Please post your feedback regarding the Fellowship instance Sagroth, Lair of Vermin in this thread.
Please post your feedback regarding the Fellowship instance Sagroth, Lair of Vermin in this thread.
Quality Assurance Team Lead
The Lord of the Rings Online
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf
Hard to judge instance where final fight don't work as intended. So far we have short instance with 2 bosses and without crazy amount of trash mobs, but trash clear difficulty looks fine at least on T1 and T2. T3 trash mobs fine too
Hope quest item pixels what we gather working as placeholders right now
What I don't like is random one-shot places where mobs clearly throw away you into wall. If you fly into poison water, it's ok, you fault, but if you fly into opposit direction, hit wall and die.. why? Don't like it in HoA before 1st boss, and don't like it here. Wall must be wall and must look/work as safe place where you can stand when you fight with mobs who have knockback effects. If you fly into wall and die, it looks confusing
When you continue your Angmar Reborn quests and get more quests into instances, it's nice idea for cluster instance without actual landscape. But I prefer more info about why we here and what happens in Carn Dum right now, for me, raid and 6-man instance can provide us more info about that. I really like how House of Rest fits into Gundabad storyline, or SV into Cardolan storyline, and in term of storyline Sagroth, Lair of Vermin looks like letdown right now.
And yet another complain, IMHO new gear names just too long. Hope it will be changed. Because we don't have gear like "Beorning's Silk-steel Gauntlets of Remmorchant, the Net of Darkness", we have "Beorning's Silk-steel Gauntlets of Deadly Claws" as example. Having gear type + gear name + instance name just looks unnecessary
The "Testing the Waters" foul liquid spots wouldn't activate when I approached them the first time. Not all of them, but last night was one and today was 2 of them that wouldn't proc for me to click on. After killing last boss I made my way back, in both tries, and they had become interactable.
Edit: also, the quest Lair of Vermin hasn't completed, but I'm unsure if this is intended to bar access to the next chapters of Angmar reborn.
Home base: Gladden• LI Reward Track Season 5 •
The small rat inductions are an interesting mechanic but might be just a tad overtuned. Maybe consider increasing their skill cooldown or induction by 1-2s so it's less punishing for less coordinated/off-meta groups.
Boss mechanics are wonky so hard to really comment on the fights in a meaningful way. I like the boss 2 design!
This is definately the most promising of the 3 instances we've seen so far. I have no information on who designed it , but i am getting some SV vibes - but better - due to how trash mobs are designed and the overall feeling of the instance.
Again , i don't know who made it , but i would like to see more of his work , which means i'm hoping there's a 3rd boss coming too. Otherwise the instance is very nice but too short for a 6man.
We actually had fun , first time i remember in any BR instance ever , which are usually in alpha stage. ( like the current 3mans )
More specifically :
1) The rats are really punishing and they should stay that way imo, but do a bit less inductions than they do now. Maybe a bit higher internal cd ?
2) There's a red debuff that removes b/p/e + something else punishing ( i can't remember what exactly ) which seems a bit too much. I speculated it came from the sickle flies but i couldn't trace it on combat log , nor could i see any induction. The did have an induction but it did something else. This imo needs some change , assuming it's not avoidable.
3) The first boss needs a lot more work , we just destroyed it almost instantly.
4) The rat boss is one of the best i've seen so far as a concept. I noticed it's a known issue that the mechs are not working properly , so i'll wait for next build to see what the dev has in mind. Although we got a lot of hints.
5) Overall instance dmg needs to go up. We did without lm on t3 , without knowing what what we were doing , and we barely wiped after we figured out the rats. The only thing that is really punishing atm is the puddles. The mobs do very little dmg , even with B/P/E debuff + a ton of +inc dmg debuffs.
Can't wait to see more of this !
1) I liked this dungeon. But like other comments have said, it's simply too short. It doesn't feel like a 6man and the last boss doesn't feel like a justifiable end.. there needs to be more.
2) The trash was cool, please don't nerf it. It was pretty easy when people were paying attention and unforgiving when they weren't which is how it should be on T3.
3) The first boss needs a lot more mechanics and the existing ones (if there are any) need to be tuned up a lot as we just blasted through it without needing to take much notice of what was happening in the fight.
4) The second boss premise was very good, I like it a lot. It however seemed very buggy and inconsistent as adds appeared to spawn near the cleansing items quite inconsistently to the point where there was a lot going on in the first half of the first and then suddenly nothing and were just killed it. If that is intending, the latter half of the fight is very underwhelming.
5) Loved the aesthetic, very good throwback to SoA.
Smiite - Prime - Evernight
Experience from Beta 4 currently on T3.
Trash needs little more buffing on morale and damage.
Boss 1 -
Needs .... so much doing to it. Spawns a set of adds at 66%? and another load at 33%? (Same morale percentages as SV?) which you can straight out ignore and just nuke boss in seconds.
Boss 2 -
Tiny rats either need longer time between inductions (they're like every 5/8 seconds currently lmao), longer time between spawning, or less morale so you can kill them without having another set reappearing so fast.
There's definitely some bugged thing with the Bosses skill - Infection if he gets the x1.6% damage buff since there was a try where we all had mits over capped, full LM debuffs, champ horn, 2x disable and our light armour classes on the whole other side of the room still got a "hit" for 1.2M lmao.
If you dps the boss too fast, he still just bugs out and stays afk in the middle.
There's currently zero point to the cleasing thingies since the buff tiers up every 1/2 mins? and you have killed the boss by then anyway. Either the buff needs to increase a lot faster or the Cleasing things need to do something else.
Like the idea of Boss 2, but as a whole, instance currently is very underwhelming.
Ex Gilrain, - World First Watcher V1, - Server First Draigoch, - Server only ToO T2C None Burg stack on level.
Currently Evernight, Prime, - Shelob Wider, - World/Server First or Second for: Abyss, Anvil, Remmo, AD, FoKD, HoA.
Worlds Only Abyss T2 6 Manned - Minstrel.
+Celestrata - 'Surprise, it's not a glitch! :D'
+Celestrata tells you 'You are by far the best mini I've seen out of any server, Congrats on world first!'