thanks for the intersting info
thanks for the intersting info
IO am still curious as to why when you buy premium housing for basically real cash that the house does not come with any storage of its own.
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Pouncival-Rank 15 aroo-Leader of the Pouncing Pwny
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but this amount should be increased
Founder of the kinship "Beschützer des Lichtes" Server Belegaer Beschützer des Lichtes
Founder of the german newspaper for Lotro and Tolkien Funkenflug
I just purchased a premium mead hall in East Rohan, foolishly believing it would be my kin house.
I mean, the place is enormous, and a Mead Hall is a place of gathering, a home for the group.. So I figured it would make a great kin hall.
Unfortunately, I never noticed any option to make it my kin house during the purchase process,
and indeed, it appears among my personal homes, and has disrupted the Travel to Premium Home" skill,
since I already have a lovely and largely empty premium home in Belfalas.
Is there some way to convert a Deluxe Mead Hall to kin hall for my kin?
I founded and lead the kin, I own the house, the kin is rank 7, so I don't know if it's possible.. it was certainly expensive enough to be a kin house, 893 mithril..
Eldargil of Beriabereth -- Gladden
Absolutely not. This has come up tons of times in the forums. I could link about 20 separate posts talking about it. They did not want to take away the importance of the kinship halls in Gondor, so they decided to exclude any kinships in Rohan housing. They have been working on the ability to allow people to have a second kinship building, but nowhere have I heard about them "converting" houses into one. The requirements to make that sort of change probably would be too much for them.
In fact, traveling to a kin-member's house was their compromise. You can set your mead hall as your primary residence and anyone in your kinship can "visit" you. Unfortunately, you cannot split your personal housing chest up for public-use. The costs of all housing has increased, because their capabilities have also increased. There are two special houses that cost about that much because one has a tower and the other has a cave. The mead hall has exclusive slots for firepits and columns on top of the Rohan horse and light slots. Erebor will also probably have an increase in cost because of their new yard features. Though this time, they will offer kinship houses because apparently there are ones willing to pay extra for them.
I am unsure if there is a way to change which Premium House the port targets. However, you can click on the yellow arrows next to your house in your Housing tab to travel directly to the one you choose.
Well then I don't have to worry about running out of hooks anytime soon..
It just seems so counterintuitive that a huge place with a firepit, over a dozen side rooms, and with the name Mead Hall, that it is NOT a "group" structure.
My own feeling is that it could be made convertible without a huge rewrite. adapting the GUI would probably be the most work, class conversions would be straighforward..
but would it ever make a hit list? doubtful.. I've been around here long enough..
The background music in East Rohan is what closed the deal for me.. it's epic, stirring, I think it captures the heart and spirit of the Rohirrim.
So I guess I own a house and a museum, now to fill them up
I have bought a Rohan premium house, but it is so dark inside.
Anyone has suggestions, how i can make it brighter inside?
Thanks for the suggestions !
Eldoran: Leader of the Dutch speaking kinship HET LEGIOEN VAN ERIADOR (Laurelin-Server)
Visit the NPC hub in your neighbourhood and find the Ambience Furnisher NPC. You'll be able to acquire different kinds of Lights for a few silver (don't fall for the scalpers that post them on AH for gold). In your house you should be able to see the Light hooks to place those lights when you enter decoration mode.
Here's a list of options:
Home base: Gladden• LI Reward Track Season 5 •
Thanks for the lighting-feedback on the Rohan housing.
Other question ... does the premium meadhall count as kinhouse?
Eldoran: Leader of the Dutch speaking kinship HET LEGIOEN VAN ERIADOR (Laurelin-Server)
Do elven deluxe houses have more rooms and etc than hobbit deluxe houses?
Do premium houses have more rooms or less rooms than the deluxe houses?
I inherited a kin house from an inactive leader with permission as he no longer plays. I have been managing the kin for a while but was interested in moving the kinhouse to another location or perhaps even to get a premium kinhouse. What happens to the house if I abandon it? do I get a refund in housing writs so i can purchace a house in a different location or do they go to the original purchaser? I would like to move the house but I don't want to lose the investment. In addition if you do get a refund is the refunded amount enough to buy another standard kin house? I assume a premium house would be more regardless. Do the items placed as decorations go back to the original owners or do they follow me in an escrow account? Or can I just place them in my housing bag.
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Elves Deluxe houses have 1 more room than Hobbit houses but have the same amount of hooks.
Premium houses have more rooms and hooks than classic houses.
If you abandon a classic house (kin or not), you won't get any refund.
If you abandon a premium house, you'll get 90% of the initial cost in property writs.
About items: when you'll abandon your kin house, items will go into the housing escrow. When you'll buy your new house, items will be on your new kin house storage (chest). If any deco items in the house (at the time of abandonment) are bound to another player, they will go into the housing storage of that player.
LesBalladesDeYao: A big unexplored world.
I was told that if you bought one of the premium houses in Rohan (either Kingstead or East Rohan, I don't remember which) you could set up a garden where you could grow crops of any level, as well as purchase an oven where you could cook to max level. Is that true, and if so, is it possible at any premium house?
Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen lytlað
every professions work station is available in the store and fits to every house in every country. But if you purchase a rohirrim house, then you didn't get automaticly these furnitures...
Founder of the kinship "Beschützer des Lichtes" Server Belegaer Beschützer des Lichtes
Founder of the german newspaper for Lotro and Tolkien Funkenflug
The thing with Rohan houses is that they look more like actual farms. So decorating them to look like the deal result easier. Also the communal area of the Rohan neighborhood have public crafting facilities while earlier released housing areas don't. Like others said you can set private personal housing facilities at any house kind. Many kinships provide them for their kinmates use, at their kinship house.![]()
Hello everyone,
How much is the upkeep on premium houses?
I can't find that information anywhere... Can it still be payed in gold, or only Mithril Coins?
Thank you
If you are VIP, premium housing upkeep should be free. I am not and I have a small (stately?) Belfalas house and the upkeep is 1 gold per week, or 5 MC I think.
Do the items that are stored in your premium housing storage (not the shared housing storage), get transferred to escrow/shared housing storage when you sell a premium house? Is there a limit on the number of items that can go into the overflow of your shared housing storage when you sell a premium house? Do items from the premium house storage take a while to show up in your shared housing storage if you sell a premium house? I ask because I sold some premium houses and items that were in the premium house storage have disappeared (including housing writs, and it's the writs I really want to get back...)
Yes, all items should have gone to your housing storage/escrow, no matter the numbers.
A few things you can check :
- You're sure that the writs did not stack with the one you got from selling your house?
- Did you check that they didn't go into one of you're character's bags ? That happens sometimes with things bought from the store.
LesBalladesDeYao: A big unexplored world.
From the website FAQ: (LOTRO Housing FAQs)
"Can I sell my house?"
"No. You can only abandon the house and collect any prepaid upkeep costs which you may have."
Is it all upkeep costs paid, but not the original cost? Or, is it pre-paid upkeep costs spent but not yet used? Or is it none?
I asked in game chat and someone said NO, you do not get anything.
The FAQ in the Forum is from 2007. The website is 2022.
Last edited by friimynd; Apr 29 2023 at 04:09 AM.