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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Prancing Pony skirmish - mob with 7 million morale?

    For a while several years ago I did skirmishes somewhat regularly but don't ever remember a mob with over 7 million morale. Is this expected in "Defence of the Prancing Pony"? I entered it at the lowest difficulty setting. I'm guessing there's a mechanic I missed that would lower the morale?

    Homer - min
    Goo - burg
    Boppa - brawler

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by elderlygamer View Post
    For a while several years ago I did skirmishes somewhat regularly but don't ever remember a mob with over 7 million morale. Is this expected in "Defence of the Prancing Pony"? I entered it at the lowest difficulty setting. I'm guessing there's a mechanic I missed that would lower the morale?
    What level is your character? That Blackfeather is "purple" which indicates that it is 8 or more levels above the level of your character. You might have started the Skirmish at Level 140 but if your character is Level 120 you are going to have... let's say... some issues.

    Every major expansion with a new level cap has introduced a new quantum level of damage output and morale and other stats. Things progress smoothly from (for example) Levels 121 to 129, but as you move from 129 to 140 there is a huge jump which represents the Gundabad expansion.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    This is bug where in skirmish for solo/3-man/6-man spawn rare encounter mob from raid version

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I was on a 51 burg.

    Thank you for the info about the bug.
    Homer - min
    Goo - burg
    Boppa - brawler

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Once in a while skirms will pop up an encounter boss that's set at a random level. Sometimes you even get multiple copies of the boss. Just try again and it should work properly the next time.



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