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PSA for Ascendent Light Word of Craft traceries: you don't get the 2 set bonus if you put one in your sword and the other in your javelin. My lvl 50 legendaries only have one WoC slot each :P
BTW I assume I don't get the set bonus because the text doesn't highlight in the tooltip.
I wonder about the 4 set bonus, is this for the future, because currently lvl 140 legendaries only have 2 WoC slots?
Also, if in the future my legendaries have 2 WoC slots and I put Ascendent Light in all of them, will I get +30% light damage (double +15%)?
Must be in one or both "Equipped" LIs: one in each equipped LI or two in one Equipped LI. For example, I have three Ascendant Light Traceries, 2 equipped; one in the spear and one in the Javelin, and one in my sword for when I equip that (which is almost never).
If you have four equipped, no you do not get +30%, but you do get the extra Outgoing Heal Rating along with the +15% light damage.
See - Tracery Traceries section, bottom of the page...
As you grow the LI(s) more slots will open. to a max of two Craft slots per item
Ujest - 140 Lore-master, Opun Tia – 107 Warden, Tummi - 105 Captain, Veneur - 75 Hunter, Cneasai - 66 Minstrel, plus alts and mules
Officer, Pipeweed and Ale, Arkenstone (formerly – Friends of Frodo, Vilya)
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