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Thread: SV t4+

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    SV t4+

    With t4 of SV arriving today, is there any word on its loot table? The rumour mill ATM is saying there is no new loot, just a better chance to get a purple necklace. If this is the case then it's quite a disappointment, and following a bad trend. T4 and 5 raid all you really get for your effort is a title and to barter all armour. Aka you'll do it once then not again. Why not put the blue necklace as a low drop chance in t4 and gold in t5 to give other options other than delvings?

  2. #2
    Whohaz_Duhrang's Avatar
    Whohaz_Duhrang is offline Father Of Dwarves Within The Evernight...
    Join Date
    Jul 2021



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