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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    I like it now, by Jove!!!!!!

    Usually I don't like Moria, so I just breeze on through, but for some reason I liked it on my latest character, and did pretty much almost everything, and enjoyed it. Same with minnie, before I could not get into that class, but I'm actually having fun with it now.

    Has anyone here had a case where they didn't like an area or instance before, and started to like it later?
    "Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children when you wanted to."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Mirkwood for me. I really didn't like it my first time through it, but its one of my favorite areas now and I opt for it over Enedwaith.
    Sometimes, no matter how hard you look, there is no best light.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    The stories in Khazad dum were so good I always enjoyed it despite all the chasms and lava.

    On the first play through, Minas Tirith was so bad I actually quit. Many years later, with ten characters through the city, I now consider it easy questing.

    My initial reaction to Far Anorian was negative because of the very frustrating terrain maze. These days, having learned the maze, I enjoy questing there.

    My initial reaction to Mordor (Gorgoroth Plateau) was very negative because of all the lava, a capture quest, and the very disappointing stories. With four characters through Mordor I now feel much more comfortable questing in the lava areas and my opinion has increased to neutral.

    My characters have only made it as far as Northern Mirkwood so I cannot comment on anything beyond that point with one exception. I have ridden through Gundabad and currently intend to let it go gray before I quest there.
    Sophie the Enchantress - Creator, Dreamer, Explorer - Happy yet Sad - Seeker of Beauty and Wonder
    I wish all of you many successful and happy adventures., brave Ladies and Lords of Middle Earth!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    The Mines of Moria is my wife's favorite area.

    We have several level 100 plus characters, and she always loves Moria.

    I like going to places we havent been to before and doing NEW quests we havnt done when starting out on a new character.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by SophieTheEnchantress View Post
    The stories in Khazad dum were so good I always enjoyed it despite all the chasms and lava.

    On the first play through, Minas Tirith was so bad I actually quit. Many years later, with ten characters through the city, I now consider it easy questing.

    My initial reaction to Far Anorian was negative because of the very frustrating terrain maze. These days, having learned the maze, I enjoy questing there.
    I just wanted to mention Far Anorian.
    I really didnt like those zones in the beginning. Hard to travel in them, strange quests.
    But recently I found all the wonderful housing items on the Riders of Rohan rep vendor and had to quest there.
    I now love these zones.
    Just make your way up to Amon Dîn at sun set: its one of the most beautiful sights in the game.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2022
    Far Anorian did come with the new layering mechanics when released. It made it very frustrating on a busy server as we'd pop in and out of different layers and mobs along with it. It was a bit of a cul-de-sac too, until linked up with Rohan. Navigation in the mountains and getting hooked up on tree roots didn't lend it to so great an area. Not conducive to War-steed riding when it was the prerequisite for their defining Charge on to the Fields of Pelennor. Maybe not so much of issue coming at a slower pace later on. It did provide good views though and more space to roam after the mountains.

  7. #7
    MadeofLions's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoRonRon View Post
    Navigation in the mountains and getting hooked up on tree roots didn't lend it to so great an area. Not conducive to War-steed riding when it was the prerequisite for their defining Charge on to the Fields of Pelennor.
    It does beg the question: why were you trying to ride your war-steed in there?

    "The start had been slower than was hoped, for it had taken time for the Riders, walking and leading their horses, to find paths over the thickly wooded ridges behind their camp and down into the hidden Stonewain Valley." - The Return of the King, Chapter 5


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by DoRonRon View Post
    Far Anorian did come with the new layering mechanics when released. It made it very frustrating on a busy server as we'd pop in and out of different layers and mobs along with it. It was a bit of a cul-de-sac too, until linked up with Rohan. Navigation in the mountains and getting hooked up on tree roots didn't lend it to so great an area. Not conducive to War-steed riding when it was the prerequisite for their defining Charge on to the Fields of Pelennor. Maybe not so much of issue coming at a slower pace later on. It did provide good views though.
    Yeah it's close to Eryn Lasgalen (near Felegoth) in areas which are the most frustrating to navigate
    I still get stuck everywhere when on war steed.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeofLions View Post
    It does beg the question: why were you trying to ride your war-steed in there?

    "The start had been slower than was hoped, for it had taken time for the Riders, walking and leading their horses, to find paths over the thickly wooded ridges behind their camp and down into the hidden Stonewain Valley." - The Return of the King, Chapter 5

    roflmao love it! Direct hit.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I've always really enjoyed Moria.

    I've always hated Angmar. I think I'm supposed to, though.

    Nothing has changed for me, though. My opinions on areas are usually pretty spot on the first time I play through them : P
    I guess, maybe the areas I've liked I've liked MORE over time, but that's probably due to nostalgia, too.
    Paint the Sky with Stars

  11. #11
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by DoRonRon View Post
    Navigation in the mountains and getting hooked up on tree roots didn't lend it to so great an area.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeofLions View Post
    It does beg the question: why were you trying to ride your war-steed in there?
    "The start had been slower than was hoped, for it had taken time for the Riders, walking and leading their horses, to find paths over the thickly wooded ridges behind their camp and down into the hidden Stonewain Valley." - The Return of the King, Chapter 5
    /that's a lot of damage meme
    << Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeofLions View Post
    It does beg the question: why were you trying to ride your war-steed in there?
    I wouldn't say so. Maybe it invites the question, or even prompts it. But it doesn't beg the question, per se.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadeofLions View Post
    It does beg the question: why were you trying to ride your war-steed in there?

    "The start had been slower than was hoped, for it had taken time for the Riders, walking and leading their horses, to find paths over the thickly wooded ridges behind their camp and down into the hidden Stonewain Valley." - The Return of the King, Chapter 5

    You come at the king, you best not miss.
    Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard

  14. #14
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    Mar 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeofLions View Post
    It does beg the question: why were you trying to ride your war-steed in there?

    "The start had been slower than was hoped, for it had taken time for the Riders, walking and leading their horses, to find paths over the thickly wooded ridges behind their camp and down into the hidden Stonewain Valley." - The Return of the King, Chapter 5

    The Riders had a lifetime with their mounts, I had some catching up to do. But stubbornness, perseverance mostly. You'd have my Dwarf riding pillion with some elf I suppose?

    Besides I used to play Codemaster's Collin McRae Rally and you seemed to have applied their library to the mount movement around that time. Kind of a bonus for me. Sort of like riding an unbroken stallion with the variation of performance. You should come play on Evernight for the extra frisson. Above 999 and even I log off these days.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flaxie View Post
    roflmao love it! Direct hit.
    Quote Originally Posted by auximenes View Post
    /that's a lot of damage meme
    Quote Originally Posted by gildhur View Post
    You come at the king, you best not miss.
    This thread has gotten really weird...
    Paint the Sky with Stars

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    For me, it's very dependent on which character I'm playing. As an elf from Mirkwood, I didn't mind Moria thaaaaat much, but did kind of race through it. My hobbit, was bewildered at every new area, and slowly explored everywhere with her jaw open. My dwarf happily fought for the cause, and admired the work of his ancestors. My elf from Lindon, is there now, and just. wants. out. now. please.
    Mirkwood Elf. Champion. Events Officer of Second Breakfast, Crickhollow. Band Leader of Alt Rock Band.



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