Welcome back,
Here are the changes that you can expect to find to the Ettenmoors in this first round of Bullroarer testing:
The Isendeep Mine
All of the forces loyal to Angmar or the Free People are out of the mine, replaced by Drakes, drakelings, and hatchlings. Grodris patrols the skies of the mine on a flight patrol and is uninterested in you or your comings and going until you start interfering with her brood within the heart of the mine. Then, after you kill a number, she will descend to where the Captain-General and Tyrant used to be for a raid-style fight.
The fight has 3-stages.
Stage 1, Grodris is rooted in place and takes turns breathing terrible flames on anyone close to her or blasting great balls of fire at random targets outside of here immediate vicinity. If there are no targets in range she unleashes a continuous stream of exploding fireballs.
In Stage 2, Grodris takes flight and rains fire from above, mixing in a new trick where she showers the area around her with liquid fire.
In Stage 3, Grodirs becomes mobile and will wreak havoc in the ranks.
If you pull Grodris out of her battle space - she will go right back to the beginning and start all over again.
Word of caution - be wary of her eggs.
Known Issues:
- The announcements, which are Ettenmoors wide, are a little wonky at the moment.
- The buffs acquired for defeating Grodris are untouched at the moment.
- The map indicator is not working correctly.
- The indicator at the bases to show who controls the mine are not working correctly.
New Monster Player Experience
All new monster player characters entering the Ettenmoors will have a brand new tutorial experience. This will take the player through the acquisition of blessings, corruptions, skills, the execution of skills, travel to Dar-gazag, returning to Gramsfoot via the map skill, explain more about unique abilities in the Ettenmoors, before having you execute your skills on the training dummy and being cut loose into the wild that is PvMP.
Each race has a little flavor to it and the experience should be completable for every class in the Ettenmoors.
Known Issues:
- Return to Gramsfoot skill is still at a 5m cooldown and will be adjust to a 60s cooldown in a future update
General Ettenmoors Changes
The amount of items required to complete quests in the Ettenmoors is halved, in most cases. In some, the number did remain untouched. We also ran a complete audit of all rewards in the Ettenmoors and updated the commendations awarded for completing any quests. Quests now reward between 25 and 250 commendations depending on the perceived difficulty or time investment in the quest. The most common reward is now 100 commendations for quest completion. Additionally, all quests for the Free People now grant a small amount of Legendary Item experience when completed.
Known Issues
- A change made before the shift to Bullroarer may block some quests, specifically those with a token of valour, from appearing. This will be true for bestowers with these quests.
Note: If you find an issue with a quest, difficulty, reward, or otherwise, please mention it here.
Up Next:
- Fixing the Mine
- Updating the Free People Tutorial