from the past
    - "Swift and Subtle" - 5 points for +50% healing on an already small heal are wasted trait points

    Red Line:
    - "Reveal Weakness" passive in red line - almost no effect
    - "Footpad" - +Stealth Level is a thing from the past
    - "Hidden Dagger" - 5 points for +25% Stealth Damage only for the first attack from stealth are wasted trait points
    - "Coup De Grace" - to weak for a capstone ability, mostly due to heavy nerfs in the past

    Yellow Line:
    - "Reveal Weakness" passive in yellow line - almost no effect
    - "Trick: Counter Defense" - has no place besides the other 3 Tricks
    - "Clever Retort" - ability hasn't been scaled in years
    - "Self Adulation" - 5 points for +25% healing on an ability that hasn't been scaled in years are wasted trait points
    - "Opportunist" - damage hasn't been scaled in years


    1. Bring back Fast Skills for Burglar. This already would fix a lot of issues that the Burglar rotation has and it will make the rotation much smoother.
    2. Some multipliers such as Critical Magnitude and Positional Damage aren't working properly for all skills. Burglar is losing quite a lot of damage because of these bugs.
    3. Certain traits and passives are incredibly outdated and should see a rework (not just number changes).
    4. Burglars are missing out on lots of Critical Responses because certain critical/devastating hits and certain abilities will never grant Critical Responses.
    5. Bringing more than one burglar per group can have a lot of downsides ("Reveal Weakness", "Gambler's Advantage" DoT and Gambles not stacking from multiple players), making it even less viable to bring a DPS Burglar into raids.

    Anything I missed? What are your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Great job and thank you for your work putting this together. Hopefully the devs will see this and put some of it on their to-do list! Burglar class definitely feels like it's been in a shambles for awhile now. New LIs exacerbated the problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Burglar has two issues. In 3/6man it doesnt do enough damage and in raids its support is ok but it is behind everyone else priority wise.

    When the LI change happened both burglars and champions got all of thier damage scaling from huge crit multipliers. When they did the LI change to remove crit mag, Champs got their base damage increased almost 70% to compensate. However burglars didnt get anything LOL. If we are going to reduce crit mag by 80%+ we need to get the same treatment that champs got OR give us back all the crit mag. FUN FACT this is also why Captain dps went from bad to worse as well. They had some good crit multy that got removed and no compensation like champs got.... Our support will never be enough to justify a spot in 3/6mans so our dps has to be good enough. Please increase RED/BLUE burg damage.

    Second issue is the overnerfing of burglar support. IMO the biggest issue is reveal weakness nerf. Out of all of the +% damage debuffs in the game this should be the best one and its not. Its behind big time. I dont think the lack of support is as big a issue as the lack of damage thouhg.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Definitely agree with these propositions, and great job compiling them as well. Main burg for quite some time and last few updates I've swapped from red to instead either using blue or yellow. Whenever I'm in a raid or group all I provide and am asked to provide is to either double stack enrage or disable, and occasionally use riddle.

    Looking at the original goals for the trait trees, we can read their descriptions and hope to improve/modernize them:

    - Gambler: "Uses damage-over-time and chance to defeat foes. Gambler Burglars rely on the roll of the dice to inflict damage and influence outcomes."

    - The Quiet Knife: "Uses Stealth and positional tactics to deal damage. Quiet Knife Burglars pounce on their enemy from the shadows, dealing large amounts of damage on their opening attack."

    - The Mischief-maker: "Applies and removes Tricks to hinder foes. Mischief-maker Burglars control fights by tricking their foes into submission."

    Gambler requires some DoT damage love to really approach it's objective. Primarily we have damaging gamble, gambler's advantage and cunning attack. It'd be wonderful if these shined a light more similar to warden's bleeds (these also need to stack across burglars as to avoid what snob has mentioned). Additionally, I think there's some great opportunity for support here: debilitating gamble and "green gamble" are in a peculiar space. Green gamble provides some lovely group-wide healing and is a decent place (good that it doesn't stack across burglars, and still feels rewarding by chance). Debilitating gamble on the other hand mirrors the effects of disable (without the finesse debuff) and is weak in that it cannot stack and is more hampered by the "dice rolling" aspect. It'd be neat if this still applied a debuff on the enemy that would reflect a buff (mits,atk duration, induction reduction etc) on the attackers, similar to how masochism/wisdom of the council reflect buffs on attack. Even the odd's applying to the group instead of solely the burglar would be quite neat too. This way blue keeps it's DoT identity and influences fights more by randomly buffing the team rather than encroaching on yellow's territory of consistently debuffing the target.

    I'm a bit less experienced with red line given I stopped using it around level 120 or so. I think Snob and Khluzainn have it best: Burg just needs some numbers tuning here, and a bit more fluidity to its rotation. Perhaps this is the line where reveal weakness is intended to shine? It could be hard to code, but maybe have the toggle skill debuff be dynamic, tiering up incoming damage to a larger total so long as the red burglar continues to crit. That way the skill becomes less of a "apply and forget" issue while making the gameplay a bit more engaging for the burglar. It's also funny that blue burglar can actually hit higher numbers than red from stealth, so long as you use all-in and aim beforehand.

    Playing yellow line is rewarding as you know you're providing some very helpful debuffs, but can get quite dull. Essentially you're a disable/enrage dummy and a weaker red line. I hate to sound like a broken record but clever retort feels like it could really spice things up for this tree. Again, having it heal over time for disable and provide some decent damage or utility for counter defence/enrage would be wonderful. It's also dangerous to make doubling enrage or disable better, so I'd even suggest preventing the same trick from stacking using trickster and do a pass on the skills instead (as most yellow burgs use trickster and just apply the same trick twice depending on circumstances). You could still choose two tricks to have, but it'd make the decision less obvious and static. Cover your tracks as a pinnacle trait also feels eh, it'd be real neat if on removing or applying a trick burglars got a small stacking buff, perhaps one equivalent to the health and mits from before, but maybe with some damage and combat run speed increase? Yellow has always felt like it needed a speed buff somewhere, especially in this age where burglars do not have a sprint and instead rely on a legacy combined with blue/red stealth to move faster. It'd also fit in with the mischevious aspect of the class, nothing seems more prankish then being a nuisance just out of reach.

    Just my two cents. Well put all, especially snobs.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by tansquare View Post
    it'd be real neat if on removing or applying a trick burglars got a small stacking buff, perhaps one equivalent to the health and mits from before, but maybe with some damage and combat run speed increase? Yellow has always felt like it needed a speed buff somewhere, especially in this age where burglars do not have a sprint and instead rely on a legacy combined with blue/red stealth to move faster. It'd also fit in with the mischevious aspect of the class, nothing seems more prankish then being a nuisance just out of reach.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2020
    Hey great feedback, amazing job!!

    I have a few minor points to add:

    - HiPS run speed set to 100% and called “haste”, but most people run at 130%+ when stealth so it slows you. Suggest this is a +50% run speed boost
    - Riddle is not enough for good CC, suggest making it an AoE mez as trait in yellow or reset of cool-down if riddle breaks maybe
    - Clever retort is based on Fellowship Manoeuvres and hence has not scaled properly.
    - Crit chain definitely does not unlock on every crit, is it time gated? Suggest this is made clear or fixed
    - Stun Dust seems a very small radius and doesn’t register reliably. Suggest increasing area of effect size
    - Counter attack is an absolute waste of time, suggest it’s given a new purpose (and yellow icon plz)
    - Stealth Level trait points seems a bit redundant these days and don’t see many builds using them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Snobs View Post
    - Burglar rotation feels clunky and is too slow for an assassin type of melee class --> this is due to Burglar's "Fast skill" removal in U23.5 (more below)
    - Burglar lost a lot of its DPS potential with the LI revamp due to 1. Removal or nerfs of "Critical Multipliers", 2. Nerfs of "Positional Damage Multipliers", 3. Broken traits, mainly "Critical Multipliers" and 4. not having any form of compensation for these nerfs
    --> as a result, DPS Burglars can't really compete with most other DPS classes in 3Man/6Man or Raid content and are not really a viable DPS choice anymore
    --> DPS Burglar isn't filling any niche right now. The class is very dependant on having "Positional Damage" but even when you have 100% uptime on positional damage, the DPS is still not enough. So there really never is a reason to take a Burglar over any other class.

    - Yellow Burglar isn't a good support class on its own. Yellow Burglar only ever functions as an addition to Support Loremasters but they can never (fully) replace one.
    --> the only reason Yellow Burglar is viable for raid content is because you can't bring more than 1 Support Loremaster, that already says a lot
    --> this on top of the DPS non-viability of Red/Blue spec really hinders Burglars in 3man/6man content as a viable class

    - Burglar loses a lot of value when there already is another one in the group, meaning when there is a yellow burglar in the raid (which is always the case), the red/blue DPS burglar will be less valuable for the group than other DPS classes (more below)

    General issues and bugs:
    - huge delays on certain abilities: "Trickster", "All In", "Trick: Dust in the eyes", "Startling Twist", "Gambler's Advantage" and probably more (see Feedback on rotation and missing "Fast Skills")
    - Offhand Critical and Devastating Hits do not grant Critical Responses, this counts for Autoattacks AND skills that use Offhand Hits
    - Critical Hits with "Double-Edged Strike" and "Gambler's Advantage" only consume Critical Responses but do not grant them
    - "Gambler's Advantage" DoT effect tiers are scaling depending on what amount Tier 1 damage was and not looking at each tier on their own
    - "Gambler's Advantage" DoT can only be applied once per Target, even when there are multiple Burgs
    - "Cunning Attack" DoT sometimes not applying when a previous "Cunning Attack" DoT is running out at the same time
    - "Purge Corruption" Critical/Devastating Hit Damage not scaled properly and not benefitting from any Critical Magnitude effects
    - "Stealthed Surprise Strike Positional Damage" Tracery applies for all "Positional Surprise Strikes" and does not require Stealth or Feint Attack (though this is a good thing)
    - the following abilities can miss and BPE (such as most physical attacks) but also be resisted (such as most tactial attacks), so they have to deal with both negatives instead of just 1: "Exploit Opening", "Cashout", "Trick: Counter Defence", "Trick: Enrage" and "Trick: Disable". This is because they're classified as "Melee skills" while also having the "Resistance type: Physical" and it is very unusual for most skills.

    Line-specific issues and bugs:
    Red Line:
    - "Coup de Grace" not benefitting from Positional Damage

    Blue Line:
    - "Gambler's Strike" not benefitting from Positional Damage
    - "Gambler's Surprise Strike" applies the old, non-scaled version of the Red Gamble DoT (Green/Blue Gambles are fine)
    - "Cashout" damage when consuming Red Gamble is almost 0
    - "All In" +Finesse buff not scaled properly
    - Landing a Killing Blow during All In will not count if you're part of a raid group (due to new landscape raid changes)
    - Gambles can only be applied once per Target, even when there are multiple Burgs
    - Other Burgs can consume/overwrite somebody else's Gambles
    - Gambles of a lower Tier are overwriting higher Tier Gambles

    Yellow Line:
    - Clever Retort essentially useless because it hasn't been scaled in years
    - "Confound the Fools" passive is granting more things that aren't written in the tooltip

    Traits that are not Working as Intended / are broken:
    Red Line:
    - "Critical Magnitude" passive
    - "Agile Hands"
    - "Strike from Shadows" Rank 6

    Yellow Line:
    - "Complicated Terms"
    - "A Trick for all tastes" - breaking "Clever Retort" DoT Damage when traited

    Traits that are heavily outdated or are effectively useless (with small explanation as to why):
    Blue Line:
    - "Reveal Weakness" passive in blue line - almost no effect
    - "Overwhelming Odds" - Fellowship maneuvres are a thing from the past
    - "Leaf Walker" - +Stealth Level is a thing from the past
    - "Swift and Subtle" - 5 points for +50% healing on an already small heal are wasted trait points

    Red Line:
    - "Reveal Weakness" passive in red line - almost no effect
    - "Footpad" - +Stealth Level is a thing from the past
    - "Hidden Dagger" - 5 points for +25% Stealth Damage only for the first attack from stealth are wasted trait points
    - "Coup De Grace" - to weak for a capstone ability, mostly due to heavy nerfs in the past

    Yellow Line:
    - "Reveal Weakness" passive in yellow line - almost no effect
    - "Trick: Counter Defense" - has no place besides the other 3 Tricks
    - "Clever Retort" - ability hasn't been scaled in years
    - "Self Adulation" - 5 points for +25% healing on an ability that hasn't been scaled in years are wasted trait points
    - "Opportunist" - damage hasn't been scaled in years


    1. Bring back Fast Skills for Burglar. This already would fix a lot of issues that the Burglar rotation has and it will make the rotation much smoother.
    2. Some multipliers such as Critical Magnitude and Positional Damage aren't working properly for all skills. Burglar is losing quite a lot of damage because of these bugs.
    3. Certain traits and passives are incredibly outdated and should see a rework (not just number changes).
    4. Burglars are missing out on lots of Critical Responses because certain critical/devastating hits and certain abilities will never grant Critical Responses.
    5. Bringing more than one burglar per group can have a lot of downsides ("Reveal Weakness", "Gambler's Advantage" DoT and Gambles not stacking from multiple players), making it even less viable to bring a DPS Burglar into raids.

    Anything I missed? What are your thoughts?
    I have posted in the past that Burglar has to have good DPS. I got overwhelmed in the forums by pvmp players telling me: all burglars must die.
    Also, professional burglars that spell name of the class it's self in some strange way saying: no burglars do not need DPS, they are support and advanced and things like CDG must be removed from the game.

    In comes vastlin: Burglars must have DPS on par with hunters.

    [chop-chop-chop, lots of feathers fly, the turkey ready to be cooked] What comes out of it?
    -Burglars got AOE. -There was not a single post asking for AOE, everyone who attempted to be realistic has said: "because Burglars do not have AOE, their ST must be good"

    What's next?

    CDG is disconnected from Crit Magnitude of the red tree passive. And RW goes through nerf after nerf. (several)

    -But with 98 trait points one can trait flashing blades in any line now.

    Fast forward to now.

    New dev is here and he said Burglars who?

    No, there are Hunters (top DPS) and there are champs (top DPS, but melee, same level as hunters)

    Maybe give us some massive fireball type of attack? Oh lightning can be great. Anything that does not belong in the class, but then can become a bill of goods sold. Thus, other skills have to be nerfed.

    On that note. Why do I reply with the quote?

    -Because I agree with everything said in OP. Good post. Thank you.

    Only one point of attention that seems completely missing.
    Yes I know, in the past I kept talking about DPS and even a little bit tactical mastery.
    But not too much defense. However with all bosses of today completely ignoring evade (the defense stat derived from agility rating and also issuing heals in Blue line).
    Well, Burglars and wardens are not ranged DPS, we are melee.
    All things about agil based class and their evade must not leave the table until it is fixed.
    Or just move us all to heavy armor and might base our defense. If it is all too complex to think about, that is.

    Thank you

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    And now actual changes on the test server. So far A LOT of this looks really great.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordOfTheSquids View Post
    • HIPS can no longer be used while in CDG stealth, or shared stealth. Previously HIPS would trigger, but fail and go on CD due to the nature of these other stealth effects.
    • Several skills had their attack type redefined as ranged so that they would not erroneously trigger movement when Movement Assist is enabled in game options. This should not change the base damage done by skills or what tracery bonuses they are affected by, but it will change the type of incoming damage mods and avoidances that are checked.
    • Burglar Word of Mastery 'Mischievous Glee Initial Healing' will now properly display the correct bonus to healing on the skill 'Mischievous Glee'.
    • Burglar skills, traits and traceries now work as intended with Critical Multiplier bonuses.
    • The Critical Response Skill Damage Tracery for Burglar now provides a damage boost to the Blind Bet skill.
    • The "Clever Retort Damage and Healing" Tracery now accurately scales healing amounts when working with Clever Retort and Self Adulation.
    • Updated the level-scaling of the heal value from Clever Retort when it consumes ‘Trick: Disable’.
    • Many Burglar skills are once again 'Fast'.
    • Red Gamble DoTs and Gambler's Advantage DoTs will overwrite themselves from the same burglar, but will stack with multiple burglars.
    • When you consume gambles, you can consume another burglar's blue or green gamble, but only your own red gambles.
    • Cunning Attack Bleeds will now correctly apply to targets even when another Cunning Attack Bleed is about to expire.
    • Surprise Strike Positional Damage tracery now clearly states that its bonus applies regardless of whether or not you're stealthed.
    • Coup de Grace now benefits from positional damage, and has had its base damage increased slightly.
    • Purge Corruption now benefits from critical magnitude & positional bonuses.
    • AoE Burglar skills are now a frontal arc AoE centered on your target, and will always hit your target.
    • The Burglar Mounted Combat skill "Burglar's Treat" no longer requires a critical hit before use. The cooldown has been increased to 60 seconds.
    • The Heal over Time effect from the Burglar trait set bonus 'Relish Battle' now shows up with the proper icon when active.
    • Double-edged Strike is now earned at Level 2.
    • Stealth effects have been unified, and all versions of stealth will now benefit from skill, trait, or item bonuses which improve 'Stealthed' skills or skills used 'from Stealth.'
    • 'Sneak' and 'Hide in Plain Sight' will both toggle on your regular, out of combat stealth, which has a limitless duration. These should function the same as they did up to now.
    • Coup de Grace, Cash Out, and Clever Retort can be used to enter 'Combat Stealth.' Combat Stealth is essentially the same as normal Stealth, except that it has a fixed duration of 3 seconds, and will not be broken when you take damage. It won't stop NPC enemies from targeting you, but it will also benefit from Combat Stealth movement speed, which is now a part of the 'Footpad' and 'Leafwalker' traits.
    • Coup de Grace will cause you to enter Combat Stealth when used. It no longer places a target on your enemy or requires your target to die in the next few seconds; it simply causes you to enter Combat Stealth directly.
    • Cash Out will cause you to enter Combat Stealth when it consumes a blue/debilitating gamble. Cashing out a blue gamble will still stun your target as it did before; the stealth is an additional effect.
    • Clever Retort will cause you to enter Combat Stealth when it consumes 'Trick: Dust in the Eyes.' Like Cash Out, this is in addition to its previous/existing effect.
    • The 'Feint' effect from 'Improved Feint Attack' now gives you all the same bonuses as Combat Stealth, except for the visual disappearance. Since Combat Stealth doesn't prevent NPC enemies from seeing or targeting you, this effect will be functionally identical to Combat Stealth in PvE situations, but should be much less frustrating for opponents in PvP who would otherwise lose their targeting every time you use Improved Feint Attack.
    • The baseline movement speed penalty from Stealth has been removed. Any version of Stealth (without additional bonuses) will have normal, 100% movement speed.
    • The potency of the tracery 'Sneak Movement Speed' has been reduced slightly, from 38.5% to 27.5% max, since your baseline stealthed movement speed is 10%-50% higher than it was before.
    • 'Leafwalker' now also gives up to +20% Combat Stealth movement speed.
    • 'Footpad' now has a max rank of 4, and at max rank gives +5 Stealth Level and +10% Combat Stealth movement speed.
    • You only need to purchase 3 ranks of 'Footpad' in order to start spending points on 'Hidden Dagger.'
    • 'Reveal Weakness' traits now each give an additional effect:
      - Reveal Weakness (blue) will give you +3% Mitigations.
      - Reveal Weakness (red) will give you +10% Melee Damage.
      - Reveal Weakness (yellow) will add -3% Physical Mitigation to your target.
    • 'Focused Strikes' - This trait will turn Double-edged Strike and Flashing Blades into single target skills, dealing slightly more single-target damage at the cost of targets.
    • Purge Corruption is now a part of the critical response chain. It has a 5 second cooldown, and will be unlocked by using Double-edged Strike. Purge Corruption is also faster to use, and deals less damage than it did previously. This will allow burglars to dispel corruption effects much more quickly and effectively on a single target, but at a significant cost to your personal DPS.
    • Malicious Wound damage increased.
    • Find Footing is no longer an Immediate skill.
    • While the Reveal Weakness debuff can only affect a single monster once, multiple burglars can now toggle Reveal Weakness on the same monster simultaneously, so they can each gain the benefits of the unique effects from Reveal Weakness traits.
    • Improved Feint Attack, Gamblers Advantage, and Aim should no longer cause skill delays or hitching when used in sequence with one another.
    • Improved Feint Attack once again correctly allows the use of Trip in combat.
    • Improved Feint Attack description updated so it no longer implies that it doesn't give you normal stealth combat benefits.
    • Purge Corruption now correctly benefits from buffs to 'Critical Chain Skills'.



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