I haven't seen mithril coins going on sale for a long time. It should go on sale periodically, IMHO.
I haven't seen mithril coins going on sale for a long time. It should go on sale periodically, IMHO.
They do go on sale, but not as often as you would like.
To be more specific - it has been almost two years since the last sale. Thy breath - holdeth not.
That may be the case.
But LotRO is "Supposed" to be a business. From what I can tell, the only revenue streams for LotRO are: 1) Expansions and 2) Mithril coin sales.
1) Expansions provide a burst of revenue when a new one is released or pre-ordered. The only ongoing revenue from them is from new players. But with the change that came with the 15th anniversary, there are only a few xPacs that provide ongoing revenue.
2) Mithril coin sales are the only stream that can provide a steady monthly stream of revenue. Sales of Mithril coins will occur only when monthly sales show a decline in revenue.
Just my interpretation of SSG business model.
I've been waiting for this too.
"Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children when you wanted to."
The way they sell Mithril Coins now is by putting up these supporter packs such as the Rakish Coffers around New Years. I haven't seen a "regular" mithril coin sale in several years, but the Rakish Coffers were a fairly good deal on the mithril coins if I recall.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.
But what you need to weigh up is how much of that increase of revenue comes from when the sale of mithril coins is on comes from none serial purchasers or the many that also purchase through the year anyway.
There are folks who will gladly pay the full price as and when needed and then there is many who simply will not. They wait for the sales.
So, making allowances for a virtual currency buying a virtual currency, the business are gaining from a pool that is only available when they put this sale on. That revenue would not be there but also you have to consider that those who purchase whenever they need them at normal price are also going to stock up whilst the sale is running. So, they are minimising revenue going forward for x amount of time.
The net win for SSG with a sale is those who refuse to buy MC unless there is a sale on. Not having a sale is basically losing that revenue altogether regardless of what serial purchasers do or not do. Serial purchasers will quite possibly average out over a set period of time - in fact the nature of having a surplus means that you would probably spend more on those frivolous items you wouldn't normally and therefore SSG gains again.
To recap - not having a MC sale is not a very good business model because it is a solid loss of revenue that just isn't there at all unless this sale is on.
You are also forgetting supporter packs and straight lotro point purchases. My opinion is that one third of the revenue is from content purchases, one third from billed subscription purchases, and one third from impulse purchases of different things that depend on personal opinion of value.
"No sadder words of tongue or pen are the words: 'Might have been'." -- John Greenleaf Whittier
"Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
On planet Earth, there is a try.
Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
We old vets need to keep in mind those who come after us.