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So me and my friend reached level 101 and decided to reforge/buy new traceries for our legendary weapons as we were still using level 95 stuff.
i have just upgraded all my old traceries and reforged my weapons to level 101 and am confused about the item level of the tracery slots and how they work. So to begin with i had a legendary weapon i reforged when i became level 101. And finally replaced my level 95 traceries with level 101 traceries. I noticed ALL my tracery slots item level went from 125/125 -> 201/215, and two of my slots went from from 85/125 -> 201/215. So now ALL my tracery slots are sitting at 201/215 regardless of how many enhancement runes i used on them previously or not, i thought cool, going from 85/125 to 201/215 just from swapping out an outleveled tracery with a current level tracery was great as i didnt have to spend any enhancement runes.
So i helped my friend upgrade their legendary weapons as they havent touched them at all besides a few reforges, and they havent used many enhancement runes, (they had not claimed any rewards from their legendary tracker either). So their legendary weapon was sitting at level 95, and ALL traceries were level 95 and the slot/item level was 85/125. They had plenty of ancient scripts after claiming all those rewards, so i had them buy new level 101 traceries and equip them. They now have all of their slots/item level sitting at the same as mine 201/215.
So im wondering what the point of me using my enhancement runes would be, if when i equip the next tier of traceries my slot level minimums increase anyways? is it just to fill in a gap a bit until we get to the next tier?
You are correct.
Use the runes as you find them on your items, because the moment you get to the next tier you will get a bump on your min/max levels for your traceries regardless of what you have enhanced before. This is to ensure that all the players start on the same footing if you may, at certain reset levels.
Arequain Belechael, Legate of Celosien, Minas Brethil, Lebennin