Turning off floaty names can reduce lag by quite a bit, especially in crowded areas like Bree.
Turning off floaty names can reduce lag by quite a bit, especially in crowded areas like Bree.
Join Date: March 2007
There is something that I don't think is on your list but that EVERY gamer needs to know about... What is the the Who Note and how can I set it.
In the Quest Tracker Ring (the quests that hang out on the UI and have a gold ring next to then) If you right click the ring you can chose an option "Set Who Note" It's unclear what this means or what it does, but what it does it adds you the WHO search as looking for a specific quest. So, then if right click on the ring again and click Search for others doing this quest, you will be marked on the list.
If everyone looking for quests used this instead of LFF it would make life SO much easier. just a thought... it would be nice to get some of this added to the sticky.
Last edited by Miz_Sparrow; Jun 18 2007 at 11:46 AM.
[color=green]~[/color][color=orange]*[/color][color=green]~[/color] [color=blue]O great glory and splendour! and all of my dreams have come true! [/color][color=green]~[/color][color=orange]*[/color][color=green]~[/color]
Just wanted to stop by and drop a quick post:
I'm starting on a new project with a new client after a much needed vacation; one in which I was able learn about and play LOTRO. It was during this time, that this community came together and helped put together one of the most comprehensive "Help/Tips" lists you'll find around.
You're a good group of people and I've been proud to have either met, played or worked with you in game or on this list.
So it's with some regret that I say goodbye to LOTRO for the time being.
It's super casual friendly, but despite I'm not able to commit to it with the time and interest needed and deserving of the game; nor to the friends I know who play the game more regularly than I can.
Please DO continue to add to this list as you come across new discoveries; as we're getting new players all the time; and they'll be new to the entire experience like we were. My thanks to you, and my thanks to my Kinship for their time and friendship!
Take care, you've been a great community!
[CENTER][SIZE=1][B][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#ff0000]Voxin[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 60[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Man Champion[COLOR=black]*****[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/COLOR]Elrath[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR][COLOR=black]**[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Elf Lore-master[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1][COLOR=red]Sotuadi[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR]Level 60[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Burglar[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]|[/COLOR][/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][COLOR=red][B][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=1]Braevan[COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=white]Level 55[/COLOR][COLOR=black]***[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue]Hobbit Minstrel[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
useful link for LOTRO:
http://mehq.net/ (home page)
http://mehq.net/dynmap/index.php (dynamic map)
great maps and npc locations.
Last edited by Keyera; Jul 05 2007 at 05:09 PM.
If you have stacked items in your inventory, it may change the item name in the tooltip to the plural form. This is important to note when seaching for inventory items on the AH. If you have "2 Rubies" in the inventory tooltip, be sure to search for the singular "Ruby" on the AH.
Wax is needed to make treated wood, starting at Tier1, and if you have a woodworker you know it takes a lot of treated wood to craft basic skillup items, even at Tier1. For weaponsmithing and metalsmithing, only the nicer items (the ones you'll make to use/sell to other players) require coal at Tiers1 & 2. The basic skillup items don't require the coal treated ingots until Tier3, and by then, making money is a lot easier. Even just for basic prospecting, you can't use coal until Tier2, where wax is used at Tier 1 in foresting.
I know when it comes to making tools price of coal doesn't really matter. There is a decent profit on the price the tools sell for that the price of the coal is negligible, that may not be the case for anything else if anything else besides the tools need coal.
This thread helped me immensely. I really appreciate it!
If you want help from a friend on a quest instance, keep these situations in mind:
1. If your friend has done the quest instance, they need to go to a reflecting pool in that map.
2. If your friend has not done the quest, it is still possible for them to help you. They need to be at a state where the NPC that you talk to to "Travel Now" isn't giving them a quest. If they talk to the NPC and it has a quest for them, all they will see is that quest, and not the quest you need to Travel for.
But if they don't have a quest from that NPC, they WILL be able to Travel with you into the instance to help with the quest.
Some examples from Evendim:
Twisted Heart Instance.
Say your friend was level 50 before Evendim came out. They will be able to travel with you to help on that quest. But if your friend has done the prerequisites to "Hewing the Wood", then the treant will only be giving them that quest and they won't be able to travel with you until they finish that quest and the next one.
The Tomb of Elendil (spelling?)
As long as your friend doesn't have anything pending for Calenglad, who you talk to for traveling to the Tomb, they will be able to travel with you.
[FONT=Arial Black][SIZE=3][COLOR=darkslategray]VILYA[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
How to use LFF Tool
Add yourself quickly to the LFF window: /lff <what you are interested in>
e.g. /lff LFF for GA
This will add you to the LFF Window...There is a Social Icon that calls the LFF Window...It defaults to the LFF Tab, also the default Hot key is: 'O'
Percival since Beta 1.0
"You solo *in game* because you must, because you group with the ones who count the most." -phaelan2
Last night I found out that you can move skills from your pet bar onto your regular quickslot bars. Why is this useful? Well, now I can put the useful pet buttons on a bar and make it horizontal so it stops getting in the way, then hide my regular pet bar. It's much easier. I was having the hardest time trying to find a good place to dock my pet bar before last night.
I wish I'd known there was a 10x normal drop rate mob group in the game earlier than I found out.
Last night i learned i was spamming the channel with the ;loc command and i didn't know everyone was seeing it.
So i was told to send myself a tell with the ;loc command.
I blushed.
Thanks for posting these. An aptly named thread for sure! LOL
Don't know if its been said, but I finally realized this last night:
In some quests you must carry something - water, torches, statues, etc. During this time, you cannot heal or attack. But if you must, you can click the 'carrying' bar and it will ask you if you want to drop the object.
I just read Phredd's post about the 10x coin drops. I have a 31M on Elendilmir but am new to MMOGs and have heard lots about gold farmers in the forums. I thought they had a way to trick the code and somehow bump up the gold in your character, but it sounds like they actually play the game and just grab cash. True? They just run around all day and grab loot and mail it in-game to people who give them a credit card on some web site? I guess they just solo so they get more loot. I can't imagine making enough money that way to offset the boredom of killing the same guys over and over all day long. Probably also explains why I can't afford to buy items at auction - some people have way too much gold.
Gold farming is basically slave labor endless grinding at mobs or other tasks to generate large amounts of coins. There was a very good article not long ago revealing the life of a chinese slave labor gold farmer. It basically amounts to working 12 hours a day to make less than $1 USD a day or something like that. Its sad to think how little wages employees in china make. Having read the article one of the farmers said the pay they got for doing it was better than their previous job but only marginally.
Please forgive me if this has already been posted, but I did not see it on the topic compilation.
For farmers and farmer/cooks: If you want to store large amounts of particular crops for your own use or for selling later (i.e. green onions, which I keep on hand for making Steak and Kidney Pies), it's best to store it in bushel form. You can store a stack of 50 gleaned onions in one vault slot, but you can also store a stack of 50 *bushels* of onions in one slot--200 onions.
The exception: brewing ingredients. Most recipes that require veggies or fruit only take 1, but to make a unit of barley mash or prepared hops, it takes 4 hops or 4 barley, which is how much each bushel yields. So you might as well store your barley and hops in prepared form, because it ends up taking the same amount of space in the end.
You can watch any cutscene in the game by installing the Bink video player ( http://www.radgametools.com/bnkdown.htm ) and using it to play the *.bik files under the raw\ subdirectory.