Please post your feedback regarding the Small Fellowship instance Thaurisgar, the Vile Apothecary in this thread.
Please post your feedback regarding the Small Fellowship instance Thaurisgar, the Vile Apothecary in this thread.
Last edited by Kehleyr_SSG; Mar 07 2023 at 03:31 PM.
Quality Assurance Team Lead
The Lord of the Rings Online
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf
2nd floor with puzzle quest feels empty, why we have corridors with quest items, but without mobs? It will be more interesting if combination for pauldrons changes every time when you enter instance, and wrong combination damage all groups or summon some mobs rushing to you
Last boss: Kârsija bugged in textures and do nothing. You can kill him only while AoE into right Bile Tank. Bile Tanks reappears and you need stop damage all 3 of them if you want to go out of combat and loot chest with rewards
It's hard to provide feedback atm , since this needs a lot things added , but i'll try anyway. We did this run on t3.
1) The assets around the cauldron puzzle , can sometimes get you stuck if you jump over them. That timeless stuck on falling animation bug.
2) I don't know what the purpose of the puzzle is at all , we did the 2nd combo ( as listed in the note ) and the gate opened , the first did nothing. Are we supposed to get mob waves when it fails ? Does the correct combination change ? No idea what your plan is.
3) Trash have way too few mechanics and very little dmg. The troll applies an outdated stat debuff ( less than 1k vit and some other stat ) that literally does nothing nowadays. I also noticed the troll gets buffed quickly , but stunning it resets it all ?
Need a lot more mechanics on trash , this is way too alpha and boring.
4) The last boss seems like an interesting concept , but boss on the platform does nothing ? I noticed it gets hit for 8% whenever you kill a barrel near it. Make that 10% maybe ??? I suppose the boss has to move around the platform and do mechanics meanwhile ?
Again , interesting concept if that's the case , but you need to bring the instance on a playable form before asking for feedback imo.
5) I liked the jumps for the lever , and the world building on the instance is nice , but it feels too empty atm. Maybe more enemies ?
1) The endboss didn't work in any discernable way, the cauldrons didn't do anything and the melee boss didn't have (any) noticeable mechanics... the ranged boss (if he is meant to be on the platform behind the cauldrons?) also did nothing the entire fight.
2) The jumping "puzzle" was interesting I guess, considering it was only a handful of jumps to a clearly visible end-goal I don't really think it added anything?
3) The cauldron "puzzle" again seemed pointless as it just required you to click a handful of items in an order on a scroll next to the items.. when we got it wrong nothing happened and we did it second try and just moved on... seems like something that will just take 1-4 attempts each run with no difficulty?
4) The aesthetic of the dungeon was cool and I do like the idea of non-boss puzzles in the instance itself, these were just not really hitting the spot IMO.
5) Overall, it's in a very not-ready state and needs a bunch more fixes and mechanics added before it should go Live; I do like the premise of the fight with the Melee and Ranged boss and cauldrons to "use" during the fight but right now it's so buggy it's kind of impossible to tell what you're meant to be doing in that fight. Also the cauldrons repeatedly respawned so we were stuck in combat after the fight.
Smiite - Prime - Evernight
Tried this tonight T2 with just a hunter and a champ. I think this might be a fun fight with 3 people, but I'm not sure yet.
First try we got almost instantly one-shot by the boss in the back when she blew up one of the tanks on us. Then we tried killing the tank before she finished her inductions but quickly figured out there was no way we could burn through its 4,000,000hp before her 2 second induction finished.
Next we noticed that the other boss could be CC'd, but you can't get line of sight to CC the female boss. Eventually we figured out that hitting the tank she was near with CC seemed to interrupt the attack (progress!). Then the other boss decided to one-shot us with his grey induction skills. He does 2 back to back, so we didn't seem to have enough CC to handle all of it.
I switched to beorning (so beo+hunter) and it was even more hectic without the champ horn on 20sec CD, but at least in tank spec I didn't get one-shot by a missed induction.
I'm looking forward to trying this with 3 people. I like mechanic heavy fights.
So I ran this on live, and any optimism I had in the previous post is gone. It's just another boring gear check fight that is trivial for ranged dps and a nightmare for melee.
As the title says, this instance is absolute ####. I tried it on solo T1 as a 140 Hunter with not horrible gear, and after I spent a half hour trying to get the stupid potions to work, it took trying each pattern three times before it decided the third one on the note was the correct one, I could finally try to progress to the final boss room. There, I couldn't see the ranged boss to shoot the "bile piles", and even when I did manage to kill the melee one, I was immediately one-shot by the other boss. The times I tried to focus on the ranged boss, the melee one was able to use it's poison bomb skill to two-shot me. This instance is just entirely stupid, and caused me to rage-quit the game after the seventh time dying to the ridiculous mechanics for a solo fight in incredibly tight space, with pillars that blocked my line of sight.
Don't have any problem with this boss on RK in solo version. Never have any one-shots
Just run it with other people. Problem is you running a MMO solo.
The fight could have something more tho. Maybe an idea, let the melee one be immune to damage till the boss in the back is hit by a tank. Then when he wakes the melee gets immune again. And the one in the back is immune till the melee one is dead and gets a buff when he is not immune anymore.
1. Don't use the note to solve the puzzle, it will just confuse you. Just try all 4 cauldrons until you see one of them behaving different (green rings on the surface appearing). Ok now you know the first one. Try another one. If it starts to behave different it's the second one. If not start from scratch. (first one is the same, try a different for seconds as last try). Takes max 2-3 minutes to get it right this way.
2. Last boss(es): Stay close to the start of the room. Don't walk out on the green floor. You can use the constructions to not get hit at range from the second boss behind the bile-tanks. Kill the first guy. Now look how the second one moves. When he's stopping close to any bile-tank, hit the tank (not the boss!) with everything you have, when it explodes it will hurt him big-time and also paralyse him. After a while he will start to move again. Rinse and repeat. Takes some 4-5 bile-tanks to kill him. On any ranged class (i did it with hunter and Minstrel, both in half-decent solo-gear) this is easily done. (It's way worse with a melee-class who needs to get on the poison-floor to kill the first boss and hit the bile-tanks in melee-range while the second boss can hit you anytime...)
Good hunting!
Dawarad HNT | Dawadan MIN | Dawfast CMP | Dawaran CPT | Dawmur GRD | Dawared WRD | Dawagrim RK | Dawaras LM | Daweric BRG | Dawagar MIN | Dawarar CMP | Dawnakh WRG | Dawbag BA | Dawgil WVR | Dawglob WL |
I’d respond by saying if the dungeon is not mean to be run solo then Turbine shouldn’t include the solo option. It’s that simple.
That being said once you figure out the fact that last boss uses LOS all you have to do is hide close to the wall under Vile Bile Phial containers and he can’t even see you Ri attack. Then take out melee guy with little problem. At which point you are safe to destroy containers to injure the second.
Last edited by Baggins; Mar 26 2023 at 07:05 PM.
You just have to know where to look. There are four doors to the little side-rooms with the worms. One will have a torch lit over the door- which torch is lit indicates which mixture to make from the note.
Southeast door - first recipe
Northwest door - second recipe
Northeast door - third recipe
Southwest door - fourth recipe