WardenEase2 is a “cheat-sheet” display. Click on a Gambit in the WardenEase2 display and the WardenEase2 clue panel will show the builders needed to create that Gambit. Hover the mouse cursor over a Gambit in the WardenEase2 display and you’ll get an abbreviated tooltip to remind you what that Gambit does. You can choose to hide Gambits to make the display smaller and to arrange the display horizontally or vertically.
WardenEase2 is a “cheat-sheet” display. Click on a Gambit in the WardenEase2 display and the WardenEase2 clue panel will show the builders needed to create that Gambit. Hover the mouse cursor over a Gambit in the WardenEase2 display and you’ll get an abbreviated tooltip to remind you what that Gambit does. You can choose to hide Gambits to make the display smaller and to arrange the display horizontally or vertically.