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Enjoyed the game a lot so far. Beautiful landscaping, good storytelling, nice how you follow alongside the epic story.
Currently at leven 99 in Gondor, looking forward to see how the story will unfold.
Now I have to Retake Pelargir, which is the stupidest and silliest thing I had to perform in all my LOTRO history. Nothing to do with the story and utterly boring. But I need to do it if I want to progress the epic story line.
This I will not do. I will not learn a whole new tactics and figure out what I have to do, if doing it doesn't interest me in the least. And spend 40+ minutes, maybe retry if I fail, and then who knows how many of these things I will encounter in the future?
I will delete my character and say goodby to LOTRO. For good.
How sad, and how disappointing.
I have only scanned through the replies here briefly so forgive me if this has already been said.
I happen to like Epic Battles, but I do realise that I'm probably in the minority. That said, Retaking Pelargir is not a roadblock, it's more like a speedhump. It is one of the easiest EBs to complete solo, even with zero promotion points. There are plenty of good guides around showing how to complete it, and if you are still stuck, as others have said, politely ask in world chat if anyone would be kind enough to help you duo it. If you care about the game even half as much as you claim in the original post, then this small obstruction shouldn't be enough to make you quit.
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.”
- Will Rogers