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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    No Chat Server connection (and no friends list)

    I have not had a connection to the chat server(s) for 4 days.
    I tried editing the UserPreferences.ini file and set UserSpecifiedPort=9000 <- actually tried all ports through 9010
    Verified Lotro client is not blocked by Windows firewall at all.

    Anything else to try?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Not your fault or the fault of your computer or your network. However, what often resolves this problem with LOTRO is a full local network reset:
    1- Shut down your computer and all your network devices. "All your network devices" for most people means your wireless router and your cable modem. You might have more than one device composing your router, be sure you shut them all down. You might have something other than a cable modem (DSL or some other way of getting the wide world of interwebs into your house) – whatever it is, shut it down. If you don't know how to turn something off, unplug it.
    2- Wait 2 minutes. 120 seconds. Just wait with all your stuff turned off.
    3- Turn everything back on/plug everything back in starting with the most "upstream" device and working your way downstream. For most people, that means turning on the cable modem first. After turning on a device, allow it to fully boot before turning on the next device. If you can't tell when a device is fully booted, just turn it on/plug it in and then wait 2 full minutes (120 seconds) before moving to the next device downstream. So for most people: Cable modem, wireless router, then finally computer.

    Don't just send a remote restart command to your router. Don't just clear the caches on your computer. Turn it ALL off, wait 2 full minutes, then turn it all back on starting with the most upstream device and then working your way downstream.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Thanks for the excellent idea. I power cycled the cable modem/router and all is restored.



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