Originally Posted by
Enjoying a lot of the changes, but I did have a couple of notes I wanted to make in light of everything...
Does the Ambush Run Speed thing need to still be a thing? I'd love to see it be an In Combat Short Term Run Speed Buff added to a skill somewhere.
I enjoy the Buff and Debuff Duration Traceries, though they feel only barely impactful even at their Gold Tiers. Would still slot them though, just wish it was adding a bit to each buff in perhaps a % way, or a higher base number I suppose.
Never Surrender
Not a fan of the Never Surrender change. I definitely get wanting to ditch the double dip that we have atm, but trying to predict your death is always such a pain. You could just potentially catch 2 unexpected RNG crits in a row and boom.
If I were to offer a suggestion that would fit both, why not make Never Surrender a toggle effect, where as when the restoration effect triggers, THAT is when the Cooldown begins.
Turn it on and leave it alone, but you can no longer double dip. You could even keep the Tracery the same for the most part, or augment it with some CD Reduction. Have something like Blue Line = 3m CD traited, -60s on a gold tracery for 2m, than have Red be 5m = 4m CD with the same tracery. Idk, just something I was thinking about, prefer the current version where I don't have yet another mini mechanic to juggle based on some RNG.
First Aid
Personally I'd love to see this skill be a lot more useful. Either a tracery to make have a shorter CD or the ability to clear more than 1 or something. Right now this is actually probably one of the things that actually annoy me most often playing Warden.
Warning Shot
This one bugged or..? If not I'd be hard pressed unless absolutely necessary to use it with an enemy buff on it.
Love the animation changes overall, weird choice to change up Brink of Victory's AoE but eh...
Fellowship Protector
Feels not great honestly, especially for a capstone. Tanking on Warden I almost always have my mits capped already, so having something that's throwing more out feels needless, basically just very little impact.
Way of the Shield
Also, after the tuning from Beta 1, this one feels wrenched down too far. It's minor utility now, rather than something with some meat on it.
The Overall Critical Defense Loss was also much heavier than I anticipated.
End Note
Pre-Combat Buff Dancing
I've been tanking with Warden since....Mirkwood or so. I'd love some way to just condense our Pre-Combat Buff Dancing into a smaller timeframe. An out of combat tank buff skill if you were that just flipped it on for the start, not even just for myself, but to speed up those like long wind ups going into combat. I mean does anyone really enjoy needing to stand around with their food buffs and everything running down for 30s or so before every pull? Might just be a personal thing I'd love to see happen at some point though maybe just wishful thinking.