Originally Posted by
The "Solved" reply to a bug report doesn't mean it's fixed, just that it's been acknowledged as a bug and passed on to the relevant person(s) for attention. I'm fairly sure it tells you this in the response email. How long it takes to fix it, if it ever gets fixed, depends on how severe/urgent SSG determine the bug to be.
This is 100% correct. As long as you entered a legitimate email address as part of your bug report, you would have received the following response:
Greetings! Thank you for submitting a bug report!
Your bug has been sent to our Quality Assurance team to be reviewed. Please note we are not able to provide status updates or feedback on individual bugs.
Note that a ticket status of “solved” does not mean a bug has been fixed, but the report ticket has been addressed by Quality Assurance.
Please note: We are unable to provide immediate or direct assistance via a Bug Report.
Standing Stone Games, LLC.
You may always search our FAQ or request support at help.standingstonegames.com
Quality Assurance Team Lead
The Lord of the Rings Online
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf