Originally Posted by
There is no select group to which we listen. Our feedback, experience, and testing informs the majority of the decisions we make around balance. After the initial change to mastery went live with U35, there were a number of experiences in our internal testing, and the initial feedback and experiences expressed in-game, here on the forums, and our our own experiences, that we felt we had reduced some of the difficulty across the game. As I stated in another related thread, we are monitoring this recent changwe If we were overzealous in our adjustments, we will, happily admit our mistake, and adjust accordingly.
I am sorry but I am not sure what you guys are playing or with whom you are playing, but none of these changes should have ever left the drawing board. Your testing in my personal opinion is inadequate and you should be ashamed of the product you have released.
Xcelion / Nucleus (Firefoot Server)
"You Should have seen your Face, HAAAAA, Classic"