Your new ideas about artifacts, siege, events are interesting but I would like to ask some questions about the creep class rework that has started a long time ago (since Fantus) and that's still not finished.
1) What are your plans for warg? I'm specifically interested in 2 things:
- are you gonna increase the usefulness of warg in group PvP (rework of 20% mit debuff primarily)?*
- are you gonna increase Shadow warg dmg?
For more details check my post about warg rework here (post #62):
2) What are your plans for dps WL (stance)?
- is it gonna be an offensive support class like red cappy?
3) What are your plans for BA?
- are you gonna add something useful to melee skils (except 'Gash' which is already useful)? Like debuffs or buffs ['next skill requires no induction', for example]
- are you gonna make 'Skirmisher Stance' useful (by giving it some kind of identity)?
- are you gonna rework traps so that they can perform some useful function in group PvP?
- are you gonna turn 'I See You' into some kind of a group buff (short duration, short CD)?
- are you gonna rework 'Centre' (by removing induction)?
4) What are you plans for corruptions?(the ones that can be cleansed, not the stat buffs)
- are you gonna add more?
- are you gonna balance the corruption removal skills across all freep classes (so that every class could remove identical number of corruptions)?
Thank you in advance.
*Out of all questions above the '20% mit debuff' is the biggest issue.
On a side note, could you please do something with tool tips so that you can't close them by using 'Esc'? Maybe add an option to stick them to your screen. I think everyone will be happy if you do that (both in Pve and PvP communities).
Arkenstone: Oiz - warg r13, Oizen - spider r11, Voiz - WL r11, Shokkolad - BA r10, Chebusik - defiler r8
Oizio - LM; Cheburaxa - mini; Oizi - RK.
Evernight: Oiz - warg r9, Oizi - spider r8