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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Question More premium settlements

    We now have several premium Man settlements (1xBelfalas, 2xRohan) and one for Dwarves (Erebor). Can we expect more premium settlements in the foreseeable future, for example for Hobbits in the Shire (perhaps in southfarthing) or for Elves maybe in Lindon?

    I would like to buy several houses in the Shire in particular.

    However, it would be nice if we had more smaller rooms to decorate, which are more in-depth (like real hobbit holes). The much too large main room in the luxury Hobbit houses does not really fit the lore ...
    German HdRO-Guide. Für alles rund ums Spielvergnügen!

  2. #2
    Whohaz_Duhrang's Avatar
    Whohaz_Duhrang is offline Father Of Dwarves Within The Evernight...
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    While Yall Are At It., If Yall Could Add More Yard Hooks To The Thorins Homesteads Housing Plots Especially The Kinship Housings Thatd Be Wonderous., Unsure About Other Starter Housing Areas

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Kirchenmaus View Post
    We now have several premium Man settlements (1xBelfalas, 2xRohan) and one for Dwarves (Erebor). Can we expect more premium settlements in the foreseeable future, for example for Hobbits in the Shire (perhaps in southfarthing) or for Elves maybe in Lindon?

    I would like to buy several houses in the Shire in particular.

    However, it would be nice if we had more smaller rooms to decorate, which are more in-depth (like real hobbit holes). The much too large main room in the luxury Hobbit houses does not really fit the lore ...
    The devs confirmed that more premium house kinds will arrive in the future. You can always use the decorative walls objects on the rug slots to subdivide those big hobbit house rooms on anything between 2 to 4 smaller rooms.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Future Premium Housing

    Scenario mentioned in one of his Stroll Through Middle-Earth streams that they've focused enough on Dwarf and Man housing. Without specifying, that leaves Elf and Hobbit housing (or Beorning???). He touched on Lothlorien as a probable no due to flets I assume. Speculation then on Hobbit options would be Swanfleet between Mossward and Hobbit villages, in the South Farthing or potentially a shared Hobbit/Elf area in the Tower Hills near Mithlond. Other Elf options might be Rivendell or around Felegoth. I'm leaning toward Swanfleet and Felegoth, as they would bring a different look to the neighborhood. The other options we've probably already seen before.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Well... some of us already figured out where the next housing will be



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