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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    And a few MMO game definitions:

    WoW = World of Warcraft
    CoH = City of Heroes
    CoV = City of Villains
    DAoC = Dark Age of Camelot
    SWG = Star Wars Galaxies
    AC = Asheron's Call

    For LOTRO, the new expansion SoE = Shores of Evendim

    A basic one:

    Q = quest, any quest given to a player by an NPC listed in your quest log.

    Chapter quests = for those who haven't yet reached that part of the Epic Quests - once you finish the Epic Quest Prologue you will find the Epic Quest continues as a series of Books, with each quest leg described as a Chapter.

    LFF = looking for fellowship - use this when looking to start a pickup group fellowship to complete a quest.

    Blind Invite = It is considered poor form to blindly invite someone to join a fellowship without an initial "tell" or chat or at least a broadcast on the LFF channel.

    OOC = out of character. Use the OOC channel to chat out of character (i.e., real life).

    RL = Real Life
    [I][COLOR=#40e0d0]Slamfist of Landroval and Silverlode - Slamwise - Slamburger - Slamrat - and Joe[/COLOR][/I]
    [COLOR=#ffff00]< [URL="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=351547"]a Hobbit's Tale[/URL]> < [URL="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?313127"]Behold the Chinchillas![/URL] > [/COLOR]

  2. #27
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    Mar 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    About Debuffs. I've seen it defined a couple of ways.

    Debuffing can refer to the act of removing a (positive) buff on a mob. I'm not sure we have a skill like that yet in LOTRO, but say a mob uses a skill that increases his attack power (a buff). If you use a skill that removes that (a Dispel type move), then that skill would be a debuff in this sense.

    Debuffing can also refer to the act of putting a negative effect on a mob (lowering attack speed, decreasing armor) where there was none before. All of the Burglar's Tricks, for instance, are classified as Debuffs in that they lower the enemy's performance or survivability in some way.

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Something you might want to add to your list.

    PvP or PvMP: Player versus Player. Used to describe a style of play where players can kill each other at will. In LOTRO the only PvP is found in Ettenmoors and is referred to as PvMP or monster play. This stands for player versus monster player. Mnay dont consider this true PvP. True PvP is where a game allows players to attack players at will, where they not reserved to a certain zone. This can sometimes be either free for all or separated by factions.

    Raid: Usually used to describe a larger then usual group/fellowship(more then 6). Usually formed to go in specific designed raid dungeon(LOTRO's largest Raid size is 24) but can also be formed for PvP objectives. For example in other games raids could be formed to invade an opposing factions towns.

    Raid can also be used to describe the actual act of raiding a specific dungeon. "we have a raid tonight, you coming?"

    Trash mobs or Trash: When doing a dungeon or raid, its the term often used to describe the numerous units you need to fight to get to the bosses and progress further in the dungeon.

    FFA: Free for All

    Thats all I can think of now.

  4. #29
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    Apr 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by Slave_to_the_Wheek
    Except the PBoE because I don't understand it enough from the brief description. If anyone cares to elaborate that would be greatly appreciated.
    No one seems to have answered this. While AoE affects and is centered on the target and his surrounding area itself, usually at a distance from the caster, the point-blank is centered on the caster. It also has an Area of Effect, but the center of it is the caster, not the target. Usually used when the caster is overwhelmed by enemies.
    Last edited by Someday; Jun 16 2007 at 08:48 AM.

  5. #30
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    gj (good job). welcome to online gaming. ...and ur (you're/your) never too old to plays these games, if that is what you want to do.

    Korphant (main), LM, Meneldor

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    While "ur" is frequently used, it's not an acronym, but (usually) either carelessness or just plain laziness.

  7. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    This should be stickied/pinned/whatever. A great little guide.

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    thanks, as a new online player this really helps

  9. #34
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by Someday View Post
    While "ur" is frequently used, it's not an acronym, but (usually) either carelessness or just plain laziness.
    thank you for pointing that out. i still thought it would be good to note in case those new to online stuff in general had no idea. ...and yes, i am lazy, but since i started my work carreer in an industry rife with acronyms and jargon, i really enjoy using that kind of stuff.

    Korphant (main), LM, Meneldor

  10. #35
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    Apr 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by Slave_to_the_Wheek View Post
    MOB or MOBS - Used to describe any animal or race or creature in the game who will attack you. Often used specifically to describe certain types of bad guys who will come at you in multiples.
    This came from an acronym, I'm not totally for sure but I believe it stood for Monster or Beast, or Mobile object, which became mob for short.

    PST Please Send Tell, a request to converse privately, usually follows LFF request.

    anyway, great post. I'd also like to see this sticky somewhere. It is easy to forget that not all are up with the lingo in these games.

    Some have yet to be tainted by the dark side

    Last edited by Adamerus; Jun 18 2007 at 01:20 PM.
    One does not simply walk into Mordor,
    And one does not simply stroll on by the killer deer in Evendim.

  11. #36
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    Jun 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    MOB or MOBS - Used to describe any animal or race or creature in the game who will attack you. Often used specifically to describe certain types of bad guys who will come at you in multiples.
    This was the most helpful. I was reading through the guardian forum and I was interpreting MOBs as groups of enemies thinking that I should be able to handle a few different groups of enemies at once (6-9 individuals).

    I thought that I must really be a sad guardian (a little sad maybe, but learning) as this line of thinking did not work out so well for me.
    Guenther - 50 Guardian, R5; Guenthir - 50 Captain, R3, Therguen - 34 Lore-Master
    Tenderpaw - warg, R4

  12. #37
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    Mar 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Now also the fellowship or tell abbreviations utilized by players

    BRT - be right there

    BRB - be right back

    OMW - on my way

    BB or Bio - bio break (bathroom run)

    AFK - away from Keyboard

    GTG - normally means 'good to go' - some use it as 'got to go'. so clarification may be needed on this one.

    NPC - non player character

    Con - means the condition or level of a mob - 'under conned' - means the mob is tougher than what its level indicates.
    Drudina Lonewaif Minstrel
    Order of the Three Blades - Landroval

  13. #38
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    Apr 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Proc - the action of an item or piece of equipment (usually weapon) activating its special ability. Proc rate is the the rate at which the effect will activate; higher proc rate the more chance that special action will fire off.
    One does not simply walk into Mordor,
    And one does not simply stroll on by the killer deer in Evendim.

  14. #39
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    Apr 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elessar2007 View Post
    And a few MMO game definitions:
    For LOTRO, the new expansion SoE = Shores of Evendim

    Not to be confused with SOE (Sony Online Entertainment), makers of Star Wars Galaxies.

  15. #40
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    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    OOOooo, ya. Ouch. Don't want to be associated with that...!

  16. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    I wish I had this when I started in December
    Great resource though
    Bogo - [B][I]Retired[/I][/B]

  17. #42

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Cj = Conjuction another term for FM. CJ was used in CB and many of us still use that term

    FM= Fellowship manuver in which the a fellowship may deal lots of damage on a target. May be caused by a player stunning a mob or a burgular that has special abilities in this area.

  18. #43
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    Apr 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    The OP still updating this? It seems many that were added since the 15 have not been added to the first post.

  19. #44

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Yes, I'll be updating it again this weekend, new job keeps me from posting like I used to. In the meantime keep adding stuff guys. I'm trying to keep the chat stuff separate though as googling "chat terms" usually brings up most. I probably should put a section for chat terms for the MMO's though.

  20. #45
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    Mar 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    body pulls?
    sounds like a prox pull
    using proximity to mob to initiate aggro.

    In other games, prox pulling has some benefits as the social assist may be prevented with some tricks.

  21. #46
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    Jul 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    I'm new to this as well and am wondering if there is a resource that explains all the weapon attributes. For instance, what does a speed of 2.3 mean? Is higher better? 2.3 feet per sec - 2.3 seconds between blows? What about 3.8 damage per second? I though a weapon strike was an instantaneous occurrence.

  22. #47
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    Jul 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Proc (I'm not even sure if LotRO has weapons that proc - I'm still new to the game). No one's REALLY sure the acronym stands for exactly, but it's a common mmo word that is generally accepted to be short for 'Procedure' although some believe that it stands for either 'Process', 'Programmed Random Occurance, or possibly Potential Rate Of Cast (this one is my favorite). It can also be thought of as an abbreviation of 'Proclivity', meaning a tendency or inclination.

    Whatever the case may be, this abbreviation refers to when a weapon or item activates with a "Chance on Use" effect (an ability or a spell).

    So if you have a magic sword that has a chance to cast an extra 25 fire damage while fighting, every once in a while the sword would randomly "proc" an extra 25 damage.
    [b][color=#b6942e]Slej [/color][/b][color=#937825][i]- The Man. The Guardian. The Landroval Server.[/i][/color]
    [font=Papyrus][color=grey]“I do not love the bright sword for it's sharpness, nor the arrow for it's swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.”[/color][/font]

  23. #48
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    Jul 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Quote Originally Posted by JesterFred View Post
    I'm new to this as well and am wondering if there is a resource that explains all the weapon attributes. For instance, what does a speed of 2.3 mean? Is higher better? 2.3 feet per sec - 2.3 seconds between blows? What about 3.8 damage per second? I though a weapon strike was an instantaneous occurrence.
    Yes speed means how fast you swing the weapon. Generally 2 handed weapons have a slower swing speed, but hit for a higher max damage.

    Damage Per Second (DPS) is just that, how much damage you typically can do with a weapon per second. It's just a formula using the Speed and Damage Range of the weapon.

    As to what's better. Well, I'm still too new to LotRO to help you that. I know certain items were better for certain classes in WoW (ie Rogues wanted top end damage for their main hand, and fast weapons for their offhand). So the case may be similar for certain classes here too. Right now I just worry about DPS until I learn more.

    Hope that helps!!
    [b][color=#b6942e]Slej [/color][/b][color=#937825][i]- The Man. The Guardian. The Landroval Server.[/i][/color]
    [font=Papyrus][color=grey]“I do not love the bright sword for it's sharpness, nor the arrow for it's swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.”[/color][/font]

  24. #49
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    Mar 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    DPS is used generically to refer to classes which do lots of damage in a fairly short timespan. In LOTRO, Hunters and Champions are considered the main DPS classes, although Burglars can also do pretty respectable damage.

    DPS as used in a weapon's tooltip refers to the average amount of damage the weapon will do per second. It's calculated by taking the average of the listed minimum and maximum damages and dividing that by the speed. So a weapon listed as having a min-max of 15-20 damage would do an average damage of (15+20)/2 = 17.5. If it has a speed of 1.7, the DPs would be listed as 17.5 / 1.7 = 10.3 (the game rounds the DPS to one decimal place).

    For a much more complete discussion on weapons, refer to http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=58815

  25. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: First Time Playing Online Game? Lost in the sea of acronyms and MMO terminology?

    Here's one: What does "MT" mean? From context, I get that it means that the player has typed into the wrong chat channel (OOC when they wanted to do it in "Say" or their Fellowship channel), and they want to indicate that they realize they goofed. And I assume this is done so as to head off any discussion from other confused players ("Why did you say that? What does it mean?")

    But what does "MT" itself stand for?


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