Im not sure this is new or just me but anyone else noticed some pets going totally nuts and walking away from the LM?
I was runing HoA some days ago and my bear just went away (no command from me) and pulled a lot of mobs to our group. Also happens with the healing spirit sometimes.
Any clues? Im pretty sure i didnt click on anything in the command bar.
Pet pathing is a well-known problem in the game. You'll see it with anything that is following you. Perhaps the most notorious is when the dwarves are trying to follow you up the stairs of Thikil-gundu. So whenever you move or sometimes turn your camera, the pet has to re-position themselves. They tried their best by manually writing in the pathways that are problematic, tightening how close heralds follow you, and to some degree removing the aggressive stance. However, there are still hiccups and the occasional "Where are they going now?" moments. It's just because there is something blocking their way in the landscape and they have to go all the way around to get to the new spot next to you.
Out of curiosity, did this happen during the first fight in the Mind of Hrimil part? I've had many times when we finished clearing out the first group of mobs and my pet would immediately Leeroy Jenkins up the stairs and pull the taskmasters at the top. Pet set to guard, no command from me, behaves fine during the rest of the instance. After the first few times I've just learned to unsummon my pet after that fight.
Out of curiosity, did this happen during the first fight in the Mind of Hrimil part? I've had many times when we finished clearing out the first group of mobs and my pet would immediately Leeroy Jenkins up the stairs and pull the taskmasters at the top. Pet set to guard, no command from me, behaves fine during the rest of the instance. After the first few times I've just learned to unsummon my pet after that fight.
Exactly, couldnt describe better. Tbh i think i wont use any pets next time, they dont seem to be of much help anyway and i never know which pet to use in each fase of the instance lol.
My pets seem to be behaving otherwise, but that area of the Hiddenhoard seems janky for pets, I've had raid leaders as all pets be dismissed in there as for some reason they tend to wander off and aggro more things, even set to passive.
Out of curiosity, did this happen during the first fight in the Mind of Hrimil part? I've had many times when we finished clearing out the first group of mobs and my pet would immediately Leeroy Jenkins up the stairs and pull the taskmasters at the top. Pet set to guard, no command from me, behaves fine during the rest of the instance. After the first few times I've just learned to unsummon my pet after that fight.
Captain's heralds will do this too. It's because the Echo of Winter is randomly hitting us, and when YOU (LM or captain) get hit, your pet will run off to protect you from what's hitting you (i.e. Echo). Never mind that the Echo should not be able to hit you in various locations, line of sight is apparently ONLY a restriction on players, not mobs (shooting through buildings, etc.), they do and the pets respond. They pull the taskmasters upstairs because they try to run past them to the Echo. In the Hrimil sections of HH fight, its always PETS ON PASSIVE (and no "guard"). Pets guarding has wiped groups many times. Once you get to the final battle with Hrimil (i.e. all Echoes defeated), you can go back to using guard and/or assist, as you prefer. I, personally, have had my pet go after other Echoes in this run, or seen the pets of other people do so.
Because they eliminated the "aggressive" option, my pets now quit fighting after the mob they were on goes down, unless I hit something. As a LM, I am frequently mezzing, debuffing, or throwing spot heals, etc. while my pet stands around doing nothing. Annoying.
Linden Starfall, Leader of Mithril Crowns of Elendilmir and Arkenstone