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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    So when is the Delving and Osgiliath maps coming back anyway?

    The Delving was a cool place in the moors, it broke up the monotony of the regular map, was often an escape from the lag, let you get around the map quicker, also the whole nostalgia factor of needing to get the spirit stones back in the day down there and it being in the game this long. It also had a close quarters dynamic the open map doesn't have. There was basically zero downsides to it it was just a cool little thing to have in the game that had been around for forever until it got taken away out of nowhere with zero rationale or explanation whatsoever from the devs. They basically did the same thing they did with Osgiliath where they said they were taking it down for "maintenance" with no timeframe and its just been down for years now. Also the Osgiliath map was fine, people rank farmed there but they do it in the regular map anyway, should bring that back too

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
    The Delving of Fror will return at some point. Right now, the denizens within are stirring and preparing something.

    The matron of the Wintersebb, Grodris, has already broken free of the delving and will be moving into the Isendeep Mine for the next update. She's been updated and upgraded as part of that effort.

    There are a few more bosses there planning on making an escape and then an appearance on the landscape.

    Add to this, there are plans for the new/old elf and orc camps that were recently moved back to their old locations.

    When will you start seeing these changes? Not this release, but there are plans to have more out there in the second release, what exactly is in that release is not solidified. But, if you watch this board, you will be informed of any upcoming changes.



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