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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2022

    Monster Play Changes for the First Bullroarer

    Welcome back,

    Here are the changes that you can expect to find to the Ettenmoors in this first round of Bullroarer testing:

    The Isendeep Mine

    All of the forces loyal to Angmar or the Free People are out of the mine, replaced by Drakes, drakelings, and hatchlings. Grodris patrols the skies of the mine on a flight patrol and is uninterested in you or your comings and going until you start interfering with her brood within the heart of the mine. Then, after you kill a number, she will descend to where the Captain-General and Tyrant used to be for a raid-style fight.

    The fight has 3-stages.

    Stage 1, Grodris is rooted in place and takes turns breathing terrible flames on anyone close to her or blasting great balls of fire at random targets outside of here immediate vicinity. If there are no targets in range she unleashes a continuous stream of exploding fireballs.

    In Stage 2, Grodris takes flight and rains fire from above, mixing in a new trick where she showers the area around her with liquid fire.

    In Stage 3, Grodirs becomes mobile and will wreak havoc in the ranks.

    If you pull Grodris out of her battle space - she will go right back to the beginning and start all over again.

    Word of caution - be wary of her eggs.

    Known Issues:

    • The announcements, which are Ettenmoors wide, are a little wonky at the moment.
    • The buffs acquired for defeating Grodris are untouched at the moment.
    • The map indicator is not working correctly.
    • The indicator at the bases to show who controls the mine are not working correctly.

    New Monster Player Experience

    All new monster player characters entering the Ettenmoors will have a brand new tutorial experience. This will take the player through the acquisition of blessings, corruptions, skills, the execution of skills, travel to Dar-gazag, returning to Gramsfoot via the map skill, explain more about unique abilities in the Ettenmoors, before having you execute your skills on the training dummy and being cut loose into the wild that is PvMP.

    Each race has a little flavor to it and the experience should be completable for every class in the Ettenmoors.

    Known Issues:

    • Return to Gramsfoot skill is still at a 5m cooldown and will be adjust to a 60s cooldown in a future update

    General Ettenmoors Changes

    The amount of items required to complete quests in the Ettenmoors is halved, in most cases. In some, the number did remain untouched. We also ran a complete audit of all rewards in the Ettenmoors and updated the commendations awarded for completing any quests. Quests now reward between 25 and 250 commendations depending on the perceived difficulty or time investment in the quest. The most common reward is now 100 commendations for quest completion. Additionally, all quests for the Free People now grant a small amount of Legendary Item experience when completed.

    Known Issues

    • A change made before the shift to Bullroarer may block some quests, specifically those with a token of valour, from appearing. This will be true for bestowers with these quests.

    Note: If you find an issue with a quest, difficulty, reward, or otherwise, please mention it here.

    Up Next:

    • Fixing the Mine
    • Updating the Free People Tutorial
    Last edited by SSG_Orion; Feb 07 2023 at 10:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    When can we expect the beta to start? Today?

    Thanks in advance and have a nice day!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    If this is a raid type encounter in the Isendeep Mine and will require a raid group to complete, will the full raid get appropriate credit and drops since this is landscape and landscape raids are still broken as far as I can tell.?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Neinda View Post
    If this is a raid type encounter in the Isendeep Mine and will require a raid group to complete, will the full raid get appropriate credit and drops since this is landscape and landscape raids are still broken as far as I can tell.?
    Previous posts say what only person who land finishing blow get credits, and this is bad way to deal with that content

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2020
    Could you explain the point of the Isen switch? I thought from your earlier posts that Grodis would literally be a roving threat that forces would roll up on unexpectedly in landscape and fight over. This sounds like you just switched Isen to neutral and Grodis is the new CG/Tyrant of the neutral keep. Why bother? I'm sure you have a reason, I just don't see it here.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    This is a raid that rewards the victorious side of the conflict (freeps or creeps) with beneficial buffs for a period of time. It is not a traditional raid in the sense that you may be thinking.

    That said, I am working on a reward structure that is fitting for the Ettenmoors.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by SingularityNow View Post
    Could you explain the point of the Isen switch? I thought from your earlier posts that Grodis would literally be a roving threat that forces would roll up on unexpectedly in landscape and fight over. This sounds like you just switched Isen to neutral and Grodis is the new CG/Tyrant of the neutral keep. Why bother? I'm sure you have a reason, I just don't see it here.
    I suggested in earlier posts that the denizens of the Ettendeep were likely to become roving threats.

    Moving the Isendeep to a neutral stance is to provide a little more dynamism to the areas of the Ettenmoors. I chose the Isendeep, because of its inherent "dungeon" feel. It's the easiest spot to build this sort of encounter.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    NPC difficulty differences on Freep and Creep need to be adjusted. My BA, full glass build, can take out NPCs solo with ease, whereas my Freeps struggle quite a bit. Seems not equal in-terms of HP/Mitigation pools and outgoing damage.
    I'm only suggesting this due to smaller servers and less active hours having much less capabilities of making a balanced group to get certain quests done or even compete with keep/outpost flips.

    Can NPC difficulty scale based off how many players are within its vicinity, say 90m?
    This way solo or small group players can experience moors and work toward gearing up/commendations while a craid or fraid would still need to be actively aware of fighting the npcs and not facerolling through.

    I just feel there's a difficulty issue, willing to go out on a limb to say it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Orion View Post
    Welcome back,

    Here are the changes that you can expect to find to the Ettenmoors in this first round of Bullroarer testing:

    The Isendeep Mine

    All of the forces loyal to Angmar or the Free People are out of the mine, replaced by Drakes, drakelings, and hatchlings. Grodris patrols the skies of the mine on a flight patrol and is uninterested in you or your comings and going until you start interfering with her brood within the heart of the mine. Then, after you kill a number, she will descend to where the Captain-General and Tyrant used to be for a raid-style fight.

    The fight has 3-stages.

    Stage 1, Grodris is rooted in place and takes turns breathing terrible flames on anyone close to her or blasting great balls of fire at random targets outside of here immediate vicinity. If there are no targets in range she unleashes a continuous stream of exploding fireballs.

    In Stage 2, Grodris takes flight and rains fire from above, mixing in a new trick where she showers the area around her with liquid fire.

    In Stage 3, Grodirs becomes mobile and will wreak havoc in the ranks.

    If you pull Grodris out of her battle space - she will go right back to the beginning and start all over again.

    Word of caution - be wary of her eggs.

    Known Issues:

    • The announcements, which are Ettenmoors wide, are a little wonky at the moment.
    • The buffs acquired for defeating Grodris are untouched at the moment.
    • The map indicator is not working correctly.
    • The indicator at the bases to show who controls the mine are not working correctly.

    New Monster Player Experience

    All new monster player characters entering the Ettenmoors will have a brand new tutorial experience. This will take the player through the acquisition of blessings, corruptions, skills, the execution of skills, travel to Dar-gazag, returning to Gramsfoot via the map skill, explain more about unique abilities in the Ettenmoors, before having you execute your skills on the training dummy and being cut loose into the wild that is PvMP.

    Each race has a little flavor to it and the experience should be completable for every class in the Ettenmoors.

    Known Issues:

    • Return to Gramsfoot skill is still at a 5m cooldown and will be adjust to a 60s cooldown in a future update

    General Ettenmoors Changes

    The amount of items required to complete quests in the Ettenmoors is halved, in most cases. In some, the number did remain untouched. We also ran a complete audit of all rewards in the Ettenmoors and updated the commendations awarded for completing any quests. Quests now reward between 25 and 250 commendations depending on the perceived difficulty or time investment in the quest. The most common reward is now 100 commendations for quest completion. Additionally, all quests for the Free People now grant a small amount of Legendary Item experience when completed.

    Known Issues

    • A change made before the shift to Bullroarer may block some quests, specifically those with a token of valour, from appearing. This will be true for bestowers with these quests.

    Note: If you find an issue with a quest, difficulty, reward, or otherwise, please mention it here.

    Up Next:

    • Fixing the Mine
    • Updating the Free People Tutorial
    Seriously ? Is this it ? You are having a laugh aren’t you ? To fix pvp you introduce more PVE ? Have you seen all the changes to Freeps coming in ? You think Creeps will continue to put up with this nonsense ? What’s the point in responding to you ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    I'd be curious to see how many people want to slog through the fight for as menial a reward as "1 hour of increased infamy/commendation gain", after herding 24 cats to go there and grind through some massive morale pools at the risk of having the whole kill get stolen by a single stealthed enemy who gets informed by a built-in callout mechanic.

    The risk+effort to reward ratio is tilted too massively on the side of risk/effort. Why slog through such a fight when you could just shuffle and get more reward for less risk and effort.
    The Black Appendage of Sauron

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Saruman_Of_Numbers View Post
    I'd be curious to see how many people want to slog through the fight for as menial a reward as "1 hour of increased infamy/commendation gain", after herding 24 cats to go there and grind through some massive morale pools at the risk of having the whole kill get stolen by a single stealthed enemy who gets informed by a built-in callout mechanic.

    The risk+effort to reward ratio is tilted too massively on the side of risk/effort. Why slog through such a fight when you could just shuffle and get more reward for less risk and effort.
    I did list that the buffs being untouched is a known issue. Current thought is that the buff will last for 6 hours.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Orion View Post
    I did list that the buffs being untouched is a known issue. Current thought is that the buff will last for 6 hours.

    ever so slightly better, but still not worth the trouble. I got the 1 hour number from the BR patch notes, which gives more details than you posted here (but may be out of date?)


    regardless of all of that, this entire mechanic is massively tilted in favor of creeps, mainly because creeps perform better against the typical neutral NPC than a freep, due to the fact that creeps have larger morale pools and proportionally better HPS-to-morale-pool ratios, and are able to tank themselves up to a significant degree on every class, as well as access to much much better AOE healing capabilities. I predict that creeps will be able to handle this boss with ease while freeps will struggle and be more vulnerable during the fight regardless of who has aggro on the boss.

    these blind zone-wide buffs to gains are not something that really excites people or motivates them to do anything other than "we have nothing else to do so might as well take [insert buff] while [other side] sits in [safe zone] and waits for us to disband. catching an opposing raid trying to take a boss like this usually isn't some kind of gotcha moment that can swing a fight in your favor, and when it is, it usually only applies to one side.
    The Black Appendage of Sauron

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_Orion View Post
    I did list that the buffs being untouched is a known issue. Current thought is that the buff will last for 6 hours.
    ok...another of my batpoo crazy ideas. Firstly make completion of killing the Big Flappy Thing in Isendeep reward every raid member a big chunk of Tokens of Valour but Bind on Aquire. Secondly , make the third phase of the combat tied to either freep/creep somehow. Thirdly , with the status of 2 types of token of valour BoA and BtA use the former for some scaled rewards from a vendor. One example of this would be a selection of r1-r15 boxes that cost the same tokens to purchase but offer an appropriate reward of renown that is concomitant to your rank (i.e. exponential increase). This may incentivise higher level players to become motivated to participate , as currently large amounts of renown are only really gained by killing the opposition and not PvE content.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    A small bug I noticed:
    In-combat and non-combat morale and power regeneration has been reduced almost to zero on creepside. That affects:
    1) base morale regeneration (across all 6 classes)
    2) food
    3) all racial and class traits
    4) WL banner that buffs creeps (Command Post)
    5) WL banner that debuffs freeps (Banner of Terror)

    For example, my spider has 211k in-combat morale regen (on Live servers) with racial trait and food. And on Bullroar it has only 3.5k morale regen with racial trait and food.
    Last edited by CHEBURASHKA; Feb 15 2023 at 05:30 PM.
    Arkenstone: Oiz - warg r13, Oizen - spider r11, Voiz - WL r11, Shokkolad - BA r10, Chebusik - defiler r8
    Oizio - LM; Cheburaxa - mini; Oizi - RK.
    Evernight: Oiz - warg r9, Oizi - spider r8

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    About skill March, use any skill can cancle March. its very boring to click March to move ,click March to cancle before fight,again and again all the time.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by CHEBURASHKA View Post
    A small bug I noticed:
    In-combat and non-combat morale and power regeneration has been reduced almost to zero on creepside. That affects:
    1) base morale regeneration (across all 6 classes)
    2) food
    3) all racial and class traits
    4) WL banner that buffs creeps (Command Post)
    5) WL banner that debuffs freeps (Banner of Terror)

    For example, my spider has 211k in-combat morale regen (on Live servers) with racial trait and food. And on Bullroar it has only 3.5k morale regen with racial trait and food.
    It is now showing as the amount regenerated per second, instead of per minute. That's why you now see 211k/60=3.5k.
    Feailuve, Akabath, Failure - Evernight
    Also known as Giliodor

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeviternus View Post
    It is now showing as the amount regenerated per second, instead of per minute. That's why you now see 211k/60=3.5k.
    Ah, my bad. Thanks for the clarification!
    Arkenstone: Oiz - warg r13, Oizen - spider r11, Voiz - WL r11, Shokkolad - BA r10, Chebusik - defiler r8
    Oizio - LM; Cheburaxa - mini; Oizi - RK.
    Evernight: Oiz - warg r9, Oizi - spider r8

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Could you please fix 2 Lore Master's skills and 2 traits which don't work correctly if you use them on creeps (they work fine on NPCs) when you have time please?

    - Nature's Fury
    - Ring of Fire
    What's the problem?
    Aoe dmg component of the skill does not work when the skill is applied. Only the initial hit (single target) works and that's it.

    - Wild Fire
    - Chill Wind
    What's the problem?
    Wind-lore does not spread the debuffs.

    Thank you in advance.
    Arkenstone: Oiz - warg r13, Oizen - spider r11, Voiz - WL r11, Shokkolad - BA r10, Chebusik - defiler r8
    Oizio - LM; Cheburaxa - mini; Oizi - RK.
    Evernight: Oiz - warg r9, Oizi - spider r8

  19. Feb 22 2023, 07:57 AM

  20. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Moors changes

    I like the New Monster Player Experience and General Ettenmoors Changes. Quite honestly, I doubt the changes to Isen will mean much. Seems like a lot of time and resources being put into something where most servers no longer have the player base to do this sort of thing... or the proposed tiered weeklies for that matter. How is Isen something different than DoF? For tiered weeklies? There are only two servers where you still find raid-sized groups anymore: Arksnestone and Evernight. No players on other servers will ever have a chance to participate in these things. And even on Ark and EN, the map has become very static......fewer players to flip stuff and inflated NPC morale levels make it so, so much more difficult to do so.

    Highly-inflated NPC morale levels have had a huge impact on the game! They've closed options for solos players and small groups, and it has resulted in maps that tends to be very static.
    Last edited by Nouri; Feb 23 2023 at 01:40 PM.
    Casinoari - Rank 15 RK - Arkenstone
    Malakorou - Rank 10 Defiler - Arkenstone
    Casinari - Original Challenger of Saruman Minstrel - Arkenstone
    Casithir - Rank 11 RK - Evernight

  21. Feb 23 2023, 08:43 AM

  22. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Makes more sense to me to set things up so when Grodris dies, the game calculates how much damage was done to her by freeps vs creeps and hands the bonus to whichever side did more. Easy math and it avoids last-second sniping.

  23. Feb 27 2023, 08:39 PM

  24. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Nouri View Post
    I'd like to know what prompted changes proposed to SM? What was the analysis thought-line here? Was it that RKs were crushing stuff in content? Probably not since you just gave them a big DPS increase.
    I'd suggest you actually watch some PvMP 1v1s...or even try some... before you make these changes.
    btw, you will only find champs, burgs and reavers at 1v1. Nerfing RK survivability is the last thing we need!!!
    Last edited by Nouri; Feb 27 2023 at 09:18 PM.
    Casinoari - Rank 15 RK - Arkenstone
    Malakorou - Rank 10 Defiler - Arkenstone
    Casinari - Original Challenger of Saruman Minstrel - Arkenstone
    Casithir - Rank 11 RK - Evernight

  25. #22
    Join Date
    May 2007
    another update, another round of FoTM....no thanks

    Mortem Tyrannis



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