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Mastery and Damage Mod Changes
Hello folks! Vastin here, and we've been working on some fairly large updates to the general game mechanics in the background over the past few months. We'll start with the more straightforward one, which is a change to how Mastery and Damage Modifiers are calcualted in LOTRO.
For a long time now those of you who pay close attention to how effects work, or who have discussed the matter in forums have no doubt noticed that a lot of our damage effects seem rather weaker than the numbers suggest. This comes back to two main issues - how we calculate damage bonuses, and the player Mastery stat.
We have changed how Mastery is treated in these calculations as follows - my apologies, this next bit is necessarily rather math-y, but TL;DR all your damage buffs should behave much more like the numbers suggest they should.
There are three major changes in particular:
1) Mastery is now calculated as a separate multiplier from the rest of your damage mods!
- It used to be that mastery was added to the rest of your additive mods before it applied as a multiplier on your damage, because Mastery is usually quite large (+100-200% for many characters), this had the effect of watering down most other damage mods very badly.
- For a character with +150% mastery, a +10% damage mod would only appear to increase damage by 4%. Now the same mods will increase damage by a value much closer to 10%.
- Note that traits and effects that directly modded specific skills (SkillMods) are already treated as a separate multiplier so those weren't affected.
- Old Version: Damage = BaseDamage * SkillMods * ( 1 + Mastery% + Mod% + Mod% + Mod% ... )
- New Version: Damage = BaseDamage * SkillMods * (1 + Mastery% ) * (1 + Mod% + Mod% + Mod% ... )
2) Some mods directly multiplied damage rather than being treated additively. These were often considered 'the good buffs' previously, as they wouldn't be watered down by mastery or mob mods. These were often not correctly indicated in the UI and players could only determine their nature through trial and error. We've changed the tooltips to make such damage mods clearly distinct.
- Additive damage mods are still indicated as "+10% Melee Damage" or similar.
- Multiplicative damage mods are now indicated as "x1.1 Melee Damage" or similar.
- EG: Damage = BaseDamage * SkillMults * (1 + Mastery% ) * (1 + AddMod% + AddMod% + AddMod% ... ) * MultMod * MultMod* ...
- In general we've tried to standardize these tooltips to make them clearer. In practice with Mastery now treated as its own modifier, the difference between additive and multiplicative buffs is going to be a good bit smaller than it used to be so these won't matter quite as much.
3) Multiplicative and Additive damage de/buffs did not have a guaranteed Order of Operations. This could lead to irregular results if multiple de/buffs of both types were present on an entity. The order of operations should no longer be relevant in damage calculations, as all additive buffs occur in a single segment of the calculation.
This bug was rather maddening as it could play out differently for any possible combination of de/buffs. In most cases it doesn't come up, but in raids where a great many de/buffs are present it could mess the math up substantially, and in ways we could never really catch, predict, or fix.
Damage Mod Rescaling
Now for the catch - there's always a catch, isn't there? - but it a minor one for you folks.
These calculation changes have required us to go through the game and review pretty much all the player damage mods. Most of them are substantially more effective when calculated this way, so we've reduced the base magnitude of most of them to avoid upsetting the current game balance too significantly.
For a given value, players can expect a given buff % to feel x2 to x3 times as strong as they were before depending on their Mastery. Accordingly we've reduced the magnitude of most of them by a lesser factor. The final result should be that virtually all of these buffs should feel MORE effective than they were before - just not x3 as effective. The value listed on the buff should be much more commensurate with its actual game effect which is the main purpose of all this.
Below is a list of most of the damage modifiers in the game that have been altered as a result of this change. To keep the notes readable, all modifiers below can be assumed to apply to the Outgoing Damage mod of each effect, or as a modifier to such an effect. For effects with several tiers, generally only the change to the highest/final tier has been listed.
- Bear Form Damage Tracery [+35% ->+20%]
- Man Form Damage Tracery [+35% ->+20%]
- Encouraging Strike (t3) [+15% -> +10% ]
- Vicious Rage (t3) [+15% -> +10%]
- Raining Blows (t3) [+15% -> +10%]
- Aggressive Posture [+10% -> +5%]
- Class Spec: Maelstrom [+5% -> +3%]
- Pip Damage Bonus [+3%/pip -> +2%/pip]
- Get Serious [+25% -> +15%]
- Get Serious Tracery [+10% -> +5%]
- Feint [+20% -> +10%]
- The Best Defense [+30%->+20%]
- Strike As One (solo) [+25% -> +15%]
- Strike As One (group) [+10% -> +5%]
- Strike As One Trait Bonus [+10% -> +3%]
- Well Fed Trait Bonus [+15% -> +7.5%]
- Innate Strength: Quickness [+25% -> +10%]
- Innate Strength: Damage Tracery [+10% -> +5%]
- Joy of Battle Damage [+2%/stack -> +1%/stack]
- Item Set Taunt Damage [+20% -> +10%]
- All In [+80% -> 50%]
- All In Tracery Bonus [+40% -> +15%]
- Improved Feint Stealth Damage [+25 -> +15%]
- Trait: Sneak Attack [+100% -> +40%]
- Controlled Burn [+15% -> 10%]
- Controlled Burn Set Bonus [+7.5% -> 5% ]
- Fervour [+50 -> +20%]
- Invincible [+45% -> +32%]
- Controlled Fury [15% -> 10%]
- Unstable [30% -> 15%]
- Champion's Duel [30% -> 15%]
- Weapon Master Dual Wield [6% -> 5%]
- Exchange of Blows Melee Dmg Bonus Tracery [+35% -> +20%]
- Break Ranks [x1.4 -> +30%] (note operator change)
- Protection By The Sword [+5% -> +3%]
- Trait: Shoot to Kill [+10% -> +5%]
- Burn Hot Tracery Bonus [35% -> 15%]
- Pets
- Distraction [x0.5 -> x0.8] (This is a real rebalancing of the effect - it was much too overpowered. Sorry about that.)
- Fellowship Friend - Lynx [+5% -> +3%]
- Fellowship Friend - Bog-Guardian [+5% -> +3%]
- War-Speech [+5% -> +3%]
- Cry of the Chorus [+12% -> +8%]
- Emboldening Finish [+25% -> +15%]
- Anthem Tactical Damage [+10% -> +3%]
- Anthem Melee/Ranged Damage [+5% -> +3%]
- Anthem Damage Buff Tracery [+2% -> x50%] (note sign change, these traceries now modify the buff by that % - this was to avoid very small fractional modifiers)
- Set Item Anthem Damage Buff [+3% -> x66%]
- No changes
- Trait: Ranged Damage [+25% -> +10%]
High Elf
- Wrath of the Firstborne [+5% -> +3%]
Monsters & Instances
Most of these are player debuffs, which are likewise much stronger now that they aren't competing against Mastery. They've been reduced, but you can still expect to feel them more.
- General
- "Poisoned Weakness" [-35% -> -20%]
- Wight "Weakness" [25% -> -20%]
- Shade "Weakened Heart" [-40% -> -25%]
- Uruk "Hampering Shot" [-33% -> -25%]
- Drake "Freezing Metal" [-60% -> -40%]
- Nameless "Bane of the Blade-bearers and Fire-wielders" [-30% -> -20%]
- Elk "Unsteady Hands" [-25% -> -15%]
- Uruk "Fear Blade" [-50% -> -30%]
- Mazog "Sapped Strength" [-100% -> -50%]
- Garzog "Blade of Terror" [-50% -> -35%]
- Lost Temple "Weakness" [-50% -> -35%]
- World Eater [-90% -> -50%]
- Skirmishes
- Fear Contagion [-100% -> -50%]
- Scuttledells 3 man
- Fear of the Dead [-50% -> -35%]
- Weather Top
- Oppressive Darkess [-100% -> -50%]
- Special Trail Food [+5% -> +3%]
- Special Trail Food (130) [+2.5% -> +2%]
- Lorian Sharpening Stones - Keen Blade [+10% -> +5%]
- Ill Omens - Portents of Strength [+39% -> +20%] (and so on, all by about 1/2)
- Creep Trail Food [+5% -> +3%]
- Aggressive Essence [+5% -> +3%]
- Fellowship Aggressor Essence [+7.5% -> +4%]
- Captain Standards
- Standards of War Melee Bonus [+5% -> +3%]
Item Sets
- Sets granting Melee/Ranged/Tactial Damage [+10% -> +5%]
- General
- Fragment of Mordírith's Crown - [+8% -> +5%]
- Battlefield Promotion 15 [+15% -> +7.5%]
- Corruption: Damage [+25% -> +12.5%]
- Rank: Damage [+20% -> +10%]
- Boon of the Blackened Heart [+15% -> +7.5%]
- Invigourated [+30% -> +15%]
- Trait: Damage Boost [+25% -> +12.5%]
- Terror [-10% -> -5%]
- Command [+25% -> +12.5%]
- Shadow [+15% -> +7.5%]
- Rallying Howl [+25% -> 12%]
- Shadow Howler [+15% -> +7.5%]
- Rampage [+300% -> x3.0] (note sign change)
To wrap up, this update should be a pretty good quality of life change for players, as the damage buff and debuff effects in the game should all behave a lot more as you'd expect, and we've likely eliminated some odd edge case bugs from the game to boot. While the buff numbers are all tweaked downwards, actual player DPS should go up in almost every case.
Note that this change does not yet extend to defensive buffs or other stats and calculations - its just damage for now. We wanted to address this first as it is one of the most common forms of buff in the game, and Mastery has had that annoying 'watering down' effect for a very long time, which is less of an issue with defensive de/buffs.
In any case, we hope you enjoy the update! These changes are fairly large scale, so its entirely possible that we will find it necessary to make a few more tweaks before they go fully live, but we're pretty sure they'll be a significant positive change for the game overall.